
Farewell Farley

Farley Mowat died on May 7, 2014, at the age of 92. He was one of a kind and his writing and life were infused with humour and a genuine love and respect for all living things – except for the humans who are ruining the planet for everybody else.

His views on nuclear power and nuclear weapons were entirely consistent with his views on everything else.

The infinite stupidity of building arsenals of “weapons” whose use would reverse the accomplishments of four billion years of evolution of life on Earth and of mass producing indestructible, highly toxic radioactive waste byproducts that will probably outlast the human race – especially if we keep on going the way we are going – staggers the imagination.

Rest in peace Farley.

– Gordon Edwards, president, Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, www.ccnr.org

We are transforming the Palm Oil industry

In March, we released our report, Donuts, Deodorant, Deforestation: Scoring America’s Top Brands on Their Palm Oil Commitments. Our scorecard showed that a new standard for responsible palm oil – one that protects tropical forests and our climate – has emerged. There’s no excuse for corporate America to continue buying palm oil that causes climate change, loss of endangered species habitat and tropical deforestation.

More than 63,000 people sent emails to six of America’s biggest companies – including Colgate-Palmolive, General Mills, Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, McDonald’s, and Dunkin’ Brands – asking them to go deforestation-free.

It’s working! Three companies – Colgate-Palmolive, General Mills and Procter & Gamble – have announced new palm oil commitments that protect all forests and all carbon-rich peatlands. This is a tremendous step forward for the climate, tropical forests and endangered species and we couldn’t do it without you.

Together, we are transforming the palm oil industry. Join the more than 63,000 people who have asked America’s biggest companies to go deforestation-free. Tell Dunkin’ Brands, McDonald’s and PepsiCo that now is the time to adopt strong deforestation-free and peat-free palm oil policies. Visit www.ucsusa.org/action Click on Take Action at the top and then click on “Tell America’s biggest brands to use deforestation-free palm oil.”

The Union of Concerned Scientists puts rigorous, independent science to work to solve our planet’s most pressing problems. We combine technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe and sustainable future.

– Sharon Smith, Campaign Manager, Tropical Forest & Climate Initiative, Union of Concerned Scientists, www.ucsusa.org

Vancouver should deal with its own waste

The corporations that want to build an incinerator in Nanaimo to burn Vancouver¹s garbage have filled whole pages of our newspapers without printing anything that could help us make an informed decision.

How much ash is left from the burn? Which chemicals does it consist of? Which watershed will it be dumped in or are they planning on dumping it in the ocean?

Of that dumped in the airshed, which chemicals are they? How large are the particles, especially the metals, and which polymers and benzine chains can we expect? And how much will there be?

They haven’t even provided a cost-benefit study as to how much power is generated after the amount used in the burning process is deducted along with the wages, infrastructure costs, transport and bonding for cleanup if a barge flips in our estuary. Wheelabrator, Ur-baser and Seaspin should quit whining and Vancouver should deal with its own waste.

– Jim Erkiletian, Nanaimo

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