Archie Mafeje as Revolutionary Sociologist.

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Author: Bongani Nyoka
Date: Mar. 2019
Publisher: Berghahn Books, Inc.
Document Type: Article
Length: 9,367 words

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Abstract :

This article attempts a preliminary discussion of the three clusters of Archie Mafeje's work. While Mafeje called for 'non-disciplinarity', as against 'interdisciplinarity' or 'disciplinarity', this article makes a case for why he should be read as a revolutionary sociologist. In so doing, the article pieces together some of the key elements of his oeuvre. The article consists of four main parts. The first part provides some background and contextualises this article. The second part deals with Mafeje's programmatic critique of the discipline of anthropology and other social sciences. The third part discusses his work on land and agrarian issues in sub-Saharan Africa. The last section focuses on his work on revolutionary theory and politics, with specific reference to his assessment of the responsibility of the African intellectual. Keywords: Archie Mafeje, epistemology, intellectual responsibility, land question, methodology, South Africa
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Gale Document Number: GALE|A672633745