On Azubu, your stream page is your personal space. It’s a place that you should be able to decorate however you’d like to make it your own. In short, it’s your home when you’re broadcasting, and it should be an expression of who you are and what you’re about.

The way you can accomplish this on Azubu is through modules. A module is a customizble block that lives under your stream. It can hold your bio, links to your social media, images, news stories, and more. The video above shows you how to do it.

In short, here’s how to place a module on your page:

1. Log into your account at the top right of azubu.tv.

2. Select your name, and select “Create a Module.”


3. Select the module type, add your content in the content fields, and select “Save Module.”

4. Head to your page to refine your modules by resizing and moving them around.

And that’s it! Need some inspiration? Check out these pages:

SKT T1 Faker

TiP Rush


There are a variety of options available to let you customize your page. The flexibility of modules allows you to truly make your stream page your home.

So give it a whirl, and you you have any issues, our Support team is standing by – simply email Support@azubu.com!


A veteran writer and gamer who fell for the old "jump down that first hole in World 1-1 and you'll get a free life" trick in the original Mario when he was 3 years old. His sign is Sagittarius, which mean's he's allergic to Virgos or something. Follow him on Twitter at @darinjk2.