There is no other place in the world like Dragon Springs. It combines the natural beauty of New York State with ancient Chinese architecture, performing arts, academic learning, and Buddhist faith (Falun Dafa).


At the center of Dragon Springs is a Buddhist temple built in the style of the Tang Dynasty. The majestic Tang Dynasty, which reigned from the seventh to the tenth century, is often considered China’s cultural golden age. Its culture, clothing, and architectural styles have inspired generations ever since. Dragon Springs’ temple includes a collection of buildings built following the Tang ideal—blending the man-made with the natural. There is barely a screw, nail, or metal joint to be found in the buildings’ all-timber structures. Every aspect of a Tang temple is created with faith and serenity in mind.

Dragon Springs is home to people who practice the spiritual discipline called Falun Dafa, or Falun Gong. In the 1990s, some 100 million people practiced Falun Dafa in China. But the Chinese Communist Party, which does not tolerate religious freedom, feared the sheer number of people practicing Falun Dafa and began persecuting them in 1999. From that day forward, these gentle people have been arrested, sent to labor camps, raped, tortured, and killed for their peaceful beliefs. The persecution goes on in China still today.

Around the world, however, Falun Dafa is celebrated for having brought mental peace and physical well-being to countless people. And Dragon Springs is a refuge for many Falun Dafa practitioners who escaped persecution in China. Here, in the serenity of the Shawangunk Mountains, they have again found freedom and peace. Falun Dafa practitioners worldwide who visit Dragon Springs, treat their visits as very special spiritual journeys.

For more information about Falun Dafa, including learning the practice, which is always free, visit:

Learn about the practice

Learn about the persecution in China


Located within Dragon Springs are two schools: Fei Tian Academy of the Arts and Fei Tian College. The Academy was fully accredited in 2009 and offers elementary and secondary education. The College offers two Bachelor’s and Master's degree programs in Dance and Music. The schools are accredited by the New York State Education Department and the New York Board of Regents. Both institutions combine academic education with artistic training in a rigorous program that prepares students to go on to advanced studies or become professional artists.

These schools promote cultural awareness and appreciation of traditional arts. At Fei Tian, students and faculty benefit from an environment that fosters both learning as well as cultivation of character guided by the Falun Dafa principles of truth, compassion, and tolerance. We hope all Fei Tian students come away from our institution with knowledge, skills, and values that they cherish for the rest of their lives.

Fei Tian accepts applications from students around the world. For admissions and other information:

Fei Tian Academy of the Arts

Fei Tian College


Dragon Springs supports the education and presentation of traditional art forms. It is currently providing its facilities to Shen Yun Performing Arts. Shen Yun is a non-profit organization known internationally as the top classical Chinese music and dance company in the world. Its shows present traditional Chinese arts and culture. Unfortunately, in China these ancient traditions have been lost under the communist regime. Shen Yun’s mission is to revive this lost heritage.

Every year, Shen Yun performs in some of the world’s most prestigious theaters, including Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall in New York. Shen Yun has attracted top professional musicians and artists from Italy, Germany, England, Australia, and many other countries. They rehearse at the facilities in Dragon Springs and live as members of the community in Deerpark and throughout Orange County.

For more about the company and its mission, visit:

The Shen Yun Performing Arts Official Website

Among the people at Dragon Springs are men and women who escaped religious persecution in China. Some had been tortured in jails and labor camps, lost family members, and continue to receive threats even today, in America. Because of this, and because Dragon Springs has young students on its grounds, the site needs to ensure their safety at this time when severe persecution is still ongoing.

Dragon Springs is looking forward to the day when we can safely open our gates and welcome you for a visit. We hope that day will come soon.