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Notie Goes Bollywood



:icontdikatieplz::iconsaysplz:Whee! Oh my gosh, Noah, don't be so grumpy! Isn't this fun?
:icontdinoahplz::iconsaysplz:Katie, I will never, ever have fun in an outfit like this.
:icontdikatieplz::iconsaysplz:*gasp* What are you talking about? I love these cool Indian clothes!
:icontdinoahplz::iconsaysplz:Well, see, that's because you're a girl wearing a dress. It's not as much fun when I'm forced to do it.
:icontdikatieplz::iconsaysplz:It's not a dress, Noah, it's called a sari. And the shirt you're wearing is called a kurta.
:icontdinoahplz::iconsaysplz:...Okay, I am Indian, so why do you know that and I don't?
:icontdikatieplz::iconsaysplz:Duh, because you don't know anything about fashion!
:icontdinoahplz::iconsaysplz:Hmm. Touché, my dear.
:icontdikatieplz::iconsaysplz:You should wear loose clothes more often, with your wide shoulders they make you look buff. Now come on, let's dance! *drags him away*
:icontdinoahplz::iconsaysplz:What?! No way, I'm not going to dance around like an idiot, especially looking like this!
:icontdikatieplz::iconsaysplz:Come on, it'll be fun! And if you're lucky, maybe later I'll show you my Dance of the Seven Veils. :horny:
:icontdinoahplz::iconsaysplz:Pfft, the Dance of the Seven Veils isn't even from India, Katie, it's--- *stops and let's her words actually sink in* Oh, my. :blush:

Happy Total Drama Crack and Fanon Week, everybody! :dance: Day 1's theme is "Around the World." I decided to do Noah and Katie in Bollywood style, because apparently Noah is supposed to be Indian and I could totally picture a situation like the one I just wrote. =D Why they're there is open to interpretation---maybe an AU version of TDWT, though I sort of like to think it's Noah's family on a trip and one of his older siblings or someone is forcing him to dress the part. :mwahaha:

I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to pick out the colors for this one. :faint: And looking up actual traditional Indian clothes. And trying to find good Bollywood backgrounds to copy (and finally settling for ones from Phineas and Ferb :XD:).

I apologize to any Indians seeing this for portraying such a ridiculously-clichéd version of your culture. Even though I find it funny. :giggle:

Hope you enjoy, fellow fanon-fans! :iconimhappierplz:

Edit: I think this is the first official C&F submission of 2010! Awesome! :w00t!:
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kmick14's avatar
If you'd like to know Katie is Malaysian