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    Data is no longer at REST

    A brief look at the history of web technologies, and our readiness for  the realtime web — talk by Matthew O’Riordan, CEO, Ably Realtime



    Hi all. I am Matt, the technical co-founder of a platform as a service business called Ably. We provide realtime functionality as a service for developers making it easy for them build realtime apps and services, such as chat, live pricing information, or collaboration tools like Google Docs.

    Before  I get all nostalgic and give you a brief history of the internet and  describe the building blocks that have enabled it to be so incredibly  successful, I think it would be better to first start with what I mean  by data at rest and data in motion.

    Funnily  enough, when I went ski touring in a little swiss village called Trient  last year, I saw something there that reminded me of data at rest. In  the 19th century, the frozen water industry emerged, and Trient, the  town I was in, started supplying ice to the industry in the late 19th  century. People would literally harvest ice from the Alps, transport it  across the continent, and sell it in markets. I found the whole concept  of the ice industry quite fascinating, but as a realtime evangelists  thinking about data in motion, I did draw some rather obscure analogies  with data at rest and how data in motion solves these problems.

    At  the time, there was a supply chain for this ice, and it would be  harvested and shipped from source to a marketplace, where buyers would  come to buy ice, then ship it onto other smaller marketplaces, where  buyers would come to buy ice wholesale, until eventually it reached the  final buyer. All along the way, two very important factors were at play.  The value of the ice decreased the longer you held it, there was no way  to ship the ice directly to the end user, intermediaries were needed.  So speed was pretty important, yet in spite of this, the only way to  participate in this market was go to to a marketplace, buy your ice, and  ship it back. This is very much like data at rest, at least for data  where timeliness is of the essence. If the only way to find out the  price of the stock is to ask someone what the price is, and they have to  ask other people in turn, the time it takes to get an answer is going  to be long, and it’s going to be hugely inefficient as everyone keeps  asking each other the price even if the markets are closed.

    At  the start of the 20th century, the frozen water trade came to an end  due to advances in refrigeration cooling systems, yet water itself was  of course still needed. Water flowed in pipes like data in motion, and a  continual flow of the materials for ice were distributed to all buyers  in the market directly. The intermediaries in many ways were removed  complete, water would enter the water systems and be distributed  directly to homes and businesses where it would later be turned to ice.  No one needed to explicitly request water because the water itself was  flowing, readily available. It’s no coincidence of course that data in  motion is often referred to as data streams, fire hoses and pipes.

    So  my talk today is really focused on the how in the last 20–30 years the  Internet has moved forwards in leaps and bounds, yet to some degree, in  relative terms to my earlier story, we are in the late 19th century.  This was the pinnacle of the frozen water industry, which in today’s  terms, the period where most data is still at rest. Yet I believe a big  change is brewing driven by consumer demand for realtime experiences,  exponential growth in data being generated from new sources like IoT  devices and machine learning, and recognition that the value of data in  many use cases has decreasing value the longer it remains at rest.


    Before  I get started, I’m hoping we can have a little bit of fun whilst I  demonstrate the use of realtime technologies on your mobile phones.

    Please visit on your mobiles now.

    Are you there?
    Ok, so who wants to be the guinea pig and throw their phone in the air for us all to enjoy?

    What code do you have?

    Right,  OK, so you’re now streaming the orientation of your phone in realtime  to the Ably cloud, as well as the acceleration of your phone.

    Everyone  else, you should see that code appear on your screens now in realtime.  Click on that, and we’ll all see a realtime stream of that phone.

    Can you rotate your phone around, and everyone should see that?

    Ok, do it, throw your phone but please do catch it.

    Good throw.

    So  what you are experiencing there is a basic example of data in motion.  The mobile device is streaming data to the cloud, in this case our  closest servers in Ireland, and then that cloud is streaming data out to  all the other devices and my laptop in realtime.


    So  now that we know what data in motion is versus data at rest, and we’ve  seen data in motion in action, it’s time for our history lesson!

    Whilst  the Internet and Web has been built on a broad set of technological  developments, there are almost unequivocally a few notable technologies  that are the backbone and catalyst for the underlying network and web  services have today.

    Back  in 1970, two DARPA scientists developed TCP/IP, which is the low level  network protocol that provides a robust way for computers to transmit  data to each other. It is the primary networking protocol that all  internet enabled devices rely on today, although there are some  indications some new protocols may now finally emerge, almost 50 years  on, such as QUIC.

    Then  in the 90s, HTTP, a protocol designed by Tim Berners-Lee, became the  application protocol of the web. It provided a language for browser to  communicate efficiently with web servers over a simple text based  protocol. It was of course built on top of the robust network protocol  of the 70s, TCP/IP.

    Then  very soon after, came a number of browser technologies to handle  markup, layout and presentation of content, namely HTML, CSS and  Javascript. Tim Berners-Lee was once again instrumental in much of this,  having defined the first HTML spec in the early 90s. And given he had  been instrumental in the design of HTTP, browsers were of course  retrieving this markup over HTTP.

    Arguably,  it is these three layers of technologies that has made the Internet so  successful and revolutionised how people communicate with each other and  businesses globally. Like the agricultural and industrial revolutions,  the change has been driven by a collective process that developed and  expanded from one innovation being built upon another.


    Moving  forwards, the demands on the Internet have continued to increase,  largely driven by consumer demand and expectations for improved and  often far richer experiences. Open standards such as HTML, which are so  widely adopted, have unfortunately been slow to evolve to meet these  demands because it requires working groups to agree on complex and often  backwards incompatible changes. For example, HTML 5 first became a  working draft proposal in 2008, and was only released as stable version 6  years later in 2014. Similarly, HTTP 1.1 which is most widely used  today, was defined as an ISO standard in 1997, and 18 years later now  has a successor, HTTP 2.0. HTTP 2 whilst a huge improvement on HTTP 1.1,  is hardly an entirely new technology, but instead represents a  significant evolution of the core tenets of the original HTTP spec  defined by Tim Berners-Lee back in the early 90s. Sadly, this is not  unsurprising as backwards compatibility is essential, and getting  working groups to agree and implement significant changes to the  Internet’s fabric is hard.

    Whilst  most of the focus thus far has been on the technologies that enable  people to interact with the web, businesses have been exploiting the  internet and web fabric to exchange data with each other  programmatically as well with great success. These web and internet  technologies made it incredibly easy for businesses to communicate with  each other as the networking layer TCP/IP existed, and the protocol for  servers to communicate with browsers was equally efficient for servers  to communicate with other servers. So once the Internet picked up  momentum, we quickly saw businesses follow suit and start offering APIs,  which stands for Application Programming Interfaces.

    But  there was a problem which stifled widespread adoption of these APIs by  businesses. Whilst it was easy for businesses now to send and receive  requests over Internet protocols, there was no agreement on formats. So  standards organisations and committees emerged to try to solve this  problem. However, in many ways this only exacerbated the problem. The  standards defined for these data formats were often incredibly thorough  and covered every edge case they could think of, but they were also  complex. So whilst interacting with other businesses was now far simpler  over web technologies, there was a new layer of complexity in  implementing these complex standards by both the requester and receiver  of this information.

    So  in the mid to late 90s, a working group was formed to define a flexible  and extensible markup language called XML that allowed machines to  communicate with machines without having to worry about data formats,  but instead focus on the data and the semantics of that data. XML was in  fact soon replaced mostly with JSON as it’s a far simpler format for  data in most cases, but in reality, I believe XML was the first  technology that really solved the problem of providing a common data  format for businesses.

    But  there was still one final barrier before businesses could freely  communicate with each other without significant engineering effort.  Whilst the networking layer, protocol, and now the data formats had  effectively one preferred approach, there was still a lack of  standardisation in how clients and servers could express commands and  requests to each other. Therefore, without this standardisation, every  time two companies built API connections with each other, they would  need to implement a custom language or programming interface to perform  common operations like requesting the price of a product. A few  technologies came along to try and solve this, including WSDL and SOAP,  however in the end REST, or Representational State Transfer, won out and  this standard is still by far away most adopted.

    So  in early 2000, when all of these technologies, standards and protocols  were in place, I believe it was at this point that a new programmable  interface economy was finally able to emerge. The overhead required to  consume or publish APIs became small, developers no longer needed to  reinvent the wheel each time they were tasked with this, and as such,  businesses were more easily able to realise value by exposing a  programmatic interface into their business. In fact, Salesforce and eBay  are recognised as the pioneers having exposed public APIs for the first  time in early 2,000.

    Whilst  the impact of these technologies and the reduced engineering friction  as a result may not seem that significant, I believe the emergence of  widespread APIs in itself could be considered a technological  revolution. Currently, on a directory which tracks public APIs called  ProgrammableWeb, there are over 10,000 different companies providing  APIs, which in reality means there are probably 10s or even 100s of  millions of API integrations globally. Now what seems like a trivial  purchase of an item on Amazon, may in fact result in hundreds of APIs  being executed in near realtime to fulfill that request, from payment,  to fraud detection, to fulfilment, to notifications and thank you  emails.


    At  this point I think it’s fair to wonder what all of this has to do with  data in motion and data at rest. Well once consumers got used to the  idea that they could interact with businesses from anywhere in the world  and get a response within seconds, they demanded more. It was no longer  acceptable that an online bank statement was out of date, or traffic  updates were not in real time, or even simply that your web mail that  was quickly replacing your native mail clients was not updating in real  time. So the first generation realtime systems evolved to solve these  problems.

    Google  and their Gmail product is often seen as the product that drove this  innovation. They wanted to give their customers a realtime experience  within a web browser and see their emails arrive in real time. To  achieve this was not easy as all of the web technologies I’ve talked  about thus far are really designed for data at rest. What I mean by this  is a client, which is a browser in this case, sends a request to a  server, and waits for an answer. A request/response mechanic is the  basis of the HTTP protocol that Tim Berners-Lee first devised in the  90s. As such, a client browser cannot ask a server to notify it when  there’s something new, but must instead simply continue to ask the  server periodically to find out if there are updates available. This  nasty architecture pattern is called polling and unsurprisingly is still used widely today.

    So  the innovative engineers at Google were forced to be creative and  hacked the underlying HTTP protocol. In simplistic terms, what they did  is realise that just because a client is asking a question, it doesn’t  mean the server needs to answer straight away. Instead, when a server  received a request from a client saying, “Hey, are there any new  emails”, if there weren’t, the server would just wait. And it would  continue to wait until a timeout was reached, or an email did arrive and  it would respond with “Yes, I have a new email”. And like that, pseudo  realtime was born, and consumers were able to get realtime-like  experiences within devices built upon web technologies. This approach to  realtime is again still used quite extensively, and is called long polling.

    And  off the back of these hacks, the first generation realtime platforms  were born. And they worked surprisingly well, and solved the realtime  notification needs of the time for browsers. However, these hacks have  shortcomings, and whilst these approaches work for simple notifications,  they are just not fit for purpose for broader applications, such as  business to business data sharing, high data throughput, or indeed  simply as a reliable way to deliver data with guarantees in regards to  performance or integrity of your data.


    So we’re finally getting to the point of my talk and problems that we are facing when it comes to data in motion.

    Remember earlier I told you that the amount of data being produced is growing exponentially, well that’s true. See this graph:

    Admittedly  a lot of that growth is coming from unstructured data like video,  images and audio, however it’s still data, and consumers still want  access to that data quickly. The interesting thing is that the  predictions are that an increasing amount of the data being produced  won’t in fact be stored. This is largely because it is only relevant at  the time, or is only needed to drive an activity such as machine  learning, aggregate some stats, or trigger events.

    So if we assume that:

    • Consumers increasingly demand realtime experiences
    • The amount of data being produced is increasing
    • The amount of data needed to be processed is increasing at the same rate
    • Yet the amount of data needing to be stored is decreasing
    • And the value to consumers is in the recency and accuracy of that data

    Then  I believe that firstly the current generation of data at rest APIs and  technologies are not suitable because they are not designed to be  reactive, but instead are designed to handle the traditional  request/response mechanic.

    And  secondly, that a new set of realtime APIs are needed to allow  businesses to share this data freely, easily, and without significant  engineering overhead, like they do now for static APIs.

    The problem is, no standards are emerging to solve this problem.

    We have TCP/IP which is the network layer, which is indeed fit for purpose.

    We  have HTTP and a superset of protocols on top, that are still primarily  focussed on request and response mechanics. Some streaming capabilities  exist on top of HTTP like WebSockets,  SSE, XHR streaming, but the problem is that we also have other suitable  protocols like AMQP, STOMP, XMPP, CoAP, just to name a few. And on top  of that, there are literally hundreds of proprietary protocols in use.

    In terms of data formats, fortunately that’s a solved problem.

    But  once again, when it comes to standardising on APIs for how to query  realtime data, some academic papers exist, but again no standard is  emerging to solve this problem.

    In  addition to this, unlike with data at rest, realtime data is typically  shared globally with any number of subscribers. So for example, a point  be scored in a tennis match, may be broadcasted to millions of devices.  With the data at rest model, the providers of those APIs would rarely be  responsible for the fanning out of this data, whereas with data in  motion models, the less intermediaries there are, the lower the latency.  So the publishers are typically responsible for managing this scale.


    So  firstly we need to think about what the ramifications of this problem  are. My view is that because there are no standards, it makes it very  hard for small to medium businesses to participate in this new realtime  data economy. The costs to integrate, maintain and run systems that can  publish and subscribe to realtime data is going to be prohibitively  expensive from both an engineering perspective and even an  infrastructure perspective.

    Which  in turn will lead to huge polarisation in the industry. The giants like  Google, Amazon and Microsoft will be able to share data with each  other, and as a result, accelerate away from others as they have more  data to improve their services and experiences for their consumers in  real time. Specifically, in the AI and Machine Learning space, the more  data you have to train your models, the better the results of your AI,  so this in itself is quite a daunting idea.

    However,  humans in times of need, and arguably more importantly, when there is  an opportunity to commercially benefit by providing a solution, are  incredibly good at finding a solution. So it is possible that standards  will come together quickly, the industry will gravitate towards one or  two of the many technologies used in the realtime and streaming  industries, and as such, the realtime data supply chain will once again  be democratised in the same way the static API economy is now. This is  certainly possible, but given how long it’s take for standards to emerge  to date, I fear that’s not possible.

    Instead,  at Ably, we are betting on another approach which is interoperability.  Unlike with the current data at rest APIs that require both the client  and server to talk the same language, we believe that the publishers and  subscribers of data should be completely decoupled through an  intermediary. So for example an IoT device may respond to a car parking  space becoming available by publishing to an intermediary platform using  MQTT, a popular IoT protocol. That platform will then be responsible  for pushing that data to one or perhaps millions of subscribers who have  expressed an interest in that data. All of those subscribers can choose  to receive the data using any number of protocols, and do not care  which protocol was used to publish the data.

    With  this approach we believe the engineering effort required to participate  in the realtime supply chain is carried primarily by the intermediary,  open protocols and standards can emerge which may eventually win out,  but there is no rush to find a common ground, and all businesses of any  size can participate in this new realtime data economy.


    So before I finish up, I think it would be good to offer some parting advice.

    If you are looking to offer realtime functionality to your customers, then:

    • Think  carefully about whether you should buy or build. Unless you’re at huge  scale, the engineering costs of building and maintaining a solution will  almost certainly outweigh your service costs. And a quicker time to  market is often the most
    • Databases  and realtime functionality are often coupled together, which means you  benefit from far quicker prototype. But the downside, is you’ve created  coupling in your architecture which is much harder to pick apart later. I  recommend you choose best-in-breed for each component of your stack  when you can, although of course this decision will be influenced by  many factors including the size of your business.
    • Realtime  functionality comes in all shapes and sizes including open source and  commercial solutions. Think a little further forward than your immediate  requirement because a solid realtime backbone for your apps and  services will help you add more realtime functionality in the future  more quickly.

    If you are thinking of participating in the realtime data supply chain, as a publisher or subscriber:

    • Try  and avoid proprietary protocol lock-in. This only creates engineering  friction for the other participants of your supply chain.
    • Think  about whether you will need to send partial updates or complete updates  in your data streams. If the former, there are technologies like CRDT,  OT and various patching algorithms, but as yet, there are no standards  and sparse cross-platform support.
    • Unless  this element of your business is your business, offload the work of  scaling, redundancy and security to a third party vendor so that you can focus on the areas that deliver value, the data.

    Thank you!


    — — END — —

    Matthew O’Riordan is the CEO and Co-Founder of Ably Realtime