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THE Marlborough Express. Published Every Evening WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1887. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS.

Deputy SnKniFi?. — Major Wehb has baen appointed Deputy Sheriff at Nelson, viiw Mr A. A. Scaife, resigned.

Insurance Agent.— Mr Thomas Watson has been appointed travelling agent m this district for the Colonial Mutual Life Office. We wish him and his persuasive powers the greatest success.

Tne Neptune.— Intending passongers by the Neptune should bear m mind that, as she was unable to get away at noon to-day, she will leave at midnight.

Volunteer Parade. — The MarlboTnugh Hussars will parade for inspection of arms to-morrow evening. After the inspection a mounted drill will be held. Members are requested to meet afc head quarters at 7 p.m.

A Sound Society.— We notice from the balance sheet of Court Blenheim, A.0.F., that the sick and funeral fund amounts to £2675 103 10.1, of whioh £2480 is out on mortgage of real property. There are 119 financial members.

Looking Them up.— The Inspector of Nuisances (Mr Kennedy) requests v? to say that he is about to interview owners of property, m which the trees or hedges overhang or encroach upon the roadways and footpaths. He would like to avoid serving notices aod taking proceedings, if he can possibly help doing so.

On His Travels. — Mr Fred Crook, the genial and pushing agent for Booth Macdonald and Onmpany's agricultural implement and machinery works, Christchurch, is just now on a visit to Blenheim. Farmers should take the opportunity to do business with him.

Tenders.— The following tenders have bean received by Mr Caleb Davies, for rebuilding the Wairau Valley Accommodation Houae : — Brewer and Hay (accepted) LG99 15s, W. D. Bright L74J), Lusty and Co L 749 10s, D. Wemyas L 749 12s, Maxted Hegten and Co L 755, J. Simpson L7G3, Homes L 775, P. O'Connor L 79.3 9s, F. Watson L 843 10s, W. Tetley LS69, A. Poddie LBB7, J. A. Simpson LB9B, G. Mason LB9S 9s, Newman L 935, J. Miller L 945, H. Houuor LI 137 105, and Brookes L 1240 ss.

Petty Larceny.— Some daring individual stole tbe key of the Church of the Nativity on Sunday night, and tampered with the gas. Some still more daring person removed last night Mr Stonhouse's Rabbit Exterminator from his office lobby. Theft or mischief was the motive m the first case ; a desire to try an experiment was perhaps the ruling passion m the other.

Street Processions.— The Governor has refused to sanction the Napier by-law putting down processions and the singing of songs and playing of musical instruments m the public streets. The bylaw, which was of a very stringent charaater, was aimed at the Salvation Army. That body can now laugh at its would-be persecutors.

Regatta Concert.— lt is the intention of the Wairau Regatta Club to hold a grand concert on the night of the Regatta (2nd Match), when the Silver Cup and Trophies will be presented to the winning crews. The energetic Secretary, Mr T. A. Dickens, has the affair already m hand, and one of the best programmes ever performed m Marlborough will doubtless be the result.

Music Teacher —It is with a good deal of pleasure we hail the addition of Mr Martin A. Cheek to the list of Marlborough music teachers. He has t thorough knowledge, theoretical and practical, of the most delightful of aU arts and sciences, and his reputation for giving sound instruction m the violin, organ, and piano was well established before ha came to Blenheim. It is to be hoped he will have many pupils.

Caledonian Society. — Settlin^-up on tho New Year's Day sports took place last night at the Criterion Hotel, Mr R. M'Artney, President of the Society, m the chair. Tne am mnts for prize money were passed, to a total of £iil 12s Cd, ami various accouuts amounting to £50 were passed for piytnont. Tbe meeting adjourned until Monday evening next, at half-past 7 o'clock. The Committee and their friends subsequently had a jileasant dince and convivial gathering at the Odd Fellows Hall, whe> the playing of Mr Monro, Piper to Hi? Excellency the fJ-o-vernor, was greatly admired.

''Thr Lrp.BBATi." — We have received the prospectus of a now weekly newspaper entitle! " The Liberal," which is about to be issued m Wellington. Mr J. Evison (better known as • • Ivo ") will be tho Manager. As its name indicates, tho jonrnal will bo an orfian of advanced opinions m political, social, and theological matters, but it will not be a mere " freethought " public itioc. It is to be issued weekly, price threepence, and the first number will be out during the iiresent month. It will have correspondents m all parts of the Colony, and contributions, tales, easays, <tc, by a staff of able writers. We wish " The Liberal " all possible success.

,SoHor.AnsnrP3.— By telegram from Nelson to-day, wo learn that the Tinline B.>y'a Schokrßhip was won by Edward Paaley with 573 out of a possible GOO ; the Tinline Girl's Scholarship by Emily Millington with 541 ; and the Marlborough Scholarphip by Ernest Rutherford (Havelock) with 580. In congrauulating these young people on their success, for which they studied and worked hard for many months past, it is right to say that it reflects special credit on their teachers, Mr J. P. Lucas m Blenheim and Mr Reynolds m Havelock. It is a feather m the cap of the Borough Schools and its teaoher that both the Tinline Scholarships, for which there were seventy competitors m the two provincial districts, should have fallen to Marlborough. Nelson appears to be behind again this year. Even the Nelson Scholarship has not fallen to a boy from the City, "but (so we learn from a telegram kindly shewn to us by the Secretary of the Education Board) to a lad named Craig, a pupil of Mr Burnhara at Reef ton, with 500 marks.

A Dancerous Practice.— lt ba3 come to our knowledge that a dangerous practice prevails on the Taylor Pass Road, by which a serious if not fatal accident will aom" night be caused. On soveral occasions lately persons driving into town have found their way barred by a fence temporarily placed across the road near the old boundary hut. A waggon was drawn up by the roadside, and a tent pitched. While the occupants were sleeping the sleep of the just the bar had been placed across to keep the horses from straying down towards Blenheim. On a dark night, and to horses and traps driving along unawaieof this obstruction, the. consequences might he unpleasant. The olFendcra are known, and it m hoped they will discontinue tho practice

Eospital.— The next meeting of the Hospital Board will take place on Saturday the 15tb, when tendei'3 will be opeued for furnishing the newbuilding. Particulars will be found iD another column.

■DESTROYrso RAP.mTS.~The following tenders were received by the Department for destroying rabbits on 250 acres Crown Land. Wairau River bed : — G. Brenchley £12 (accepted), E. Stratford £50 and £(W. S. Linfcern £70, J. Reid £75, H. Seifert £07, J. Soott £98, J. Satherley £120, L. Ford £130.

Thk Pjeakk Fund.— The Hon Captain Baillie desires to acknowledge the following further donations to the " Guard's Christmas Box " :— Mrs Chaytor ss. Mr Wyvill 2a Gd, Mr Liggins ss, Win. Eirp and Co sa, and Mr B. P. Bayley ss. The fund is nowcloßed, •

Cbickkt.— In the Cup Match at Picton on Saturday between the local Club and the Blenheim Cricket Club, the former wi'l be represented as follows : — E. Neal, W. Entwistle, J. Entwistlo, Bellairs, T. Miller, Andrews, Blizzard, J. Dry, Campbell, Petherick, and P. Godfrey. Emergencies— C. Godfrey, F. Galloway, F. Conolly, A. Harris, J. Neal, Baillie, and H. Seymour. Play will start at 10 o'clock, a.m. Mr Swanwiek wiil umpire for Pieton.

Georoie Smithson.— There is a prospect of Miss Georgie Smithson (now lessee of the Theatre Royal, Maaterton), paying a visit to Blenheim on the race nights next month. As a binlesque actress, vocalist, and dancer she has few equals m the colonies, and she will probably bring with her a small but carefully selected and clever Company.

Where she got Them ! — A private conversation made public. — Thia delicious butter, this fragrant tea, these new laid eggs, do please tell me where you got them ? If you want the best goods at the lowest price you can get them of John Rose, Grocer, etc., Market Street South, Agent for Pnre Indian Tea, and for Budden's celebrated Nel;on seeds. Owing to the depressed state of tho market, I have been enabled to buy several special lines at advantageous terms. I beg to append a few quotations and have very cheap lines m almost every department. Boys' drill suits 4s 6J each (half price) ; Mohair dresses 4id per yard, (less than half-price) ; Long lace curtains 2s 9d per pair ; Gents Java grass bats,

very light for summer wear ; Men's Tweed

and Serge Suits from 18a 6A ; Drillettes, Prints, and Washing Dresses, very cheap. Millinery m great; variety. Dressmaking under able management. Sieger's Sewing M& ".hines on the Hire system, 2s 6-1 perweLK. — T. Smale, Wairau Store. SicrNNY Men.—" Wells' Haakh Re-

newer" restores health and vigor, cm-es

Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual De'nluy. At chemists and druggists. Kern ptharnd Prosaer and Co., Agents, Chris church, 2

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXIII, Issue 3, 5 January 1887, Page 2

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THE Marlborough Express. Published Every Evening WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1887. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXIII, Issue 3, 5 January 1887, Page 2

THE Marlborough Express. Published Every Evening WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1887. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXIII, Issue 3, 5 January 1887, Page 2