Ben Ramsey,, ramsey,

is a coder, writer, and speaker. He is a Staff Engineer at Skillshare, organizes user groups, and contributes to open source software. Ben blogs at and is @ramsey on Twitter and on Mastodon.


Hi, I’m Ben.

I’m a coder, writer, and speaker. A Staff Engineer at Skillshare, I enjoy APIs, open source software, organizing user groups, good beer, and spending time with my family. Nashville is my home.

Find out more about me.

Photograph of me giving a presentation at PHP Experience in Brazil in 2016.


I write about web development and related technologies in my blog, articles, and books.


I speak about web development and related technologies at conferences around the world.


I organize, maintain, develop, and participate in many open source projects and communities.


I am an aficionado of beer and lover of coffee. Sometimes I write about them.