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Its Second Anniversary

Its Second Anniversary

ITS SECOND ANNIVERSARY, The Mammoth Establishment of The Joseph H. Bauland Co. THE REWARD OF ENTERPRISE. The "Great Cash Store" la Now Numbered Among the Blggeat and Beat of Brooklyn' a EstabUsh-' menta, Whereas One Tear Ago It Waa Comparatively Unknown A Tour Through the Big Building Described. The great towering building of Joseph H.

Bauland Company will celebrate its second anniversary to-morrow. Al everybody knows, the big dry-goods house haB flung itself right into the heart of the shopping district nn lower Fulton street. For many years Baulund's estah- h'bbment was thought to be on tlie "hoodoo" side of the street, to ute a vulgar but quite an expressive phrase. Presently, however, there appeared flaming cards in every trolley car and on the roads which said variously and determinedly: the conductor to stop nt "If you want a good thing and if you want it, cheap, go to "Liptnn's Tea at Bauland's!" and so on until the women folk, who practically do all the shopping, said one to the other1'. "Who is Bauland?" "Let us go and see it." They did.

They arc going yet to see- Banlnnd's. and it there is one tribute more than another that can be paid to a great dry -goods establishment, it lies in the fact that the popular "hoodoo" hue at last been lifted from one side of the bustling shoppiug street known as Fulton street. There is room for everybody and for nil the busy' hives of industry that jam up the but the point now in regard to Ban-land's is that where shoppers used to think that there was only one sidewalk on Fulton street they have come to the determination that there are two. LIPTON AND THE SHAMROCK. By a singular coincidence Bauland's see-end anniversary occurs to-morrow.

The place will naturally lie jammed, because there is everything to be seen. The coincidence lies in this, that Friday was St. Patrick's Day, shamrocks were on every corner, and it chances that the Irish yacht which is going to beat the Goldenrod is China and Glassware Departments, Joseph H. Banland Company. owned by a man who happens to be a loyal Irishman.

By force of circumstances this Irishman, whose' name is Thomas Upton, left Ireland when he was a boy and began making his fabulous fortune in Olasgiw, Scotland. Then his business was simply pigs ami cheese. To-day he has the proud privilege of possessing the tea market of the world. And as has been said before, Baulund's store on Fulton street claims to have the privilege of controlling the best tea in the market That is called Lipton's tea. and it is a singnlar tiling that people in Brooklyn can buy the same tea more cheaply iu Brooklyn than folks can do in London, where Sir Thomas Lipton now has his mansion.

PREPARING FOR MAY. When you enter this palatial building of Baby Carriages, Houaefnrniahinga, Joseph H. Bauland Company. the Bauland Company and step a little to the right, you are confronted by rows of tempting lunch tables. Here the busy shopper, with her children, can get a light dairy lunch nt popular prices or a glass of soda, and they can get all this very luxuriously.

To add to the enjoyment of the tiling, there I in the rear a great bank of flowers, boeause the company aaid to itself: "Summer Is on," and so they instituted a sew department, which has come to be one of the most delightful innovations in the great establishment. It seems like walking Into a garden to have a midday cup of cocoa or a cup of tea in this cosy dud sumptuous corner on the main floor of the Banland palace. When women go shopping with their children the yonngtera see the" candy, which la tatufuXr displayed In the vicinity of the cosy garden, and their mothera do their buying while their children eat their candy. HOW THE ARMY IS LOOKED AFTER. There are employed about 500 girls, men and boys in this big store.

When they get Mill ttfiifiaii Century Clock on Free Exhibition. Third Floor, Joseph H. Bauland Company. to work in the morning they go first of; all to a room on the second floor, which is peculiarly their own. This apartment is about' 1.0(10 feet square? Here there are retiring rooms, a library and every convenience for the comfort of the employees.

At noontime the girls go there for their lunch and chat, the lunch supplied by the Bauland company and the girls. From floor to ceiling the building is illuminated by electric lights. The company has its own dynamo and incandescent lights and arc lights shed their radiance everywhere when occasion demands it. The Bauland Company makes a special feature of mailing orders. That is to say, they own thirty-five wagons, with fifty teams, and they have a precise system under which every city district is covered.

A TOl'R HERE AND THERE. Any of the six passenger elevators will take the visitors to the fifth floor, where one will find a large and well equipped grocery store and fresh meat market. In this 'department a miniature pure food show is in progress at all times, exhibition booths for the demonstration of pure foods beins arranged tastefully about the floor. The wine and liquor and cigar departments are also located on this floor, and are stocked with first-class brands, such as are usually found in first class exclusive liquor and cigar stores. The entire fourth floor is devoted to the display of furniture.

Among the beautiful things to be seen on this Boor are chiffoniers, a variety of beautiful tables, bedsteads and burea'us, an old style English dresser in black oak, cabinets and plate racks to beautify corners and walls. Among the antique pieces are some gilt top tables, card tables, chairs in profusion, picturesque wash stands and secretaries, a variety of gold cabincta, ornamented with beautiful paintings and trimmed with rich inlaid marqueterie and handsome mahogany tables of all kinds, A large space is given up for the display of hall and library tables, sideboards, hall seats, dining-room tables and chairs and many odd pieces that are faithful reproductions of antique examples of established authenticity, and while a certain exclusive-ness is insured, it does not necessarily mean that the prices are extravagant. There are also music cabinets, shaving stands, book cases, dressing cases and toilet tables in abundance. The display of upholstered furniture for the parlor also takes up a "great deal of space. Rockers and chairs of every variety are also here In bewildering assortment, while the display of metal bedsteads, and bedding of nil descriptions occupy one entire room and is one of the largest in the city.

The lace curtains and upholstery section in the front portion of the third floor is filled with dainty, new and interesting laces all the staple kinds of laces that are always here in profusion and many extreme novelties not seen elsewhere. In the upholstery department there is a complete assortment the very latest importations from the highest to the very lowest in price silks, velvets, linens and cotton stuffs in a variety of patterns, weaves and quality to meet any emergency or effect. SOME OF THE SPECIALTIES. The picture and picture frame department is located next to the curtain department. Here one can spend an hour or two in looking over the immense collection of subjects, which are all appropriated framed.

A recently enlarged carpel department is also on the third Hinm-. This department is displaying the largest selection of carpeting in its career, pretty mo-qui'ltes. handsome velvets, hody Iii-usx-ls of many exclusive tapestry and ingrains; also a complete line of oilcloths, linoleums and mattings. There is also a tine collection of rugs in both Smyrna and Oriental. It is safe to say that never was the carpet section anywhere larger than is to-day, for at no other time during the next six months will there be more styles shown.

The sporting goods section contains a full assortment of well known stocks. Cam-ems and photographic supplies of all kinds also occupy a good portion of the tnird The music books departments now occupy four times the space they formerly did in their new location on the third floor. Its growing popularity demanded additional space and all the popular as well as classic music of the day is sol 1 in this department. The second floor of Ho establishment is the parlor floor, and the many items of interest to be seen on this floir are worthy of special mention. In the cloak and suit department, occupying the major portion of this immense floor, there appears to he Silk and Dress Goods Sectiona, Main an unlimited amount of ready-made suits, one of the finest costumes was a castor Venetian cloth.

The jacket close fitting, with a scalloped bottom and an inlaid velvet collar, the skirt made in the same scalloped effect, the entire suit being lined with silk. Another gown of black broadcloth was made with a tunic over-skirt. The jacket was an Eton effect entirely covered wlthbralding and had a high Medici collar. The revers were of black moire silk. The jacket was lined with white taffeta showing a ruffle of the white at the back and cuffs.

The military capes come in bright colors, lined with white and trimmed with gilt braid and buttons, are quite smart. A fine line of stylish broadcloth and covert jacketB is shown by this firm. The entire second floor of the new annex is devoted to the sale of ready to wear The Gigantle Metal Bedstead Department, Fourth Floor, Joaeph H. Banland Company. garments for misses and children, and is one of the largest departments in Brooklyn.

The muslin underwear department is also located on the second floor. The assort- ment is large, and the embroideries, Insertions, laces and plaitingg exquisite. The untrimnied millinery and ribbon departments occupy one entire floor in the new annex building. These departments are thoroughly up to date with all the newest conceits for spring. I'ARTICrLAULY FOR WOMEN.

The leading millinery department in Greater New York is one of the principal attraction of "Bauland's." Its new location is in the new building, where it occupies two entire floors, the main and mezzanine, fully three times the space it lormerly occupied. The trimmed hat section claims for ils lociftion the mczsuinliic floor. The par-bus are pretty and cozy, and bore are displayed the works of the hailing modiste. Two htitu that attracted a deal of attention are a. very stylish and striking picture hat', the design of Caroline lioloux, in fancy yellow straw, with a tan i drafted with black velvet Tn pteated iff.

J. round brim, with a very lnu of plaited silk, diced with yellow braid in cnler if bow, fastened with a Roman goM b.ickle, with a cluster of tea rones under brim, giving a very finished tj le to the the other, a Virol creation, an rxqu 'site shade of paie violet, (he entire hat of in de soic. embroidered with narrow Trench braid, draped into walking cfl'ool. I side banked wiih iolels and green folia. and two large violet velvet roses, faxteii, with effect, is of violet velvet ill darker ade, handsome rtoio buckle fastening front brim.

ao tini-liiiiir a Lou drapery in the back. I Tlie basement snlcsro in- contain china and ghifsware, brtc-n-hrai clocks, mantel ornament, and the lanety here it coli- siderable. TOl'CHKS OF SI 'HI Nil. The main floor presents a panorama of spring, no matter in what direction you look. The silverware and jewdrj department sImh i 1 a Ivtintii-, leather goo Is 'department is also the front por-tioti hi tlie slo with a i clock, as is also tlie stationery department.

The drug, sundry and patent medicine section is well nized on account the popular prices that prevail at all limes. The depart incut the sal- of linens, linings and doincistii is located it: the rear portion of the main floor. The textile department, silks, dress goods and wash fabrics, were never so" well represented as at Floor, Joseph H. Banland Company. the present time, all the newest and nobbiest designs for sprit dresses, skirts and waists are here in abundance.

All the new tilings in hosiery for men, women anH children, men's fnrniehings, underwear for men, women and children are on sale in the front portion of the store, just as yon enter to the right. The kid glove section is one of the attractive spi ts on the niaiu floor; all the latest spring shades and styles are here in large variety. The clothing department appears to good advantage, and in it can be found prmg fashions in ready-made clothing for men, youths and boys. A line of head-wear is also to be found in this complete department. In response to numerous requests a merchant tailoring department has been opened.

Next cornea the shoe department The stock in this department has been selected in anticipation of an increased business this spring, and is, replete with all grades of women's footwear, ranging in the lowest lo price to the best, of leathers. The ladies' reception, waiting and retiring rooms located on the mezzanine floor of main building, are comfortable aud attractive..