Examples and presets of PS1 prompts Clicking on an example will replace your selection.
1Available elements Drag and drop to your selection.
2Your selection Double-click to change the color and boldness.
Drag an element outside to remove it.
    remove everything
    3Preview of your prompt This is how your prompt will look like.
    4Your generated .bashrc PS1 and additional functions Do you need help for setting up your prompt? read the documentation below!

    Help To use this for your prompt, it's easy:
    Type this in your prompt :
    nano ~/.bashrc

    Then copy the generated code at the end of the file.
    Save and exit (in nano, it's CTRL + o, CTRL + x).
    To see the changes, either:

    • paste the generated code in your prompt like an usual command
    • logout and login again
    • type "bash" to run a new bash session