Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#23925 closed defect (fixed)

Bulk fix of signal handling in symbolics

Reported by: Ralf Stephan Owned by:
Priority: critical Milestone: sage-8.1
Component: cython Keywords:
Cc: Merged in:
Authors: Ralf Stephan Reviewers: Jeroen Demeyer
Report Upstream: N/A Work issues:
Branch: b4a620d (Commits, GitHub, GitLab) Commit: b4a620d01d122b254b119dd4fa0b9573c598f8f0
Dependencies: Stopgaps:

Status badges

Description (last modified by Jeroen Demeyer)

In Sage-8.1.beta6 this crashes:

sage: (x/(x^1431655765-1)).normalize()
Exception (FLINT memory_manager). Unable to allocate memory.
Unhandled SIGABRT: An abort() occurred.
This probably occurred because a *compiled* module has a bug
in it and is not properly wrapped with sig_on(), sig_off().
Python will now terminate.

while the underlying operation only aborts with RuntimeError:

Exception (FLINT memory_manager). Unable to allocate memory.
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-468b83720c84> in <module>()
----> 2 gcd(x,x**Integer(1431655765)-Integer(1))

/usr/local/src/sage-config/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/arith/misc.pyc in gcd(a, b, **kwargs)
   1576     if b is not None:
   1577         try:
-> 1578             return a.gcd(b, **kwargs)
   1579         except (AttributeError, TypeError):
   1580             pass

/usr/local/src/sage-config/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.gcd (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:41191)()
   6888         cdef Expression r = self.coerce_in(b)
   6889         cdef GEx x
-> 6890         sig_on()
   6891         try:
   6892             x = g_gcd(self._gobj, r._gobj)

RuntimeError: Aborted

The normalize member function is one of many where signals from underlying layers are not caught. Let's do a sweeping fix of them in this ticket.

Change History (42)

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

Component: symbolicscython
Description: modified (diff)

In the future, please remember to POST TRACEBACKS such that people reading this ticket can actually understand what it is about.

comment:2 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Branch: u/rws/bulk_fix_of_signal_handling_in_symbolics

comment:4 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Authors: Ralf Stephan
Commit: 8238d61741a6d2f85f2c5eacf77c8b6952437120
Status: newneeds_review

New commits:

8238d6123925: Bulk fix of signal handling in symbolics

comment:5 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

Status: needs_reviewneeds_work

Don't put Python code inside sig_on()/sig_off() blocks.

What you are doing is essentially

    res = c_lib_call()
    return process(res)

Instead, it should be

res = c_lib_call()
return process(res)

comment:6 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

...or, if C++ exceptions can occur, it should be:

    res = c_lib_call()
return process(res)

comment:7 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

After thinking about it a bit more... pynac is partially implemented in Python, right? So maybe these should be added upstream in Pynac, not in Sage.

comment:8 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Pynac is completely C++ but calls some Python C API functions. Is there a C function sig_on?

comment:9 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

In theory, cysignals can be interfaced via C/C++ but I don't think that this has been done already.

comment:10 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

I don't think it belongs in Pynac. Several functions are called that are used by Pynac itself. Rather, if you insist on adding a code layer, it should go in the Pynac interface, e.g. libs/pynac/wrap.h.

comment:11 in reply to:  10 ; Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

Replying to rws:

if you insist on adding a code layer

I'm not. I'm saying to put sig_on() at the correct layer (which is whatever layer is calling C library functions), not to add a new layer.

comment:12 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

If it goes to correctness:

" is possible to declare a function as potentially raising an C++ exception and converting it into a Python exception. For example,

cdef extern from "some_file.h":
    cdef int foo() except +

This will translate try and the C++ error into an appropriate Python exception (currently an IndexError? on std::out_of_range and a RuntimeError? otherwise (preserving the what() message)."


The relevant methods all have their "except +" in libs/pynac/pynac.pxd so why do we need the sig_on/off at all?

comment:13 in reply to:  12 ; Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

Replying to rws:

why do we need the sig_on/off at all?

  1. To allow interrupting a long-running operation.
  1. For error handling from low-level C libraries like FLINT (which is what this ticket is about).

None of these reasons have anything to do with C++ exceptions, so I wonder why you brought that up.

What is true is that cysignals was not written with C++ in mind. Maybe one could reimplement parts of cysignals to be more C++-friendly, for example by raising C++ exceptions (which are then converted to Python exceptions by Cython).

comment:14 in reply to:  13 ; Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Replying to jdemeyer:

None of these reasons have anything to do with C++ exceptions, so I wonder why you brought that up.

It's the same layer and doing it automatically (maybe if a similar directive to except + is given) prevents tickets such as this.

comment:15 in reply to:  14 ; Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

Replying to rws:

It's the same layer and doing it automatically prevents tickets such as this.

Doing what automatically?

comment:16 in reply to:  15 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

More exactly. There are two possibilities, a signal handler is set when leaving Python (like sig_on/off) or one is set when leaving C++ and calling FLINT. The latter would be in Singular not Pynac however. With this I tend to call it a Singular/libfactory bug.

comment:17 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

It should be set when leaving Python. However, Pynac is a difficult case because it mixes C++ and Python. So there is no clear Python/C++ boundary.

comment:18 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

In any case cysignals has a tested implementation. Is it possible at all to reuse it from C++?

comment:19 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Ah I see, src/sage/rings/padics/transcendantal.c (sic) uses cysignals.

comment:20 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Branch: u/rws/bulk_fix_of_signal_handling_in_symbolicsu/rws/23925-test

comment:21 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Commit: 8238d61741a6d2f85f2c5eacf77c8b69524371200d7e908eec43c7cdb7462b39c2241fe73a734b26
Status: needs_workneeds_info

This test branch implements calling of sig_on/off from the Pynac interface, just for the ticket case. While C++ runtime errors are caught, the ticket case's SIGABRT is not (while it is caught in the first uploaded branch where the sig_on/off is called from Python).

How to proceed?

New commits:


comment:22 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Exception (FLINT memory_manager). Unable to allocate memory.

comment:23 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

The reason for your problem is that Cython supports either checking for C++ exceptions (except +) or Python exceptions (except something_else), but not both at the same time.

But as I already said: no additional layer is needed, you can just add the sig_on/sig_off in the Cython file directly.

comment:24 in reply to:  11 ; Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Replying to jdemeyer:

Replying to rws:

if you insist on adding a code layer

I'm not. I'm saying to put sig_on() at the correct layer (which is whatever layer is calling C library functions), not to add a new layer.

The layer that is calling C library functions is the C++ layer (either expression.pyx translated to C++ or Singular or Pynac, all of it happens). You just said to insert the insert sig_on() in the Cython file. You mean expression.pyx, that is, just like I did in the first branch, right?

comment:25 in reply to:  24 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

Replying to rws:

The layer that is calling C library functions is the C++ layer

Sorry, when I said "C" I meant "C or C++". For cysignals, C or C++ is the same thing. It's just the separation Python <-> C/C++ that matters.

You mean expression.pyx, that is, just like I did in the first branch, right?

Yes, like in your first branch. However, your branch had many wrong usages like

Python code
Pynac call
Python code

That is certainly wrong. It should be

Python code
Pynac call
Python code

comment:26 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

The code calling normal() should look like

cdef GEx result
    result = self._gobj.normal(0, False, True)
return new_Expression_from_GEx(self._parent, result)

Note that _gobj is a cdef attribute, so self._gobj involves no Python code. Therefore, it is safe to put inside the sig_on() block. On the other hand, new_Expression_from_GEx() is unsafe since it invokes Python code like cls.__new__(cls) for example.

comment:27 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Branch: u/rws/23925-testu/rws/23925-1

comment:28 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Commit: 0d7e908eec43c7cdb7462b39c2241fe73a734b26d3679562368021af54af8e3cff8673b3b0c0012e
Status: needs_infoneeds_review

New commits:

d36795623925: Bulk fix of signal handling in symbolics

comment:29 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

The evalf() code is more complicated. Maybe don't add the sig_on() there for now.

And it would be more efficient to replace

    def _rel_equal2(self, right):


    cdef bint _rel_equal2(Expression self, Expression other) except -1:

This way, you don't need the cdef Expression l, r variables.

comment:30 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

Status: needs_reviewneeds_work

comment:31 Changed 5 years ago by git

Commit: d3679562368021af54af8e3cff8673b3b0c0012e732c03f66bbe3cffea7600a585f2bb7cab1ec533

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

732c03f23925: address reviewer's comments

comment:32 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

How come I get SCORE src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx: 100.0% (232 of 232) from sage -coverage but the patchbot plugin fails? I'm now filling this file with useless characters just for the sake...

comment:33 Changed 5 years ago by git

Commit: 732c03f66bbe3cffea7600a585f2bb7cab1ec5333fba90f76e57a7bda6b45e3305283f70df135c15

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

3fba90f23925: please the coverage plugin

comment:34 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Status: needs_workneeds_review

comment:35 in reply to:  32 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

Replying to rws:

I'm now filling this file with useless characters just for the sake...

Please don't! Use your own judgement. You are smarter than the coverage plugin.

comment:36 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

I'll leave it as is now; declaring something a helper function is not so bad. Patchbot is go. Please review.

comment:37 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

Status: needs_reviewneeds_work

Merge conflict

comment:38 Changed 5 years ago by git

Commit: 3fba90f76e57a7bda6b45e3305283f70df135c15b4a620d01d122b254b119dd4fa0b9573c598f8f0

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

b4a620dMerge branch 'develop' into t/23925/23925-1

comment:39 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Status: needs_workneeds_review

comment:40 Changed 5 years ago by Jeroen Demeyer

Reviewers: Jeroen Demeyer

Good for me if this passes patchbot testing.

comment:41 Changed 5 years ago by Ralf Stephan

Status: needs_reviewpositive_review

Passes patchbots, thanks.

comment:42 Changed 5 years ago by Volker Braun

Branch: u/rws/23925-1b4a620d01d122b254b119dd4fa0b9573c598f8f0
Resolution: fixed
Status: positive_reviewclosed
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.