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Washington, DC

Clashes between Police and protestors as the Capitol has been entered.


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Why don鈥檛 they do this shit to antifa and blm ????? 馃が馃が馃が馃が馃が馃が馃が馃が馃が

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Their privilege 馃槫馃槕馃檮

When did they storm the capitol, break the windows and try to crawl into the chamber???

Holy smokes. I really hope we can keep it calm.

It鈥檚 our house. Let them in and be hear world wide.

Police are the violent ones!!!


I hope they brought rope to hang those traitor in Congress

Whose clever idea was it to instruct the police to start treating trump supporters like shit.

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All the blue cities have let their good cops go and only have kept oath breaking thugs, there is video of cops telling antifa and BLM to fight the patriots last night in DC

Those are antifa and BLM dressed as Trump supporters馃が馃が馃が馃が

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I hear USA USA.... sounds like angry Americans to me

Are these Trump supporters or Antifa pretenders seeking to defame our Patriots?

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Won鈥檛 know for sure until we start seeing the arrest records. But I鈥檓 betting that is the case.

Unfortunately from what I've heard its Trump supporters

Watch, antifa will be supporting blue now馃檮

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They sure always call them and get protection, Blue cities have gotten rid of most of their good cops ,DC cops are disgusting

Yea keep in mind some of these people could be antifa or BLM. They were instructed to show up dressed as trump supporters. Somethings weird.

Go in
This is it
This is our turn

Police should stand down. It鈥檚 not worth the fight.

Who says they are trump supporters?

Burn it down

That building belongs to the people, let them in we want to hear their voices, get Pelosi and tar and feather that bitch, Pence has failed to fulfill his duties under the constitution ,hang the traitor

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Tar and feather Pence too

You are calling for violence and wonder why the girl got shot. It鈥檚 a miracle more weren鈥檛.

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I believe this is Antifa. If it is MAGA it will backfire on us. IMO

Antifa members disguised as Trump supporters oldest trick in the book