Antivirus software blocks Citavis Word Add-in

Antivirus software (AVAST, Kaspersky, McAfee, Norton, and others) prevent the Citavi Word Add-In from being installed or enabled.


  1. Close Word. Open the Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) and double check that Word is no longer running.
  2. Search for updates for your antivirus program.
  3. If your antivirus program installs an Add-In in Word (for example, Kaspersky) disable the Add-In in your antivirus program's settings.
  4. Disable your antivirus program before performing the following steps.
  5. Uninstall the Word Add-In:
    1. Switch to the Windows Control Panel and click Programs and Features. Select Citavi [version number].
    2. Click Change.
    3. Click Next, and then select Modify.
    4. Click Next and then click the disk symbol next to the Word Add-In entry.
    5. Select the option This feature will not be available.
    6. Click Next and continue through the assistant.
  6. Install the Word Add-In:
    1. Switch to the Windows Control Panel and click Programs and Features. Select Citavi [version number].
    2. Click Change.
    3. Click Next, and then select Modify.
    4. Click Next and then click the disk symbol next to the Word Add-In entry.
    5. Select the option This feature, and all subfeatures, will be installed on local hard drive.
    6. Click Next and continue through the assistant.
  7. Enable your antivirus program again. 
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