Store data in ViewModel

1. Before you begin

You have learned in the previous codelabs the lifecycle of activities and fragments and the related lifecycle issues with configuration changes. To save the app data, saving the instance state is one option, but it comes with its own limitations. In this codelab you learn about a robust way to design your app and preserve app data during configuration changes, by taking advantage of Android Jetpack libraries.

Android Jetpack libraries are a collection of libraries to make it easier for you to develop great Android apps. These libraries help you follow best practices, free you from writing boilerplate code, and simplify complex tasks, so you can focus on the code you care about, like the app logic.

Android Architecture Components are part of Android Jetpack libraries, to help you design apps with good architecture. Architecture Components provide guidance on app architecture, and it is the recommended best practice.

App architecture is a set of design rules. Much like the blueprint of a house, your architecture provides the structure for your app. A good app architecture can make your code robust, flexible, scalable and maintainable for years to come.

In this codelab, you learn how to use ViewModel, one of the Architecture components to store your app data. The stored data is not lost if the framework destroys and re-creates the activities and fragments during a configuration change or other events.


  • How to download source code from GitHub and open it in Android Studio.
  • How to create and run a basic Android app in Kotlin, using activities and fragments.
  • Knowledge about Material text field and common UI widgets such as TextView and Button.
  • How to use view binding in the app.
  • Basics of activity and fragment lifecycle.
  • How to add logging information to an app and read logs using Logcat in Android Studio.

What you'll learn

What you'll build

  • An Unscramble game app where the user can guess the scrambled words.

What you need

  • A computer with Android Studio installed.
  • Starter code for the Unscramble app.

2. Starter app overview

Game overview

The Unscramble app is a single player word scrambler game. The app displays one scrambled word at a time, and the player has to guess the word using all the letters from the scrambled word. The player scores points if the word is correct, otherwise the player can try any number of times. The app also has an option to skip the current word. In the left top corner, the app displays the word count, which is the number of words played in this current game. There are 10 words per game.

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Download starter code

This codelab provides starter code for you to extend with features taught in this codelab. Starter code may contain code that is both familiar and unfamiliar to you from previous codelabs. You will learn more about unfamiliar code in later codelabs.

If you use the starter code from GitHub, note that the folder name is android-basics-kotlin-unscramble-app-starter. Select this folder when you open the project in Android Studio.

  1. Navigate to the provided GitHub repository page for the project.
  2. Verify that the branch name matches the branch name specified in the codelab. For example, in the following screenshot the branch name is main.


  1. On the GitHub page for the project, click the Code button, which brings up a popup.


  1. In the popup, click the Download ZIP button to save the project to your computer. Wait for the download to complete.
  2. Locate the file on your computer (likely in the Downloads folder).
  3. Double-click the ZIP file to unpack it. This creates a new folder that contains the project files.

Open the project in Android Studio

  1. Start Android Studio.
  2. In the Welcome to Android Studio window, click Open.


Note: If Android Studio is already open, instead, select the File > Open menu option.


  1. In the file browser, navigate to where the unzipped project folder is located (likely in your Downloads folder).
  2. Double-click on that project folder.
  3. Wait for Android Studio to open the project.
  4. Click the Run button 8de56cba7583251f.png to build and run the app. Make sure it builds as expected.

Starter code overview

  1. Open the project with the starter code in Android Studio.
  2. Run the app on an Android device, or on an emulator.
  3. Play the game through a few words, tapping Submit and Skip buttons. Notice that tapping the buttons displays the next word and increases the word count.
  4. Observe that the score is increased only on tapping the Submit button.

Problems with the starter code

As you played the game, you may have observed the following bugs:

  1. On clicking the Submit button, the app does not check the player's word. The player always scores points.
  2. There is no way to end the game. The app lets you play beyond 10 words.
  3. The game screen shows a scrambled word, player's score, and word count. Change the screen orientation by rotating the device or emulator. Notice that the current word, score, and word count are lost and the game restarts from the beginning.

Main issues in the app

The starter app doesn't save and restore the app state and data during configuration changes, such as when the device orientation changes.

You could resolve this issue using the onSaveInstanceState() callback. However, using the onSaveInstanceState() method requires you to write extra code to save the state in a bundle, and to implement logic to retrieve that state. Also, the amount of data that can be stored is minimal.

You can resolve these issues using the Android Architecture components that you learn about in this pathway.

Starter code walk through

The starter code you downloaded has the game screen layout pre-designed for you. In this pathway, you will focus on implementing the game logic. You will use architecture components to implement the recommended app architecture and resolve the above mentioned issues. Here is a brief walkthrough of some of the files to get you started.


  • Open res/layout/game_fragment.xml in Design view.
  • This contains the layout of the only screen in your app that is the game screen.
  • This layout contains a text field for the player's word, along with TextViews to display score and word count. It also has instructions and buttons (Submit and Skip) to play the game.


Defines the main activity layout with a single game fragment.

res/values folder

You are familiar with the resource files in this folder.

  • colors.xml contains the theme colors used in the app
  • strings.xml contains all the strings your app needs
  • themes and styles folders contain the UI customization done for your app


Contains the default template generated code to set the activity's content view as main_activity.xml.


This file contains a list of the words used in the game, as well as constants for the maximum number of words per game and the number of points the player scores for every correct word.


This is the only fragment in your app, where most of the game's action takes place:

  • Variables are defined for the current scrambled word (currentScrambledWord), word count (currentWordCount), and the score (score).
  • Binding object instance with access to the game_fragment views called binding is defined.
  • onCreateView() function inflates the game_fragment layout XML using the binding object.
  • onViewCreated() function sets up the button click listeners and updates the UI.
  • onSubmitWord() is the click listener for the Submit button, this function displays the next scrambled word, clears the text field, and increases the score and word count without validating the player's word.
  • onSkipWord() is the click listener for the Skip button, this function updates the UI similar to onSubmitWord() except the score.
  • getNextScrambledWord() is a helper function that picks a random word from the list of words and shuffles the letters in it.
  • restartGame() and exitGame() functions are used to restart and end the game respectively, you will use these functions later.
  • setErrorTextField() clears the text field content and resets the error status.
  • updateNextWordOnScreen() function displays the new scrambled word.

3. Learn about App Architecture

Architecture provides you with the guidelines to help you allocate responsibilities in your app, between the classes. A well-designed app architecture helps you scale your app and extend it with additional features in the future. It also makes team collaboration easier.

The most common architectural principles are: separation of concerns and driving UI from a model.

Separation of concerns

The separation of concerns design principle states that the app should be divided into classes, each with separate responsibilities.

Drive UI from a model

Another important principle is that you should drive your UI from a model, preferably a persistent model. Models are components that are responsible for handling the data for an app. They're independent from the Views and app components in your app, so they're unaffected by the app's lifecycle and the associated concerns.

The main classes or components in Android Architecture are UI Controller (activity/fragment), ViewModel, LiveData and Room. These components take care of some of the complexity of the lifecycle and help you avoid lifecycle related issues. You learn about LiveData and Room in later codelabs.

This diagram shows a basic portion of the architecture:


UI controller (Activity / Fragment)

Activities and fragments are UI controllers. UI controllers control the UI by drawing views on the screen, capturing user events, and anything else related to the UI that the user interacts with. Data in the app or any decision-making logic about that data should not be in the UI controller classes.

The Android system can destroy UI controllers at any time based on certain user interactions or because of system conditions like low memory. Because these events aren't under your control, you shouldn't store any app data or state in UI controllers. Instead, the decision-making logic about the data should be added in your ViewModel.

For example, in your Unscramble app, the scrambled word, score, and word count are displayed in a fragment (UI controller). The decision-making code such as figuring out the next scrambled word, and calculations of score and word count should be in your ViewModel.


The ViewModel is a model of the app data that is displayed in the views. Models are components that are responsible for handling the data for an app. They allow your app to follow the architecture principle, driving the UI from the model.

The ViewModel stores the app related data that isn't destroyed when activity or fragment is destroyed and recreated by the Android framework. ViewModel objects are automatically retained (they are not destroyed like the activity or a fragment instance) during configuration changes so that data they hold is immediately available to the next activity or fragment instance.

To implement ViewModel in your app, extend the ViewModel class, which is from the architecture components library, and store app data within that class.

To summarize:

Fragment / activity (UI controller) responsibilities

ViewModel responsibilities

Activities and fragments are responsible for drawing views and data to the screen and responding to the user events.

ViewModel is responsible for holding and processing all the data needed for the UI. It should never access your view hierarchy (like view binding object) or hold a reference to the activity or the fragment.

4. Add a ViewModel

In this task, you add a ViewModel to your app to store your app data (scrambled word, word count, and score).

Your app will be architected in the following way. MainActivity contains a GameFragment, and the GameFragment will access information about the game from the GameViewModel.


  1. In the Android window of your Android Studio under the Gradle Scripts folder, open the file build.gradle(
  2. To use the ViewModel in your app, verify that you have the ViewModel library dependency inside the dependencies block. This step is already done for you. Depending on the latest version of the library, the library version number in the generated code might be different.
// ViewModel
implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.3.1'

It is recommended to always use the latest version of the library in spite of the version mentioned in the codelab.

  1. Create a new Kotlin class file called GameViewModel. In the Android window, right click on the folder. Select New > Kotlin File/Class.


  1. Give it the name GameViewModel, and select Class from the list.
  2. Change GameViewModel to be subclassed from ViewModel. ViewModel is an abstract class, so you need to extend it to use it in your app. See the GameViewModel class definition below.
class GameViewModel : ViewModel() {

Attach the ViewModel to the Fragment

To associate a ViewModel to a UI controller (activity / fragment), create a reference (object) to the ViewModel inside the UI controller.

In this step, you create an object instance of the GameViewModel inside the corresponding UI controller, which is GameFragment.

  1. At the top of the GameFragment class, add a property of type GameViewModel.
  2. Initialize the GameViewModel using the by viewModels() Kotlin property delegate. You will learn more about it in the next section.
private val viewModel: GameViewModel by viewModels()
  1. If prompted by Android Studio, import

Kotlin property delegate

In Kotlin, each mutable (var) property has default getter and setter functions automatically generated for it. The setter and getter functions are called when you assign a value or read the value of the property.

For a read-only property (val), it differs slightly from a mutable property. Only the getter function is generated by default. This getter function is called when you read the value of a read-only property.

Property delegation in Kotlin helps you to handoff the getter-setter responsibility to a different class.

This class (called delegate class) provides getter and setter functions of the property and handles its changes.

A delegate property is defined using the by clause and a delegate class instance:

// Syntax for property delegation
var <property-name> : <property-type> by <delegate-class>()

In your app, if you initialize the view model using default GameViewModel constructor, like below:

private val viewModel = GameViewModel()

Then the app will lose the state of the viewModel reference when the device goes through a configuration change. For example, if you rotate the device, then the activity is destroyed and created again, and you'll have a new view model instance with the initial state again.

Instead, use the property delegate approach and delegate the responsibility of the viewModel object to a separate class called viewModels. That means when you access the viewModel object, it is handled internally by the delegate class, viewModels. The delegate class creates the viewModel object for you on the first access, and retains its value through configuration changes and returns the value when requested.

5. Move data to the ViewModel

Separating your app's UI data from the UI controller (your Activity / Fragment classes) lets you better follow the single responsibility principle we discussed above. Your activities and fragments are responsible for drawing views and data to the screen, while your ViewModel is responsible for holding and processing all the data needed for the UI.

In this task, you move the data variables from GameFragment to GameViewModel class.

  1. Move the data variables score, currentWordCount, currentScrambledWord to GameViewModel class.
class GameViewModel : ViewModel() {

    private var score = 0
    private var currentWordCount = 0
    private var currentScrambledWord = "test"
  1. Notice the errors about unresolved references. This is because properties are private to the ViewModel and are not accessible by your UI controller. You'll fix these errors next.

To resolve this issue, you can't make the visibility modifiers of the properties public—the data should not be editable by other classes. This is risky because an outside class could change the data in unexpected ways that don't follow the game rules specified in the view model. For example, an outside class could change the score to a negative value.

Inside the ViewModel, the data should be editable, so they should be private and var. From outside the ViewModel, data should be readable, but not editable, so the data should be exposed as public and val. To achieve this behavior, Kotlin has a feature called a backing property.

Backing property

A backing property allows you to return something from a getter other than the exact object.

You have already learned that for every property, the Kotlin framework generates getters and setters.

For getter and setter methods, you could override one or both of these methods and provide your own custom behavior. To implement a backing property, you will override the getter method to return a read-only version of your data. Example of backing property:

// Declare private mutable variable that can only be modified
// within the class it is declared.
private var _count = 0 

// Declare another public immutable field and override its getter method. 
// Return the private property's value in the getter method.
// When count is accessed, the get() function is called and
// the value of _count is returned. 
val count: Int
   get() = _count

Consider an example, in your app you want the app data to be private to the ViewModel:

Inside the ViewModel class:

  • The property _count is private and mutable. Hence, it is only accessible and editable within the ViewModel class. The convention is to prefix the private property with an underscore.

Outside the ViewModel class:

  • The default visibility modifier in Kotlin is public, so count is public and accessible from other classes like UI controllers. Since only the get() method is being overridden, this property is immutable and read-only. When an outside class accesses this property, it returns the value of _count and its value can't be modified. This protects the app data inside the ViewModel from unwanted and unsafe changes by external classes, but it allows external callers to safely access its value.

Add backing property to currentScrambledWord

  1. In GameViewModel change the currentScrambledWord declaration to add a backing property. Now _currentScrambledWord is accessible and editable only within the GameViewModel. The UI controller, GameFragment can read its value using the read-only property, currentScrambledWord.
private var _currentScrambledWord = "test"
val currentScrambledWord: String
   get() = _currentScrambledWord
  1. In GameFragment, update the method updateNextWordOnScreen() to use the read-only viewModel property, currentScrambledWord.
private fun updateNextWordOnScreen() {
   binding.textViewUnscrambledWord.text = viewModel.currentScrambledWord
  1. In GameFragment, delete the code inside the methods onSubmitWord() and onSkipWord(). You will implement these methods later. You should be able to compile the code now without errors.

6. The lifecycle of a ViewModel

The framework keeps the ViewModel alive as long as the scope of the activity or fragment is alive. A ViewModel is not destroyed if its owner is destroyed for a configuration change, such as screen rotation. The new instance of the owner reconnects to the existing ViewModel instance, as illustrated by the following diagram:


Understand ViewModel lifecycle

Add logging in the GameViewModel and GameFragment to help you better understand the lifecycle of the ViewModel.

  1. In GameViewModel.kt add an init block with a log statement.
class GameViewModel : ViewModel() {
   init {
       Log.d("GameFragment", "GameViewModel created!")


Kotlin provides the initializer block (also known as the init block) as a place for initial setup code needed during the initialization of an object instance. Initializer blocks are prefixed with the init keyword followed by the curly braces {}. This block of code is run when the object instance is first created and initialized.

  1. In the GameViewModel class, override the onCleared() method. The ViewModel is destroyed when the associated fragment is detached, or when the activity is finished. Right before the ViewModel is destroyed, the onCleared() callback is called.
  2. Add a log statement inside onCleared() to track the GameViewModel lifecycle.
override fun onCleared() {
    Log.d("GameFragment", "GameViewModel destroyed!")
  1. In GameFragment inside onCreateView(), after you get a reference to the binding object, add a log statement to log the creation of the fragment. The onCreateView() callback will be triggered when the fragment is created for the first time and also every time it is re-created for any events like configuration changes.
override fun onCreateView(
   inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
   savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View {
   binding = GameFragmentBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false)
   Log.d("GameFragment", "GameFragment created/re-created!")
   return binding.root
  1. In GameFragment, override the onDetach() callback method, which will be called when the corresponding activity and fragment are destroyed.
override fun onDetach() {
    Log.d("GameFragment", "GameFragment destroyed!")
  1. In Android Studio, run the app, open the Logcat window and filter on GameFragment. Notice that GameFragment and the GameViewModel are created. D/GameFragment: GameFragment created/re-created! D/GameFragment: GameViewModel created!
  1. Enable the auto-rotate setting on your device or emulator and change the screen orientation a few times. The GameFragment is destroyed and recreated each time, but the GameViewModel is created only once, and it is not re-created or destroyed for each call. D/GameFragment: GameFragment created/re-created! D/GameFragment: GameViewModel created! D/GameFragment: GameFragment destroyed! D/GameFragment: GameFragment created/re-created! D/GameFragment: GameFragment destroyed! D/GameFragment: GameFragment created/re-created! D/GameFragment: GameFragment destroyed! D/GameFragment: GameFragment created/re-created! D/GameFragment: GameFragment destroyed! D/GameFragment: GameFragment created/re-created!
  1. Exit the game or navigate out of the app using the back arrow. The GameViewModel is destroyed, and the callback onCleared() is called. The GameFragment is destroyed. D/GameFragment: GameViewModel destroyed! D/GameFragment: GameFragment destroyed!

7. Populate ViewModel

In this task, you further populate the GameViewModel with helper methods for getting the next word, validating the player's word to increase the score, and checking the word count to end the game.

Late initialization

Typically when you declare a variable, you provide it with an initial value upfront. However, if you're not ready to assign a value yet, you could initialize it later. To late initialize a property in Kotlin you use the keyword lateinit, which means late initialization. If you guarantee that you will initialize the property before using it, you can declare the property with lateinit. Memory is not allocated to the variable until it is initialized. If you try to access the variable before initializing it, the app will crash.

Get next word

Create the getNextWord() method in the GameViewModel class, with the following functionality:

  • Get a random word from the allWordsList and assign it to currentWord.
  • Create a scrambled word by scrambling the letters in the currentWord and assign it to the currentScrambledWord
  • Handle the case where the scrambled word is the same as the unscrambled word.
  • Make sure you don't show the same word twice during the game.

Implement the following steps in GameViewModel class:

  1. In GameViewModel, add a new class variable of type MutableList<String> called wordsList, to hold a list of words you use in the game, to avoid repetitions.
  2. Add another class variable called currentWord to hold the word the player is trying to unscramble. Use the lateinit keyword since you will initialize this property later.
private var wordsList: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
private lateinit var currentWord: String
  1. Add a new private method called getNextWord(), above the init block, with no parameters that returns nothing.
  2. Get a random word from the allWordsList and assign it to currentWord.
private fun getNextWord() {
   currentWord = allWordsList.random()
  1. In getNextWord(), convert the currentWord string to an array of characters and assign it to a new val called tempWord. To scramble the word, shuffle characters in this array using the Kotlin method, shuffle().
val tempWord = currentWord.toCharArray()

An Array is similar to a MutableList, but it has a fixed size when it's initialized. An Array cannot expand or shrink its size (you need to copy an array to resize it) whereas a MutableList has add() and remove() functions, so that it can increase and decrease in size.

  1. Sometimes the shuffled order of characters is the same as the original word. Add the following while loop around the call to shuffle, to continue the loop until the scrambled word is not the same as the original word.
while (String(tempWord).equals(currentWord, false)) {
  1. Add an if-else block to check if a word has been used already. If the wordsList contains currentWord, call getNextWord(). If not, update the value of _currentScrambledWord with the newly scrambled word, increase the word count, and add the new word to the wordsList.
if (wordsList.contains(currentWord)) {
} else {
    _currentScrambledWord = String(tempWord)
  1. Here is the completed getNextWord() method for your reference.
* Updates currentWord and currentScrambledWord with the next word.
private fun getNextWord() {
   currentWord = allWordsList.random()
   val tempWord = currentWord.toCharArray()

   while (String(tempWord).equals(currentWord, false)) {
   if (wordsList.contains(currentWord)) {
   } else {
       _currentScrambledWord = String(tempWord)

Late-initialize currentScrambledWord

Now you have created the getNextWord() method, to get the next scrambled word. You will make a call to it when the GameViewModel is initialized for the first time. Use the init block to initialize lateinit properties in the class such as the current word. The result will be that the first word displayed on the screen will be a scrambled word instead of test.

  1. Run the app. Notice the first word is always "test".
  2. To display a scrambled word at the start of the app, you need to call the getNextWord() method, which in turn updates currentScrambledWord. Make a call to the method getNextWord() inside the init block of the GameViewModel.
init {
    Log.d("GameFragment", "GameViewModel created!")
  1. Add the lateinit modifier onto the _currentScrambledWord property. Add an explicit mention of the data type String, since no initial value is provided.
private lateinit var _currentScrambledWord: String
  1. Run the app. Notice a new scrambled word is displayed at the app launch. Awesome!


Add a helper method

Next add a helper method to process and modify the data inside the ViewModel. You will use this method in later tasks.

  1. In the GameViewModel class, add another method called nextWord(). Get the next word from the list and return true if the word count is less than the MAX_NO_OF_WORDS.
* Returns true if the current word count is less than MAX_NO_OF_WORDS.
* Updates the next word.
fun nextWord(): Boolean {
    return if (currentWordCount < MAX_NO_OF_WORDS) {
    } else false

8. Dialogs

In the starter code, the game never ended, even after 10 words were played through. Modify your app so that after the user goes through 10 words, the game is over and you show a dialog with the final score. You will also give the user an option to play again or exit the game.


This is the first time you'll be adding a dialog to an app. A dialog is a small window (screen) that prompts the user to make a decision or enter additional information. Normally a dialog does not fill the entire screen, and it requires users to take an action before they can proceed. Android provides different types of Dialogs. In this codelab, you learn about Alert Dialogs.

Anatomy of alert dialog


  1. Alert Dialog
  2. Title (optional)
  3. Message
  4. Text buttons

Implement final score dialog

Use the MaterialAlertDialog from the Material Design Components library to add a dialog to your app that follows Material guidelines. Since a dialog is UI related, the GameFragment will be responsible for creating and showing the final score dialog.

  1. First add a backing property to the score variable. In GameViewModel, change the score variable declaration to the following.
private var _score = 0
val score: Int
   get() = _score
  1. In GameFragment, add a private function called showFinalScoreDialog(). To create a MaterialAlertDialog, use the MaterialAlertDialogBuilder class to build up parts of the dialog step-by-step. Call the MaterialAlertDialogBuilder constructor passing in the content using the fragment's requireContext() method. The requireContext() method returns a non-null Context.
* Creates and shows an AlertDialog with the final score.
private fun showFinalScoreDialog() {

As the name suggests, Context refers to the context or the current state of an application, activity, or fragment. It contains the information regarding the activity, fragment or application. Usually it is used to get access to resources, databases, and other system services. In this step, you pass the fragment context to create the alert dialog.

If prompted by Android Studio, import

  1. Add the code to set the title on the alert dialog, use a string resource from strings.xml.
  1. Set the message to show the final score, use the read-only version of the score variable (viewModel.score), you added earlier.
   .setMessage(getString(R.string.you_scored, viewModel.score))
  1. Make your alert dialog not cancelable when the back key is pressed, using setCancelable() method and passing false.
  1. Add two text buttons EXIT and PLAY AGAIN using the methods setNegativeButton() and setPositiveButton(). Call exitGame() and restartGame() respectively from the lambdas.
    .setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.exit)) { _, _ ->
    .setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.play_again)) { _, _ ->

This syntax may be new to you, but this is shorthand for setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.exit), { _, _ -> exitGame()}) where the setNegativeButton() method takes in two parameters: a String and a function, DialogInterface.OnClickListener() which can be expressed as a lambda. When the last argument being passed in is a function, you could place the lambda expression outside the parentheses. This is known as trailing lambda syntax. Both ways of writing the code (with the lambda inside or outside the parentheses) is acceptable. The same applies for the setPositiveButton function.

  1. At the end, add show(), which creates and then displays the alert dialog.
  1. Here is the complete showFinalScoreDialog() method for reference.
* Creates and shows an AlertDialog with the final score.
private fun showFinalScoreDialog() {
       .setMessage(getString(R.string.you_scored, viewModel.score))
       .setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.exit)) { _, _ ->
       .setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.play_again)) { _, _ ->

9. Implement OnClickListener for Submit button

In this task, you use the ViewModel and the alert dialog you added to implement the game logic for the Submit button click listener.

Display the scrambled words

  1. If you haven't already done so, in GameFragment, delete the code inside onSubmitWord() which gets called when the Submit button is tapped.
  2. Add a check on the return value of viewModel.nextWord() method. If true, another word is available, so update the scrambled word on screen using updateNextWordOnScreen(). Otherwise the game is over, so display the alert dialog with the final score.
private fun onSubmitWord() {
    if (viewModel.nextWord()) {
    } else {
  1. Run the app! Play through some words. Remember, you have not yet implemented the Skip button, so you can't skip the word.
  2. Notice the text field is not updated, so the player has to manually delete the previous word. The final score in the alert dialog is always zero. You will fix these bugs in the coming steps.

a4c660e212ce2c31.png 12a42987a0edd2c4.png

Add a helper method to validate player word

  1. In GameViewModel, add a new private method called increaseScore() with no parameters and no return value. Increase the score variable by SCORE_INCREASE.
private fun increaseScore() {
   _score += SCORE_INCREASE
  1. In GameViewModel, add a helper method called isUserWordCorrect() which returns a Boolean and takes a String, the player's word, as a parameter.
  2. In isUserWordCorrect() validate the player's word and increase the score if the guess is correct. This will update the final score in your alert dialog.
fun isUserWordCorrect(playerWord: String): Boolean {
   if (playerWord.equals(currentWord, true)) {
       return true
   return false

Update the text field

Show errors in text field

For Material text fields, TextInputLayout comes with a built-in functionality to display error messages. For example in the following text field, the color of the label is changed, an error icon is displayed, an error message is displayed, and so on.


To show an error in the text field, you can set the error message either dynamically in code or statically in the layout file. Example to set and reset the error in code is shown below:

// Set error text
passwordLayout.error = getString(R.string.error)

// Clear error text
passwordLayout.error = null

In the starter code, you will find the helper method setErrorTextField(error: Boolean) is already defined to help you set and reset the error in the text field. Call this method with true or false as the input parameter based on whether you want an error to show up in the text field or not.

Code snippet in the starter code

private fun setErrorTextField(error: Boolean) {
   if (error) {
       binding.textField.isErrorEnabled = true
       binding.textField.error = getString(R.string.try_again)
   } else {
       binding.textField.isErrorEnabled = false
       binding.textInputEditText.text = null

In this task, you implement the method onSubmitWord(). When a word is submitted, validate the user's guess by checking against the original word. If the word is correct, then go to the next word (or show the dialog if the game has ended). If the word is incorrect, show an error on the text field and stay on the current word.

  1. In GameFragment, at the beginning of onSubmitWord(), create a val called playerWord. Store the player's word in it, by extracting it from the text field in the binding variable.
private fun onSubmitWord() {
    val playerWord = binding.textInputEditText.text.toString()
  1. In onSubmitWord(), below the declaration of playerWord, validate the player's word. Add an if statement to check the player's word using the isUserWordCorrect() method, passing in the playerWord.
  2. Inside the if block, reset the text field, call setErrorTextField passing in false.
  3. Move the existing code inside the if block.
private fun onSubmitWord() {
    val playerWord = binding.textInputEditText.text.toString()

    if (viewModel.isUserWordCorrect(playerWord)) {
        if (viewModel.nextWord()) {
        } else {
  1. If the user word is incorrect, show an error message in the text field. Add an else block to the above if block, and call setErrorTextField() passing in true. Your completed onSubmitWord() method should look like this:
private fun onSubmitWord() {
    val playerWord = binding.textInputEditText.text.toString()

    if (viewModel.isUserWordCorrect(playerWord)) {
        if (viewModel.nextWord()) {
        } else {
    } else {
  1. Run your app. Play through some words. if the player's word is correct, the word is cleared on clicking the Submit button, otherwise a message saying "Try again!" is displayed. Notice that the Skip button is still not functional. You will add this implementation in the next task.


10. Implement the Skip button

In this task, you add the implementation for onSkipWord() which handles when the Skip button is clicked.

  1. Similar to onSubmitWord(), add a condition in the onSkipWord() method. If true, display the word on screen and reset the text field. If false and there's no more words left in this round, show the alert dialog with the final score.
* Skips the current word without changing the score.
private fun onSkipWord() {
    if (viewModel.nextWord()) {
    } else {
  1. Run your app. Play the game. Notice the Skip and Submit buttons are working as intended. Excellent!

11. Verify the ViewModel preserves data

For this task, add logging in GameFragment to observe that your app data is preserved in the ViewModel, during configuration changes. To access currentWordCount in GameFragment, you need to expose a read-only version using a backing property.

  1. In GameViewModel, right click on the variable currentWordCount, select Refactor > Rename... . Prefix the new name with an underscore, _currentWordCount.
  2. Add a backing field.
private var _currentWordCount = 0
val currentWordCount: Int
   get() = _currentWordCount
  1. In GameFragment inside onCreateView(), above the return statement add another log to print the app data, word, score, and word count.
Log.d("GameFragment", "Word: ${viewModel.currentScrambledWord} " +
       "Score: ${viewModel.score} WordCount: ${viewModel.currentWordCount}")
  1. In Android Studio open Logcat, filter on GameFragment. Run your app and play through some words. Change the orientation of your device. The fragment (UI controller) is destroyed and recreated. Observe the logs. Now you can see the score and word count increasing! D/GameFragment: GameFragment created/re-created! D/GameFragment: GameViewModel created! D/GameFragment: Word: oimfnru Score: 0 WordCount: 1 D/GameFragment: GameFragment destroyed! D/GameFragment: GameFragment created/re-created! D/GameFragment: Word: ofx Score: 80 WordCount: 5 D/GameFragment: GameFragment destroyed! D/GameFragment: GameFragment created/re-created! D/GameFragment: Word: ofx Score: 80 WordCount: 5 D/GameFragment: GameFragment destroyed! D/GameFragment: GameFragment created/re-created! D/GameFragment: Word: nvoiil Score: 160 WordCount: 9 D/GameFragment: GameFragment destroyed! D/GameFragment: GameFragment created/re-created! D/GameFragment: Word: nvoiil Score: 160 WordCount: 9

Notice that the app data is preserved in the ViewModel during orientation changes. You will update score value and word count in the UI using LiveData and Data Binding in later codelabs.

12. Update game restart logic

  1. Run the app again, play the game through all the words. In the Congratulations! alert dialog, click PLAY AGAIN. The app won't let you play again because the word count has now reached the value MAX_NO_OF_WORDS. You need to reset the word count to 0 to play the game again from the beginning.
  2. To reset the app data, in GameViewModel add a method called reinitializeData(). Set the score and word count to 0. Clear the word list and call getNextWord() method.
* Re-initializes the game data to restart the game.
fun reinitializeData() {
   _score = 0
   _currentWordCount = 0
  1. In GameFragment at the top the method restartGame(), make a call to the newly created method, reinitializeData().
private fun restartGame() {
  1. Run your app again. Play the game. When you reach the congratulations dialog, click on Play Again. Now you should be able to successfully play the game again!

This is what your final app should look like. The game shows ten random scrambled words for the player to unscramble. You can either Skip the word or guess a word and tap Submit. If you guess correctly, the score increases. An incorrect guess shows an error state in the text field. With each new word, the word count also increases.

Note that the score and word count displayed on screen do not update yet. But the information is still being stored in the view model and preserved during configuration changes like device rotation. You will update the score and word count on screen in later codelabs.

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At the end of 10 words, the game is over and an alert dialog pops up with your final score and an option to exit the game or play again.


Congratulations! You have created your first ViewModel and you saved the data!

13. Solution code


import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup

 * Fragment where the game is played, contains the game logic.
class GameFragment : Fragment() {

    private val viewModel: GameViewModel by viewModels()

    // Binding object instance with access to the views in the game_fragment.xml layout
    private lateinit var binding: GameFragmentBinding

    // Create a ViewModel the first time the fragment is created.
    // If the fragment is re-created, it receives the same GameViewModel instance created by the
    // first fragment

    override fun onCreateView(
        inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
        savedInstanceState: Bundle?
    ): View {
        // Inflate the layout XML file and return a binding object instance
        binding = GameFragmentBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false)
        Log.d("GameFragment", "GameFragment created/re-created!")
        Log.d("GameFragment", "Word: ${viewModel.currentScrambledWord} " +
                "Score: ${viewModel.score} WordCount: ${viewModel.currentWordCount}")
        return binding.root

    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

        // Setup a click listener for the Submit and Skip buttons.
        binding.submit.setOnClickListener { onSubmitWord() }
        binding.skip.setOnClickListener { onSkipWord() }
        // Update the UI
        binding.score.text = getString(R.string.score, 0)
        binding.wordCount.text = getString(
            R.string.word_count, 0, MAX_NO_OF_WORDS)

    * Checks the user's word, and updates the score accordingly.
    * Displays the next scrambled word.
    * After the last word, the user is shown a Dialog with the final score.
    private fun onSubmitWord() {
        val playerWord = binding.textInputEditText.text.toString()

        if (viewModel.isUserWordCorrect(playerWord)) {
            if (viewModel.nextWord()) {
            } else {
        } else {

    * Skips the current word without changing the score.
    private fun onSkipWord() {
        if (viewModel.nextWord()) {
        } else {

     * Gets a random word for the list of words and shuffles the letters in it.
    private fun getNextScrambledWord(): String {
        val tempWord = allWordsList.random().toCharArray()
        return String(tempWord)

    * Creates and shows an AlertDialog with the final score.
    private fun showFinalScoreDialog() {
            .setMessage(getString(R.string.you_scored, viewModel.score))
            .setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.exit)) { _, _ ->
            .setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.play_again)) { _, _ ->

     * Re-initializes the data in the ViewModel and updates the views with the new data, to
     * restart the game.
    private fun restartGame() {

     * Exits the game.
    private fun exitGame() {

    override fun onDetach() {
        Log.d("GameFragment", "GameFragment destroyed!")

    * Sets and resets the text field error status.
    private fun setErrorTextField(error: Boolean) {
        if (error) {
            binding.textField.isErrorEnabled = true
            binding.textField.error = getString(R.string.try_again)
        } else {
            binding.textField.isErrorEnabled = false
            binding.textInputEditText.text = null

     * Displays the next scrambled word on screen.
    private fun updateNextWordOnScreen() {
        binding.textViewUnscrambledWord.text = viewModel.currentScrambledWord


import android.util.Log
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel

 * ViewModel containing the app data and methods to process the data
class GameViewModel : ViewModel(){
    private var _score = 0
    val score: Int
        get() = _score

    private var _currentWordCount = 0
    val currentWordCount: Int
        get() = _currentWordCount

    private lateinit var _currentScrambledWord: String
    val currentScrambledWord: String
        get() = _currentScrambledWord

    // List of words used in the game
    private var wordsList: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
    private lateinit var currentWord: String

    init {
        Log.d("GameFragment", "GameViewModel created!")

    override fun onCleared() {
        Log.d("GameFragment", "GameViewModel destroyed!")

    * Updates currentWord and currentScrambledWord with the next word.
    private fun getNextWord() {
        currentWord = allWordsList.random()
        val tempWord = currentWord.toCharArray()

        while (String(tempWord).equals(currentWord, false)) {
        if (wordsList.contains(currentWord)) {
        } else {
            _currentScrambledWord = String(tempWord)

    * Re-initializes the game data to restart the game.
    fun reinitializeData() {
       _score = 0
       _currentWordCount = 0

    * Increases the game score if the player's word is correct.
    private fun increaseScore() {
        _score += SCORE_INCREASE

    * Returns true if the player word is correct.
    * Increases the score accordingly.
    fun isUserWordCorrect(playerWord: String): Boolean {
        if (playerWord.equals(currentWord, true)) {
            return true
        return false

    * Returns true if the current word count is less than MAX_NO_OF_WORDS
    fun nextWord(): Boolean {
        return if (_currentWordCount < MAX_NO_OF_WORDS) {
        } else false

14. Summary

  • The Android app architecture guidelines recommend separating classes that have different responsibilities and driving the UI from a model.
  • A UI controller is a UI-based class like Activity or Fragment. UI controllers should only contain logic that handles UI and operating system interactions; they shouldn't be the source of data to be displayed in the UI. Put that data and any related logic in a ViewModel.
  • The ViewModel class stores and manages UI-related data. The ViewModel class allows data to survive configuration changes such as screen rotations.
  • ViewModel is one of the recommended Android Architecture Components.

15. Learn more