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Octagon aims to grow Delle Donne’s endorsement portfolio

O ctagon has signed WNBA All-Star Elena Delle Donne for representation on and off the court. Delle Donne, a Chicago Sky guard/forward, will be represented by Erin Kane , senior director of Octagon’s North American sales and marketing...

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SBJ Morning Buzzcast: January 12, 2023

The Cowboys, again, top most-watched NFL games; USL delays women's Super League; MLB makes key media hire and Netlix set to drop two new sports series.

Measure of Success: Churchill Downs Race Track’s Sponsorship Strategy Sponsored by IEG

It's been proclaimed the most exciting two minutes in sports. Churchill Downs has been home to some of the most incredible moments in sports history. During today's conversation IEG's Vice President of Strategy and Churchill Downs Vice President of Marketing, Brand and Partnerships Casey Ramage give us some insight on their analytical approach to sponsorship strategy.

SBJ I Factor: Alex Martins

SBJ I Factor presented by Allied Sports features an interview with Orlando Magic CEO Alex Martins. Martins is a long-time sports executive who first started with the Magic in 1989. He has been CEO since 2011, and was instrumental in the Amway Center winning a Sports Business Award for Facility of the Year in 2012. Martins talks with SBJ’s Abe Madkour about coming up through the business from the communications side, what he learned during stints with multiple teams, and why he looks for emotional intelligence when interviewing job candidates. SBJ I Factor is a monthly podcast offering interviews with sports executives who have been recipients of one of the magazine’s awards, including Forty Under 40, Game Changers and Sports Business Awards.

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