To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Stop Using Toxic Fracking Waste On Our Roads

Waste from hydrofracking is toxic, unregulated, and prolific. It's also being peddled for use on our roads and parking lots as de-icing 'brine'. We walk in it, drive in it, breathe it, and drink it. Stop the use of toxic brine, and disclose its locations and ingredients to the public.

Why is this important?

With community encouragement, our county recently turned down an offer to use fracking waste (undisclosed toxic chemical waste from hydrofracking) as de-icing 'brine' on our roads.

Our water source, a well, is about 6 feet from the road. Chemicals used on our roads can stick to our shoes and run-off into our water sources. Legislation and oversight of this practice needs to be immediate and strong, yet doesn't yet exist. Let's get it started.