

     According to the census of the population of 1989 there are 102 nationalities on the territory of Dagestan.
     Lacks were historically settled in the central part of the mountain Dagestan, on the territory of Lacks & Kulinsky regions. Nowadays there are 102.6 thousand of Lacks in the republic or 5% of all population. In above-mentioned highlands they are 94 & 99% of population. Village population of Lacks lives also in the plain Novolack region (48%), Akushinsky (5%), Rutul (5%) & Kizlar regions. But major part of Lacks (64%) lives in the towns of republic. More than a half of them are concentrated in Makhachkala, where they are more than 12% of population, in Kaspiysk - 14%, in Buynaksk & Kizilyurt - about 8% of town population. In some of city-type settlements - Sulack, Achisu, Kahulay, Manaskent & others - Lacks form from 3% till 9% of population.

  • Map of North Caucasus ethnos - Britannica Encyclopaedia
  • Languages of North Caucasus population -
  • Khumukh & Co - maps, photos (on Russian)
  • Photoalbum - slides, photos
  • People of Dagestan - - material has taken from site - http:/thi/ (on Russian)
