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absurd - definition and synonyms

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adjective      absurd pronunciation in British English
Related words
  1. 1
    completely stupid, unreasonable, or impossible to believe

    She makes the most absurd claims about her past achievements.

    it is absurd to do something:

    It’s completely absurd to suggest that we shouldn’t test students.

  2. 2
    talking or behaving in a silly or extreme way

    Don’t be absurd – you’re just worrying about nothing.

    to absurd lengths (=making an extreme amount of effort):

    Jack goes to absurd lengths to prove his point.

  3. 3
    deliberately emphasizing what is silly or stupid about people and society

    She has a wonderfully absurd sense of humour.

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noun [countable/uncountable]
Word Forms

He’s beginning to realize the absurdity of the situation.



a word that changes its meaning, and sometimes its pronunciation, when the first letter is capitalized

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