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Review: Liza Minnelli - Cabaret?And All That Jazz: Anthology (Salvo/Union Square, two disc

IF YOU are a great performer but not the greatest singer in the world, then you have to choose your material, and the people you work with, very carefully.

Review Liza Minnelli Cabaret And All That Jazz Anthology Salvo Union Square two discs Review: Liza Minnelli - Cabaret?And All That Jazz: Anthology (Salvo/Union Square, two discs)

Time and again Liza Minnelli squanders her slender talent on the trite (Oh Babe, What Would You Say), the inappropriate (Bill Withers' sleazy Use Me) and the downright lousy (the disco-lite of Tropical Nights).

She is better when she keeps it simple, as on A Beautiful Thing, or working with The Pet Shop Boys: the first arrangers to truly understand her. Losing My Mind, on which her voice resonates over a thunderously teutonic beat, stands head and shoulders above the whole album, Cabaret included.

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