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1 Halo 2
publisher: Microsoft | XBOX | Action
release: 2004-11-09
2 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
publisher: Rockstar Games | PS2 | Action
release: 2004-10-18
3 Half-Life 2
publisher: VU Games | PC | Action
release: TBA
4 Doom 3
publisher: Activision | PC | Action
score: 8.5
5 Fable
publisher: Microsoft | XBOX | Role-Playing
release: 2004-09-14
6 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
publisher: Konami | PS2 | Action
release: 2004
7 The Sims 2
publisher: EA Games | PC | Strategy
release: 2004-09-14
8 Final Fantasy XII
publisher: Square Enix | PS2 | Role-Playing
release: 2005
9 The Legend of Zelda (working title)
publisher: Nintendo | GC | Action
release: 2005
10 Gran Turismo 4
publisher: SCEA | PS2 | Driving
release: November 2004

rankold rankusername
1 2 Duke_Raoul
2 3 KingFrizzy
3 4 RiskyChoice
4 5 _ShaoLinh_
5 6 _BALLS_
6 8 Gambone
7 7 Frostbyte1120
8 9 dzigns
9 10 nolan-
10 13 Lgy
11 12 CHR0NlC
12 14 ZackVII
13 15 7sonic
14 16 pinoybigfoot
15 18 ILL-33T
16 17 Boauk
17 22 solidruss
18 19 trekkie_
19 20 BCeags1319
20 21 KarlB_darkplayer

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