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Is Library Trip Off?

Is Library Trip Off?

IS LIBRARY TRIP OFF? boler Will Not Be Responsible for Send- BIw1 aimirall to Huron ixg am ana auninu Aunpt FubliO Expense. Borough President Coler, who Is out town, sent a telegram last night to Frank P. Hill, librarian of the Brooklyn Library, stating that he was Informed that Comptrol- ler Met, had come out publicly and de-1 nounced the proposed trip of Mr. Hill and Raymond F. Almlrall, tho architect who to build the Brooklyn Central Library, Europe In order to get Ideas.

'If that Is so," wired Mr. coler, "declare the trip otr immediately. I aid not approve the trip until I had procured the rersonal consent of Comptroller Metz. President Boody also got the consent of the Comptroller." Bright and early this morning Mr. Hill was at Borough Hall and showed the telegram to Borough Secretary Adams.

Then Mr. Adams made this explanation: "Mr. Color Informed me that before ar ranging for the European trip for Raymond P. Almlrall, trTe architect who Is to build the Brooklyn Central Library, and Frank P. Hill, the librarian of tjat Institution, he and ex-Mayor Boody had called upon Comp troller Metz, who had agreed to the trip as a legitimate expenditure of publlo money ln view of the size and style of the pro posed building.

When Mr. Coler says that Mr. Metz has publicly announced that he would refuse to stand for this trip, he stated IT'! trolleys attitude was oorreotly stated fo the hfner frtr fha nnmmlt aa frnm th TJhrarv Committee to do. wad to call off the proposed excursion. He then wired to Mr.

mil It 1, doubtful, however, If the trio will be declared off. Mn Almlrall was a visitor at Borough Hall to-day and he bad a long talk with Secretary Adams, af ter which the latter enounced: "Mr. Hill has been told by Mr. Metz that the Comptroller will stand by his promise to the Borough President.".