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研究生(外文):Chin-Te Cheng
論文名稱(外文):In Vitro Propagation of Platycerium grande (Fee) Kunze and Platycerium willinckii T.Moore.
指導教授(外文):Yue-Ken Liao
外文關鍵詞:staghorn ferngreen globular bodyhomogenizationactivated charcoal
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本研究以巨獸鹿角蕨(Platycerium grande (Fee) Kunze)及長葉鹿角蕨(P. willinckii T. Moore.)孢子體幼葉誘導綠球體(green globular body; GGB),再將其以均質化(homogenization)處理後進行幼孢子體的大量再生。將兩種鹿角蕨幼葉切成上半葉(遠軸端、葉尖端)及下半葉(近軸端、葉基部),在添加5.37µM α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA)且濃度減半的Murashige and Skoog (MS)培養基中誘導GGB發生,以下半葉誘導效果明顯優於上半葉,其誘導率分別為27.12±3.7% (巨獸鹿角蕨)及58.3±5.8% (長葉鹿角蕨)。巨獸鹿角蕨GGB在增殖時,其速率隨NAA濃度提升而加快,但隨6-benzylaminopurine (BAP)濃度增加而遭抑制,孢子體幼葉之萌發在5.37µM NAA及3.33µM BAP組合中受明顯抑制,故此條件可用於維持GGB穩定增殖,而在2.69 µM NAA及4.44 µM BAP的組合中則有最佳的鮮重增加(× 5倍)。長葉鹿角蕨在培養基中NAA濃度增加時,GGB增殖明顯減緩,而增加BAP則無此效應,但同樣會抑制孢子體幼葉萌發,保持GGB增殖。GGB均質化後以每培養皿0.025g的接種量塗佈於添加不同濃度活性碳(activated charcoal; AC)的培養基中,產生幼孢子體數優於不添加AC之對照組。巨獸鹿角蕨在活性碳濃度0.5%時有最佳產出(264.3±28.3株/皿),而長葉鹿角蕨則是在0.75%時最佳(129.1±10.8株/皿)。前者在混合介質(泥碳土:珍珠石:椰纖=1:1:1)中有94%馴化存活率,而後者在受測各介質中皆能順利存活。
In this study, a mass in vitro propagation method for Platycerium grande (Fee) Kunze (Pg) and P. willinckii T. Moore. (Pw) was developed based on using juvenile leaves as explants to induce green globular body (GGB) followed by tissue homogenization to regenerate young sporophytes. The explants were first excised into distal and proximal half parts, and incubated on the half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 5.37 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) for GGB induction. The proximal half leaves were more response to the treatment giving a mean induction percentage of 27.12 ± 3.7% (Pg) and 58.3 ± 5.8% (Pw), respectively. The GGB proliferation in Pg was enhanced by increasing NAA concentration, but inhibited by 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). The developmentof juvenile leaves of sporophyte was obviously depressed on medium containing 5.37μM NAA and 3.33μM BAP creating a stable phase for GGB proliferation. The proliferation rate (fresh weight increase) was best obtained on medium supplemented with 2.69 μM NAA and 4.44 μM BAP (× 5 fold). However, the GGB proliferation in Pw was highly inhibited by increasing NAA concentration, but not seen in higher BAP levels which also depressed the formation of juvenile leaves. Homogenized GGB tissue inoculated by 0.025 g per Petri dish on medium containing various levels of activated charcoal (AC) regenerated more sporophytes than those cultured on AC-free medium. The best sporophyte regeneration in Pg was at 0.5% AC (264.3 ± 28.3/dish) and 0.75% AC as for Pw (129.1 ± 10.8/dish). The former performed a 94% survival in a mixed medium (peat : perlite : coir = 1 : 1 : 1) during acclimatization and the latter achieved high survival in all tested media.
1.巨獸鹿角蕨(P. grande)---------------------6
2.長葉鹿角蕨(P. willinckii)-----------------7
2.癒傷組織 -----------------------------11
(Ⅲ)GGB誘導試驗 -----------------------------20
(Ⅴ)GGB增殖試驗 -----------------------------22
(Ⅱ) GGB的增殖情形-----------------------------32
(Ⅲ) GGB形態之石蠟切片觀察----------------------37
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