A Book of Mormon Stories
fiction by William Perry Shunn

Back when I lived in Utah, I belonged to a couple of different writers' groups. By and large, the members of these groups had two things in common:
  1. They wrote some combination of science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
  2. They were involved, to one extent or another, with the Mormon Church.
I could probably write a whole dissertation on why I think those two characteristics seem to form such an inevitable pair. I'll save that for another day, but for now I'll just try to sum up in a sentence the common belief that my Mormon writer colleagues and I all seemed to share: Membership in Mormon Church seems to encourage wild speculation and universe-spanning imagination.

I don't know whether the material that follows will support my thesis or disprove it. All I know for sure is that, as hard as I've tried to fight it sometimes, my life as a Latter-Day Saint has touched and colored a good portion of what I've written. Most often, the connection to Mormon themes is subliminal, hidden; on occasion, however, I produce something that deals with those themes directly.

And those are the stories you'll find on this page. Not all of them, mind you -- only the ones that have seen print, or that have failed utterly to see print, or that I've abandoned before completion. I have at least two stories -- one a collaboration with my sweetheart Karawynn -- with explicit connections to Mormonism that you won't find here, because they are still making the rounds of the magazines and anthologies.

I won't pretend that this motley assemblage -- this slim book of Mormon stories, if you will -- in any way represents Good Literature. I will, however, pretend that you may gain a bit more insight into the Mormon view of things if you dip your toe in these fictional waters: Hell, forget dipping a toe. Why not dive in headfirst and thrash around in the water for a while? I wish you happy swimming.

Just remember to watch for sharks.

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Last updated 16 December 1996.