
Welcome to Whimsical!, a pixel art and materials website by Jo. Thank you for visiting!



  • Nov. 29, 2016: Whimsical! was launched in 2006 and to celebrate its 10th anniversary, the website has been given a new design using HTML 5 and it's now viewable on mobile browsers! I have also fixed an error that made it difficult for people to access my website. Thank you for cooperating.


  • Apr. 30, 2018: 15 new season icons! (Spring)
  • Mar. 31, 2018: 5 new season icons! (Spring)
  • Feb. 12, 2018: 5 new event icons! (Valentine's Day)
  • Jan. 1, 2018: 3 new event icons! (New Year)
  • Nov. 18, 2017: Cross browser compatibility with displaying both animated and non-animated favicons is no longer supported on newer browsers (i.e. Mozilla Firefox 57+, Google Chrome 62+). All "READ ME.txt" files are updated to reflect this change.
  • Oct. 26, 2017: Some writing errors have been corrected. If you are using a favicon, please use the new updated code, as the link type "shortcut icon" (i.e. <link rel="shortcut icon">) is discouraged by the Mozilla Developer Network. All "READ ME.txt" files are updated to reflect this change. Thank you for cooperating.


  • Currently none