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[–]abesto[S] 0 points1 point  (2 children)

I'm confused. tasksh is an interactive shell for Taskwarrior. This is a script automating a very specific GTD workflow. They're in a different category entirely. Maybe you mean tasksh review? That implements a completely different workflow.

Again, I'm confused, if this is not an answer then please elaborate.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child)

tasksh is a shell. review is a command in the shell. It is very clearly a GTD review, which makes sense since Taskwarrior is a GTD app that despite being flexible is clearly still GTD oriented in almost everything it can do. My question was how exactly your script's reviewing process differs fundamentally from it. It seems like a heavy handed way of doing the same thing, unless I'm misunderstanding.

[–]abesto[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Alright, now I understand where you're coming from. My understanding of the review command: it goes through all the existing tasks, and asks whether / how they need updating. That to me is a more general "review" in a more general TODO list setup. The weekly GTD review has a number of distinct steps - the very steps implemented in this script.

You could argue that looking at each task, and asking if it's done or not, or if it needs to be updated, solves a number of the steps in one go. Two problems with that. One: it doesn't ask you to capture any loose things in your head into your inbox. Two: it's actually really important to do the steps of the review distinctly, to limit the scope of things you need to think about at each step. It's the difference between "make it awesome" and a well-formed project specification.

Bottom line: the tasksh review command is not a GTD weekly review. This is.

(I realize I'm replying to a deleted account, but maybe this is useful to someone else as well)