Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#2348 closed defect (invalid)

[with patch, positive review] Teach the gap interface about field extensions

Reported by: SimonKing Owned by: wdj
Priority: critical Milestone: sage-2.10.3
Component: interfaces Keywords: gap, field extension
Cc: was, wdj Merged in:
Authors: Reviewers:
Report Upstream: Work issues:
Branch: Commit:
Dependencies: Stopgaps:

Status badges


Define the following:

sage: F = CyclotomicField(8)
sage: z = F.gen()
sage: a = z+1/z
sage: MS = MatrixSpace(F, 2, 2)
sage: g1 = MS([[1/a,1/a],[1/a,-1/a]])
sage: b = z^2
sage: g2 = MS([[1,0],[0,b]])
sage: g3 = MS([[b,0],[0,1]])
sage: G = MatrixGroup([g1,g2,g3])

Then, one obtains a traceback by the attempt to see G:

sage: G
<traceback removed>
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: Gap produced error output
Variable: 'zeta8' must have a value

   executing Read("/home/king/.sage//temp/mpc739/6870//interface//tmp");

Note that in fact zeta8 is known:

sage: G.base_ring().gen()

Attachments (4)

numberfields_gap.patch (1.1 KB) - added by SimonKing 14 years ago.
This solves only a part of the problem
numberfields_gap.2.patch (2.3 KB) - added by SimonKing 14 years ago.
This may be close to a solution
final_numberfields_gap.patch (3.2 KB) - added by SimonKing 14 years ago.
The patch is relative to sage-2.10.3.rc0 and replaces the previous patches. I think it provides a solution of the problem
fix_doctests_gap_numberfield.patch (5.8 KB) - added by SimonKing 14 years ago.
First apply the previous patch, then this patch. It fixes and extends doc tests related with the gap interface of number fields

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (22)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

Searching in sage/groups/matrix_gps/, i found that MatrixGroup([g1,g2,g3]) calls MatrixGroup_gens.__init__, which in turn calls MatrixGroup_gap.__init__. The latter has signature (self, n, R, var='a').

In the above example, i guess var is supposed to be 'zeta8', and by consequence G._var should be 'zeta8'. But it isn't, G._var will never be initialised with a value different from 'a'.

I thought this might be a source of trouble. But unfortunately, it doesn't help to change MatrixGroup_gens.__init__ accordingly.

By the way, it seems that the attribute _var is not used somewhere.

comment:2 follow-up: Changed 14 years ago by wdj

This is my guess: The problem is buried in _gap_init_, which behaves incorrectly for cyclotomics:

sage: F = GF(8,"z"); a = F.gen(); a._gap_init_() 'Z(8)1' sage: F = CyclotomicField?(8); a = F.gen(); a._gap_init_() 'zeta8'

I don't know if fixing that will fix the problem though.

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by wdj

I should have added that in the last line of

sage: F = GF(8,"z"); a = F.gen(); a._gap_init_() 
sage: F = CyclotomicField?(8); a = F.gen(); a._gap_init_()

the output should be 'E(8)', or possibly 'E(8)1', since this is the GAP notation for a primitive 8th root of unity.

comment:4 in reply to: ↑ 2 Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

  • Cc was wdj added
  • Component changed from group_theory to interfaces
  • Keywords gap interface added
  • Summary changed from MatrixGroup over CyclotomicField is broken to gap(Matrix) and MatrixGroup over CyclotomicField are broken

Replying to wdj:

This is my guess: The problem is buried in _gap_init_, which behaves incorrectly for cyclotomics:

It seems to me that you are right that it is the gap interface. Therefore i change Summary, Component, and Keywords of the ticket, and send Cc to William.

In the above example, G._repr_() refers to G.gens(), and that is calling the gap interface for the matrices that have been used to define G.

While the following works,

sage: F=CyclotomicField(8)
sage: N=Matrix(F,[[1,0],[0,1]])
sage: gap(N)
[ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ]

the following crashes,

sage: M=Matrix(F,[[F.gen(),0],[0,F.gen()]])
sage: M
[zeta8     0]
[    0 zeta8]
sage: gap(M)

Again, gap complains that 'zeta8' has no value.

For solving the problem with MatrixGroup i would appreciate if someone could explain to me

  • how one can introduce zeta8 to gap


  • how F.gen() should be called in order to be understood by gap

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

  • Keywords extension added; interface matrix group cyclotomic removed
  • Summary changed from gap(Matrix) and MatrixGroup over CyclotomicField are broken to Teach the gap interface about field extensions

More and more it seems to me that the troubles come from gaps in the gap interface. So i think this ticket should really be focused on the interface.

In the above example, one has to tell gap that it shall create a field extension, namely the cyclotomic field. The following crashes:

sage: F=CyclotomicField(8)
sage: gap(F)
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>             Traceback (most recent call last)
Syntax error: ; expected
$sage7:=Cyclotomic Field of order 8 and degree 4;;
Variable: 'of' must have a value

Variable: 'degree' must have a value

   executing $sage7:=Cyclotomic Field of order 8 and degree 4;;

Apparently, gap(F) is equivalent to gap(str(F)), which of course yields nonsense.

Instead, the gap related methods of the class NumberField and related classes should do something like that:

sage: PR=PolynomialRing(F.base_field(),F.gen())
sage: pr=gap(PR)
sage: bf=gap(F.base_field())
sage: mp=gap(F.polynomial())
sage: f=bf.AlgebraicExtension(mp)
sage: f
<algebraic extension over the Rationals of degree 4>

Now f is the gap version of F.

comment:6 Changed 14 years ago by wdj

I agree this needs fixing but, based on my reading of sage/interfaces/, I'm not sure how to do this. Do you have a suggestion William?

comment:7 Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

I tried to figure out how the interfaces are used, and it seems to me that there will be much work to do.

Am i right that, if X is some Sage object, gap(X) sends the value of X._gap_init_() (which is a string) through the gap interface; and similarly singular(X) sends X._singular_init_()?

The problem is that _gap_init_ and _singular_init_ often can not be interpreted by gap or by Singular. Examples:

sage: QQ._singular_init_()

This is ok, since gap knows what Rationals means. But:

sage: QQ._singular_init_()
'Rational Field'

This is something that Singular does not understand! In fact, for Singular the rationals do not exist, except as the base field of a polynomial ring. So i believe there should be a NotImplementedError in that case.

sage: CyclotomicField(8)._gap_init_()
'Cyclotomic Field of order 8 and degree 4'
sage: CyclotomicField(8)._singular_init_()
'Cyclotomic Field of order 8 and degree 4'

Neither gap nor Singular can interprete that string.

Something that seems inconsistent to me: the method _singular_init_ is not always returning a string:

sage: QQ[x]._gap_init_()
'PolynomialRing(Rationals, ["x"])'
sage: QQ[x]._singular_init_()

//   characteristic : 0
//   number of vars : 1
//        block   1 : ordering lp
//                  : names    x
//        block   2 : ordering C
sage: type(QQ[x]._gap_init_())
<type 'str'>
sage: type(QQ[x]._singular_init_())
<class 'sage.interfaces.singular.SingularElement'>

I found that in sage/rings/number_field/ there is no method _singular_init_ or _gap_init_. Do you think it would solve the problem if one implements such methods?

Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

This solves only a part of the problem

comment:8 Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

I was just attaching a patch (relative to 2.10.3.rc0) that adds a _gap_init_ method to NumberField_generic and may be part of a solution.

Sometimes _singular_init_ does not return a string but a SingularElement?. I don't know whether it is possible to define a number field in gap in a single line (i.e., by a single string). So, it seemed reasonable to me to return a GapElement? rather than a string.

However, this would require many changes in other parts of the code. E.g., I also need a change in /local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sage/rings/polynomial/ This seems not to be part of the mercurial repository, so i have no patch for it. However, the method _gap_init_ of the class PolynomialRing_general should be like that:

    def _gap_init_(self):
        if isinstance(br,str):
            return 'PolynomialRing(%s, ["%s"])'%(br, self.variable_name())
        return br.PolynomialRing('["%s"]'%(self.variable_name()))

With these patches, the initial problem is almost solved:

sage: F = CyclotomicField(8)
sage: gap(F)
<algebraic extension over the Rationals of degree 4>
sage: z = F.gen()
sage: a = z+1/z
sage: MS = MatrixSpace(F, 2, 2)
sage: g1 = MS([[1/a,1/a],[1/a,-1/a]])
sage: b = z^2
sage: g2 = MS([[1,0],[0,b]])
sage: g3 = MS([[b,0],[0,1]])
sage: gap(g1)
[ [ -1/2*zeta8^3+1/2*zeta8, -1/2*zeta8^3+1/2*zeta8 ],
  [ -1/2*zeta8^3+1/2*zeta8, 1/2*zeta8^3-1/2*zeta8 ] ]
sage: G = MatrixGroup([g1,g2,g3])
sage: G
Matrix group over Cyclotomic Field of order 8 and degree 4 with 3 generators:
 [[[-1/2*zeta8^3 + 1/2*zeta8, -1/2*zeta8^3 + 1/2*zeta8], [-1/2*zeta8^3 + 1/2*zeta8, 1/2*zeta8^3 - 1/2*zeta8]], [[1, 0], [0, zeta8^2]], [[zeta8^2, 0], [0, 1]]]

Why is that only almost a solution? Since the line sage: gap(F) is necessary; otherwise zeta8 would not be defined in gap. Hence, it would be needed to change the _gap_init_ method of MatrixSpace?, and so on and so on.


  • What i do in the patch can't be a definite solution.
  • Is there a way to find a string s so that gap(s) returns a gap version of F, with the variable name zeta8? Having this would probably solve the problem.

Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

This may be close to a solution

comment:9 Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

  • Summary changed from Teach the gap interface about field extensions to [with patch] Teach the gap interface about field extensions

The second patch (again relative to rc0-version) may be close to a solution. The following now works:

sage: F=CyclotomicField(8)
sage: z=F.gen()
sage: a=z+1/z
sage: b=z^2
sage: MS=MatrixSpace(F,2,2)
sage: g1=MS([[1/a,1/a],[1/a,-1/a]])
sage: g2=MS([[1,0],[0,b]])
sage: g3=MS([[b,0],[0,1]])
sage: G = MatrixGroup([g1,g2,g3])
sage: gap(g1)
[ [ -1/2*zeta8^3+1/2*zeta8, -1/2*zeta8^3+1/2*zeta8 ],
  [ -1/2*zeta8^3+1/2*zeta8, 1/2*zeta8^3-1/2*zeta8 ] ]
sage: G
Matrix group over Cyclotomic Field of order 8 and degree 4 with 3 generators:
 [[[-1/2*zeta8^3 + 1/2*zeta8, -1/2*zeta8^3 + 1/2*zeta8], [-1/2*zeta8^3 + 1/2*zeta8, 1/2*zeta8^3 - 1/2*zeta8]], [[1, 0], [0, zeta8^2]], [[zeta8^2, 0], [0, 1]]]

The suggested solution works as follows.

  • F._gap_init_() returns the name of a gap object corresponding to F. That name is stored in the dictionary of F. If it does not exist in the dictionary, then the gap object is created first; so, that happens only once.
  • If g is an element of F, then g._gap_init_() first checks whether there is already a gap version of g.parent() (which is F). If there isn't, F._gap_init_() is called and creates that object. In either case, g.__repr__() is returned.
  • If M is a matrix with coefficients in F then the existing methods can remain unchanged.

Do you think that approach makes sense? And by the way: I raise a NotImplementedError? if F.is_absolute()==False, because gap can not deal with non-simple extensions.

I still see some problems:

  • gap(G) does not work in the above example. So, the _gap_init_ method for matrix groups needs being fixed.
  • In my suggested solution, it is not possible to work with non-standard gap interfaces: F._gap_init_() returns a name that is defined in the standard gap interface. Do you have an idea how this can be fixed?

Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

The patch is relative to sage-2.10.3.rc0 and replaces the previous patches. I think it provides a solution of the problem

comment:10 Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

  • Summary changed from [with patch] Teach the gap interface about field extensions to [with patch, needs review] Teach the gap interface about field extensions

I think that the last patch provides a solution. Now, simple algebraic extensions of the rationals and matrices over such extensions can by send through the gap interface. By consequence, Matrix Groups over such extensions work.


sage: F=CyclotomicField(8)
sage: z=F.gen()
sage: a=z+1/z
sage: MS=MatrixSpace(F,2,2)
sage: g1=MS([[1/a,1/a],[1/a,-1/a]])
sage: b=z^2
sage: g2=MS([[1,0],[0,b]])
sage: g3=MS([[b,0],[0,1]])
sage: gap(g1)*gap(g2)
[ [ (1/2*a-1/2*a^3), (1/2*a+1/2*a^3) ], [ (1/2*a-1/2*a^3), (-1/2*a-1/2*a^3) ] ]

Remark: So far, the generator of the gap-version of F is alway displayed as 'a'. I did not learn yet how to make it being displayed by gap as 'zeta8', which is how sage displays the generator of F.

sage: (gap(g1)*gap(g2))^12
[ [ !-1, !0 ], [ !0, !-1 ] ]

Remark: '!-1' is the integer -1 interpreted in the gap number field.

sage: G = MatrixGroup([g1,g2,g3])
sage: G
Matrix group over Cyclotomic Field of order 8 and degree 4 with 3 generators:
 [[[-1/2*zeta8^3 + 1/2*zeta8, -1/2*zeta8^3 + 1/2*zeta8], [-1/2*zeta8^3 + 1/2*zeta8, 1/2*zeta8^3 - 1/2*zeta8]], [[1, 0], [0, zeta8^2]], [[zeta8^2, 0], [0, 1]]]
sage: G.order()

The last line is based on applying a gap method to G. So, it seems to me that everything works. Making the generator of gap(F) appear as 'a' would probably be a trivial change.

comment:11 follow-ups: Changed 14 years ago by wdj

  • Summary changed from [with patch, needs review] Teach the gap interface about field extensions to [with patch, positive review] Teach the gap interface about field extensions

Applies cleanly and fixes the problem. Great job Simon! Recommend acceptance.

comment:12 in reply to: ↑ 11 Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

Replying to wdj:

Applies cleanly and fixes the problem. Great job Simon! Recommend acceptance.

There is one caveat: I had to fix the _gap_init_ method of matrices, since in gap an expression of the form field elements,...],[...? is not a matrix. That expression becomes a matrix in gap only when multiplied with One(field).

By consequence, the doc test of the _gap_init_ method of MatrixGroup? has to be modified. That modification is part of the patch provided in ticket #2367.

comment:13 in reply to: ↑ 11 ; follow-up: Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

Replying to wdj:

Recommend acceptance.

I still think it may be premature to include the patch. Nathan Dunfield gave me a hint on sage-support

I think it would be better to change _gap_init_() for number fields according to Nathan's hint. But i think the rest of the patch can stay as it is.

I hope tomorrow i will be able to submit a "cleaner" patch.

comment:14 in reply to: ↑ 13 Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

Replying to SimonKing:

I still think it may be premature to include the patch. Nathan Dunfield gave me a hint on sage-support

I think it would be better to change _gap_init_() for number fields according to Nathan's hint.

No, it doesn't work. If field elements are created using inline functions, they belong to different (but isomorphic) fields in gap and thus can not be added. Note that in the following example, x1 and x2 have the same definition, but can't be added to each other.

sage: x1=gap('GeneratorsOfField(CallFuncList(function() local x,E; x:=Indeterminate(Rationals,"x"); E:=AlgebraicExtension(Rationals,x^4 + 1); return E; end, []))[1]')
sage: x2=gap('GeneratorsOfField(CallFuncList(function() local x,E; x:=Indeterminate(Rationals,"x"); E:=AlgebraicExtension(Rationals,x^4 + 1); return E; end, []))[1]')
sage: x2+x2
sage: x1+x2

So, i will return to my previous approach, but taking more care about the doc tests.

Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

First apply the previous patch, then this patch. It fixes and extends doc tests related with the gap interface of number fields

comment:15 Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

The patch fix_doctests_gap_numberfield.patch should be applied after final_numberfields_gap.patch.

The new patch fixes some problems with doc tests. Also, it adds more doc tests. Moreover, now the generator of a number field gets the same name in gap and in sage, which may be convenient for the users.

The following doctests related with and extended by the patch pass:,, number_field_element.pyx, matrix1.pyx

@wdj: Could you please see if your positive review still holds when adding the new patch?

comment:16 Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

  • Milestone changed from sage-3.0 to sage-2.10.3

comment:17 Changed 14 years ago by wdj

This applied cleanly against 2.10.3.rc0 and passed sage -testall. Positive review (again).

comment:18 Changed 14 years ago by SimonKing

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from new to closed

This ticket, together with #2367, is now ticket #2395. First reason is that we got a new sage pre-release.

Second reason is that my suggestions in this ticket for fixing the gap interface ought to be changed: By hints of Nathan Dunfield, i learned that _gap_init_ is in fact called only once, and the objects in the gap interface are cached. Hence, using gap inline functions work. This different approach is in ticket #2395.

Third reason is that #2367 and this ticket belong closely together, hence, they should be worked on in one ticket.

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