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Last Updated: Thursday, 19 May, 2005, 17:13 GMT 18:13 UK
Climbie officers keep their jobs
Victoria Climbie
Victoria Climbie was murdered by her aunt and her boyfriend
None of the officers involved in the case of murdered eight-year-old Victoria Climbie will lose their jobs after facing tribunals, police say.

Six officers who worked for child protection teams in Brent and Haringey, north London, were given reprimands.

A detective inspector and three sergeants admitted failing to supervise investigations. A constable admitted failing to investigate matters.

And a detective chief inspector was found guilty of charges against him.

He was given a formal caution - less serious than a reprimand - after denying the charges against him at the month-long tribunal.

Inquiry evidence

A further two officers, a detective inspector and a sergeant, last year received "words of advice" over their roles in the case.

There are more staff who are better trained and resourced in order to undertake some of the most demanding investigations within policing
Scotland Yard

Some of the six officers gave evidence to Lord Laming's public inquiry which concluded that there had been 12 chances to save Victoria's life.

Her great aunt Marie-Therese Kouao and boyfriend Carl John Manning are serving life for Victoria's horrific murder.

She died after suffering 128 injuries to her body in February 2000.

'Extreme regret'

Scotland Yard said in a statement that "great strides" had been made in improving services for children.

"Child protection teams have been brought together for the first time under a central management structure that has improved the status and priority given to child protection," the statement said.

It was a matter of "extreme regret" that Victoria had died in the way she had, it added.

Details of the officers who faced tribunals have not been revealed.

Victoria had been sent to the UK to stay with Kouao.

She was tied up in a freezing bathroom, beaten and starved.


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