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Resident and Career Information

We are delighted that you have come to the American Society of Anesthesiologists to find out more information about an exciting and rewarding career in the medical specialty of anesthesiology. To better direct you to just the information you are seeking, please tell us first about yourself:

I am a STUDENT (or TEACHER) in grade school or high school working on a project about anesthesiology.

I am a COLLEGE STUDENT in junior college or college, thinking about majoring in medicine to someday become an anesthesiologist.

I am a MEDICAL STUDENT, thinking about a residency program in anesthesiology and interested in getting involved in ASA.

I am a NURSE or NURSE ANESTHETIST who would like to study medicine and become an anesthesiologist.

I am a RESIDENT IN TRAINING in a current anesthesiology residency program, interested in getting more involved in ASA.

I am interested in more information about a career as an ANESTHESIOLOGIST ASSISTANT.

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