Letter : Rev.Benny Thomas

Focus on Jesus
In our faith life, Lent is a significant season. For most Christians, the season of Lent has always been a time for introspection, repentance (changing our ways), and renewal.  It offers the chance to journey alongside Jesus along the paths he has taken. Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent in the Protestant tradition. In some of the liturgical traditions, Christians customarily mark their foreheads with ashes. Ash carries symbolic meaning. It serves as a reminder of our brokenness, mortality, and dependence on God to work new life in us and through us. The concept of self-denial is central to the Lenten season. And Christian spirituality is stated to be one of self-denial. There is a common dictum which says, ‘If only we exercise a little self-denial every day, we shall get on to heaven very comfortably.’ This brief proverb is filled with a lot of truth! “If any man,” says Christ, “will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me” (Luke 9:23). It’s not “let him deny certain things that are his own.” No, everyone has to “deny himself/ herself,” and it is a “daily” thing. Self acts everywhere, at all times, and in all situations—in the family, the shop, the office, the church, the fellowship groups and the like. It has preferences, habits, likes, and dislikes, as well as prejudices. That causes us to focus solely on our own priorities. But Christ Jesus should be our main priority. Lent provides an opportunity to practice self-denial and focus our attention on Jesus. But it is up to us to decide.
Praying for the strength to put Jesus first in your life!

May God Bless You All,