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Updates for 2.9alpha

Seven new updates for 2.9alpha.

2441XCallFix-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 28 June 2000
#externalCallFailed belongs into Object not ExternalObject (where it was
moved with update 2413) - just check it's senders.

2442B3DPrimBounds-ar -- Andreas Raab -- 29 June 2000
Support for 2D bounding boxes in the 3D accelerated version."

2443natLang-tk -- Ted Kaehler -- 30 June 2000
Adds menu items on all ParagraphEditor shift menus:
'definition of word'	  Lookup the definition of a word from an internet
'verify spelling of word'  From an internet dictionary.  Answers yes or no.

'choose language'     Pick a primary language.   English uses the WordNet
dictionary.  I have coded one alternative, Portuguese.  I invite you to add
new subclasses of class WordNet to interface with dictionaries of other

Adds two new Preferences, #naturalLanguage and #languageTranslateFrom.

Bug fix:  (<a Class> respondsTo: nil) was returning true.  Now it returns

Preferences setPreference:toValue: now returns the new value.  New class
comment in Preferences."

2444MthFinder-tk -- Ted Kaehler -- 2 July 2000
Frank Winkler asked for a function that would split strings.  I was about
to tell him to use the MethodFinder, but it does not work for this case!
The natural example to give is:
     'aa bb'. $ . #('aa' 'bb')
But the Squeak method, #findTokens:, needs a string of delimiters, and the
returned object is an OrderedCollection, not an Array.
	This update modifies the MethodFinder to try substitutions for the
example "answer object":
	Array -> OrderedCollection.
	Character -> String
	Symbol or String of len 1 -> Character
And for the "argument objects":
	Character -> String
	Symbol or String of len 1 -> Character
Also added #asString to findTokens, so that a single char *can* be a

2445mixedWith-tk -- Ted Kaehler -- 4 July 2000
	#alphaMixed:with: is what everyone should use for most
applications.  Define it in Color, instead of TranslucentColor.  Change its
comment to say that it is the preferred way of mixing colors.  It does mix
the alphas too.
	#mixed:with: is only used for extracting the RGB from a color and
mixing it with another color.  Define only in Color but inherited.  Does
not mix alphas.  Change its comment to tell people to use #alphaMixed:with:.
	Looked at all senders of #mixed:with: and made them use
#alphaMixed:with: when that was the right thing to do.  #lighter and
#darker also changed to leave alpha unchanged.

2446fixBigFontCR-raa -- Bob Arning -- 6 July 2000
When zero-width characters were replaced with something of substance, some
fonts acquired a gray carriage return. This change set makes these white to
avoid the ugly artifact at the end of a line"

2447multiProj5-6-raa -- Bob Arning -- 6 July 2000
- adds GZipSurrogateStream which implements required parts of
StandardFileStream protocol to enable Projects to be written directly as
gzipped files without requiring intermediate write and read of normal file
- standardizes category for Player subclasses as 'Morphic-UserObjects'
- files out source for player methods which have been modified in a browser
- insures ComplexProgressIndicator is fully on screen
- implements FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelector as a morphic folder selector
- cleans up ServerDirectory and ServerFile use of inst var <type> which
could be nil under certain circumstances
- modifies Project>>fromMyServerLoad: to use directory project came from if
server not available
- removes Fake37Xxxx classes from change set
- projects are now stored (locally and on servers) in zipped format with
version info in file name. Projects are stored locally in a directory
- ProjectNavigationMorph enhancements from Karl Ramberg
- initial app/factory view options as well as quick world resizing
- fixed several world menu glitches
- removed class Bob
- changes to BookMorphs and their sorters to support building new
--- the sorter now has a button to toggle the parts bin-ishness of the
playfield so you can drag pages out and drop them in another sorter without
altering the original
--- when a BookMorph receives a page from another book, it copies the page
to preserve the original and clears the text search attributes since the
new page(s) will make it incorrect
- Introducing the ThreadNavigationMorph to build sequences for projects.
See the class comment for ideas.
- adds 2 items to Morph control menu/debug submenu to allow
--- the addition of a Smalltalk expression to be evaluated on mouseUp
--- the removal of mouseUp actions
- introduces a #morphicLayerNumber to aid in keeping navigation morphs from
clashing with other front-of-the-world type morphs. Used in limited places
now, it could be useful elsewhere
- adds Project class>>enterIfThereOrFind: to make it easier to enter a
project that exists or can be found, but do nothing otherwise
- keep TranslucentProgressMorphs from going behind SystemWindows e.g.
- made ProjectNavigationMorph more flap-like in its positioning
- fixed HandMorph>>unlockContents (it was missing)
- new project save folder locator from Alan's art
- made creation of a new blank project when load failed optional
- fixed problems with #tellAFriend and Celeste
- fixed green halo duplicate/grab of morphs in scaled worlds
- fixed decompile string of blocks with more than one arg
- fixed rare problem when attempting to resize a SystemWindow resulted in
resizing pane instead
- added delayed popup to Publish button in ProjectNavigatorMorph
- changed some unnecessary #currentWorld sends to #world
- Ted's ArmsLengthCmd changes "

Ted Kaehler,   Walt Disney Imagineering, R&D
(home) 3415 Cork Oak Way, Palo Alto, CA  94303.  voice (650) 424-1070
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