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antichrist prince william

Masonic powers, Knights Templar, Occult Priory of Sion, Skull and Bones, Tamar, and other deep rooted factions within the governments of America, Britain, and Europe purposely enshroud themselves in mystery, carrying with them arcane secrets steeped in Occult belief. Seldom revealed are these secrets to the common person in an entire lifetime yet you're about to learn certain details of its long history and how those same beliefs they hold are being infused upon you through very subtle means, gathering strength to an event which I will explain in some detail. Unraveling the ancient Mystery to the identity of these people and the various beliefs which support their hidden agenda is the intention of this website and the purpose of my work. I began this research in 1993, long before the DaVinci Code was written, yet the DaVinci Code has now become the torrent of information from which many are blindly starting their path into Occult indoctrination, albeit unknowingly, and you need to know the truth. The secret agenda behind the DaVinci Code did not start with the author Dan Brown, it began with the "Royal" Merovingian Bloodline and that same all important Bloodline does exist still, yet to what end? Who is its real progenitor? This website shall open your eyes to things which you will hopefully never forget as the time draws ever nearer to its mystery of iniquity revealed. (Note to the reader: Click the first link seen below once to briefly see its cover page, then go back here, click the same link again to see its hidden page and you'll be on your way to learning what's really behind the intriguing web of lies surrounding the Merovingian Bloodline and its Kings both past and present.)



From Antiquity to Antichrist - The Mystery of Iniquity Revealed
Two Royal Families in Great Britain claim (and have claimed of them) to be descendants of Israel's Tribe of Judah (from which King David and his own later descendant, Jesus Christ came from). These are the current British House of Windsor (Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, etc.) and the Scottish House of Stuart-Spencer (late Princess Diana). Both these families of British Windsor and Scottish Stuart are known in Occult societies to have what they call the Messianic Royal Bloodline of King David from which ancient Jewish prophecy states their own future Messiah MUST herald from. In light of this, it was therefore of paramount importance that the Windsor's seek out to find a 'Virgin' of the Merovingian Bloodline to marry into, in effect, finally legitimizing their long held occult power and authority claimed of them, as well as pouring what they see as the most Holy Bloodline of Christ into any child to come from such a perfect union of their two lineages, and so, a Merovingian Virgin was sought out by the Windsor clan and found in Diana Spencer. This is almost common knowledge now, yet what most don't realize is that this most intriguing and infamous of arranged marriages was not hatched solely by the Windsor's themselves, it was of far more ancient design than anyone has previously thought. Some trace it as far back as the the Knights Templar, a shadowy blood cult who had its own birth in the dark recesses underneath Jerusalem near the Temple Mount at the time of the Crusades, and whose own practices and beliefs are today called Freemasonry. However, while most Grail lineage researchers begin and end their quest at the Crusades, the actual plan to bring about a 'future Messiah' from the accursed Merovingian (Cainite) line can be traced as far back to the occult mystery schools of Europe, and before them the ancient Celtic Druids and far beyond them to a magickal priesthood some more knowledgeable label only as Atlantean.

Whichever the case, the origins were largely unknown yet the instructions were clear. What the Knights Templar brought back to France was no less than the very foundation for the modern Occult, a secret, an ancient secret so powerfully wrought with arcane knowledge that it forced them into exile because it threatened the French Monarchy, even unto Roman Christendom itself. From France into Scotland, the Templars took with them the secret where they waited, patiently, quietly guiding man and Royal, gnostic and Christian along an ever winding path that ends with their prophecy of Satan taking flesh, becoming a King the world was groomed to adore, and through their underworld knowledge and intrigue the Templar's took power. Many of today's secretive fraternal orders such as the Scottish Rite Freemasons, Order of the Golden Dawn, Rosicruicians, Illuminati, OTO, Skull and Bones, new age and metaphysical religious groups, even Satanic cults themselves and others all trace their spiritual roots to Templarism, as Templars were the Knights of the Temple, the Guardians of the Grail, gatekeepers, perhaps to Hell itself. Many still wonder exactly what it was the Knights Templars found during their personal crusade in Zion, what have they learned over the centuries that has infused upon them such authority and world power, yet perhaps the better question would be, what are they protecting even now? Some say the Ark of the Covenant while others - a literal 'Holy Grail,' yet what they have most carefully guarded over the centuries was no tangible object as seen by vain and mortal eyes, but a lineage, a Bloodline through which a Messianic claim could then be established.

The Merovingian Kings, their supposed 'Holy' Bloodline (and their true progenitor), have a rich and twisted history all their own, for many of today's European royalty including Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II claim to be descended from the Bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, his 'wife'. According to this newly revived heresy developed with a very specific purpose and timeframe yet to play out, Jesus did not die on the cross and rise from the dead becoming mankind's only Salvation, instead it is claimed he had sex with Mary Magdalene and fathered a number of divine children, which in turn became an entire race of enlightened beings each leading to the next in succession in the Messianic Dynatsy leading through the ages toward a final One who would rule in the name of Christ, albeit, instead of Christ. Some have it that the supposed firstborn and 'holy child' of this Christ with Magdalene union was named Merovee, a name later taken by a Frankish King of 5th-6th century Gaul who continued the spawn well into the middle ages and beyond, while others swear by God that the first child was actually a daughter by the name of Sara, still others name her Tamar. The same who make these fanciful claims into historical fact also say these truths were kept hidden from the rest of the world and given over to an underground stream of alchemists, astrologers, kabbalists, necromancers; to those in magickal orders and secretive societies with colorful names such as the Priory of Sion, Knights Templar, and Illuminati. These secrets of a Christ lineage were therefore passed down thru the ages until the time when the world at large was ready to receive them, a time when people were open to such heresies, awakening slowly to receive these inherent truths, and of the Great Work which has been going on all around them even as they slept in blissful ignorance.

This same 'truth' and work of which they kept hidden from the world is said to be utter heresy to the Church, yet it was the hidden power witin the Church itself (and other ancient gnostic organizations) who were wholly involved in its inception from the very start. Over time, the secret of the Bloodline has gone by many names, metaphors, and symbols with those possessing it believing themselves to be the true and rightful heirs of the future Throne at Jerusalem, they being the only 'true Kingdom' on earth - heresy at best as some might attribute, yet it is their prophecy and belief in a soon revealed King from this Holy Bloodline who arises to preside over all the world that is the most intriguing aspect. The Royal Family and Prince Charles' own link to this supposed Bloodline of Christ is damning in of itself, a lineage dating back to Q'ayin (Cain) and passing through the Merovingian Kings of France, and as some have speculated, through the Germanic Saxe-Goth lineage, while Diana's more pure blooded and more accurately placed heritage is descended directly from the Merovingian Kings thru Celtic Scotland (having its own ancient ties to the Occult), therefore her being more readily traced to the Bloodline of the Holy Grail which is why, as it is said, she was selected.

With certain guidance from the the Priory of Sion, remaining Cathars, (Arthurian) Temple Knights, Guardians of the Holy Grail, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, Tamar and others acting as unseen hands through the ages, this Bloodline was always to find its way thru the most ancient of days, violent crusades, and times of inquisition into our own modern age - and then to its intended final recipient [as their can only be One]. So it shall be. It is widely known that the current British Royal Family sought out a young Virgin not for the "love" that many [including Diana herself] were at first deceived with, yet the seedy arrangement was for one single purpose and for one purpose only, for the Occult Merovingian ancestry Diana held knowing the firstborn child produced would be heir to the Throne of David and Zion having the dual Bloodlines of Windsor and Merovingian. Many in the Occult even now regard that same firstborn to be the 'New Christ Child,' the next Messiah, the 'Man-Child' who shall rule all Nations as depicted in their odd twisting of Revelation Chapter 12, the needed King of Peace who finally sets the world to right as well as preparing earth for his so called Forgotten Father and the much heralded Utopian-like New Age, yet for us, being of much less noble stock, as we are slowly finding out more revelation pertaining to Princess Diana's death, we will look further into what else the Occult would have us to believe, and what we need to know about them.


Charge some that they teach no other doctrine, neither give heed to legends and endless genealogies, which minister questions. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, and they shall turn away their ears from the Truth and instead shall be turned unto legends. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the Latter Times some shall depart from the Faith and instead listen to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons.

-The Holy Bible: 1Timothy 1:3-4, 4:1 and 2Timothy 4:3-4



antichrist prince william

Reviews for 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail' by Sir Laurence Gardner
Bloodline of the Holy Grail is the new controversial and comprehensive book describing Messianic descent, compiled from the most intriguing histories ever written. From Royal and suppressed archives comes proof of the descendant heritage of Jesus' lineage in the Celtic West. Penetrating new light is cast upon the "Grail Code" or Christ Magdalene heritage and the venerated feminine element abandoned by the Church in order to forge a male dominated society. Explained are the secret scribal codes of the New Testament, Dynastic wedlock, and a very intriguing genealogical history of the Grail Kings starting with Adam down through the ages to Jesus Christ, to the Merovingians, to Britain's King Arthur, throughout the Royal Houses of European nobility and ending in today's Merovingian House of Stuart in Scotland, the true heirs to the British Throne of which Diana was born. This unique book also casts new light on Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ, as well as on the real truth behind the Arthurian legends, the Holy Grail, the role of the Crusades and the Knights Templars of Jerusalem.

Bloodline of the Holy Grail: refers to a real and historic King Arthur having this same Bloodline of the Messiah, the ancient Holy Bloodline of Israel's King David. To the Jewish mind, having the Bloodline of their ancient King David is also equated to being one considered to be their Messiah, of whom they are still waiting for. Laurence Gardner, chief genealogist to several European Houses of nobility, goes on to state this same Scottish Merovingian, Arthurian Christ Bloodline has also been traced to Scotland's Royal House of Stuart, their most infamous offspring being the late Princess Diana. More than the other shocking revelations is the subliminal implication Gardner is trying to get across -- that Diana has left us with her firstborn son, a child having what amounts to the "Holy Bloodline of the Messiah." Add to this, certain facts are surfacing attempting to expose the secretive occult factions behind British Government and its intelligence agencies whose end goal is the creation of a British led Anglo-Empire uniting the world in 'peace' while bringing forth a Merovingian (Aryan) Superman to the forefront and we have all the makings of a grand global conspiracy. We aren't directly told who this future ruler might be, yet the Occult underground is supposedly preparing their ranks for a young and charismatic Prince who will be seen by many in the future as King Arthur returned.

antichrist prince william» Time for another King Arthur?
"When the Queen dies, the Crown should skip a generation, evading Prince Charles and moving directly to William. If I were a monarchist, which I am not, I would settle this issue by asking one simple question. Which of the pair is willing to call himself King Arthur? It's time we had another King Arthur, since the only one in our history occurred 15 centuries back. Charles (Philip Arthur George) and William (Arthur Philip Louis) are Arthurs...although Princes who use the name Arthur have a record of mysteriously never reaching the Throne."

-- It appears that will soon change.
~Excerpt from The Guardian U.K., 2001

antichrist prince williamThe Mystery & Legend of the Once and Future King
The account of Arthur as a Future King who will return again leading his people to victory at a time of their greatest peril is thought to have it's origins in the 5th-6th century defeat of the Celts by the Anglo-Saxon invaders of Britain. Hence, the early Welsh stanza, “Concealed til Doomsday is the grave of Arthur.’ It is certain that by Malory's time, this same legend of a future return attained an even more subtle connection emblazoned in the Celtic heart when he wrote “...King Arthur is not dead, but he shall come again and he shall win the Holy Cross. I will not say it shall be so, but rather I will say there is written upon his tomb this verse: Hic Jacet Arthurus, Rex Quondam, Rexque Futurus...Here lies Arthur, the Once and Future King." Add to this the well documented account of Arthur's grave having been found at Glastonbury, excavated, and subsequently moved in 1191 and the myth begins to fade leaving traces of a real King that once was much more than the legend would ever tell, a legend whose time will come again.

The coming world leader commonly known as the Antichrist has at least 33 titles ascribed to him in the Old Testament and 13 titles in the New, yet despite what some may think, he is only called the "Antichrist" twice in all of Scripture and both times are found in one book (1John). However, there are two titles in particular that reappear four times between Isaiah and Revelation which intrigue. The coming Antichrist is called a "King" in Revelation 17:8 ["...the King who was, is not, yet will be again] yet he is also called a "Prince" [see Daniel 9:26-27 "...the people of the Prince that shall come shall destroy the City and the Sanctuary"]. In its initial context, this prophetic warning was certainly referring to the Roman armies under 'Prince' Titus Vespasian, who did destroy both Jerusalem and the Temple (both "City and Sanctuary") in 70 AD, yet it also refers to another Prince/King of the future who will repeat the same destructive act, again at a much later time. We know this because of Christ's own message which provided more information found in Matthew 24:3-33 in which he quotes Daniel's prophecy and interprets the "Abomination of Desolation" to be the endtime Anti-Messiah. This kind of dual-layered effect where the original fulfillment occurred in antiquity, centuries ago, yet will again repeat fulfilling the same 'type' or archetype to meet its final fulfillment is one of several reasons why most Bible scholars view this future 'Prince that shall come' will mirror Titus in many respects, yet not necessarily be a literal Roman Prince or King.

The future Roman Prince, and King, will certainly be a European (derived from the line "people of the Prince"), and as I believe he will arise from one of the countries of the original ancient Roman Empire (of which Britain was certainly a part). Londium, an important port city linking Rome to Britain from which Rome flooded their Imperial troops into England, was actually created by the conquering Roman legions right at the time of Christ. Today it is called London. Scripture goes on to tell us that this same Prince, and later King, (called by many other archetypal names such as 8th King, 11th Horn, Perdition, Wicked, Son of Perdition, Man of Sin, King of Babylon, the Assyrian, Pharoah, etc.), will unite the world after an apocalypse and for seven years shall he rule. Notice that I've said 'after an apocalypse, not during the Apocalypse of Armageddon, more on that later. Truely the goal of the Secret Societies with their one King and one world order is coming, indeed the path has already been set and we are on it. As you will continue to see throughout the rest of this research, this Prince-turned-King is to be patterned after many ancient Kings and despots throughout time just as Scripture concerning him reveals to us, yet within the Occult and Occult lore, he is patterned only after one. According to them, an "Arthurian like figure" will arrive after a global catalclysm to carve a new world out of the old, eventually creating a rift between those who stand for him and those who dare oppose or stand against him, yet because of the other supernatural events occuring at that time, most will follow this charismatic leader seeing him as the only voice of reason in a world gone mad with terror. That future time is not yet, although with that said, it seems that a certain young Prince and Future King in Roman London has already caught the attention of others who have both been influenced by this work, and that of their own research.











"The state of Charles' and Diana's marriage was one of the prime reasons the Queen clearly indicated she intended to continue as Monarch until her death...[If there was a formal separation or divorce], Charles would find it all but impossible to take the religious vows at his coronation as King and head of the Church...If those events did indeed unfold, then the Throne would pass directly to Prince William."
~Antichrist and a Cup of Tea p.240

"Of all Arthurian themes, the most romantic is that of the Holy Grail, yet, because of the Grail tradition, there is a lingering uncertainty about its place in time...In essence, the Grail is timeless. Following the success of the international bestseller Bloodine of the Holy Grail, this illustrated account illuminates the Grail legacy with lavish images from the Pharaohs of Egypt, to Jesus and His apostles, to Medieval Grail maidens. Genealogist and historical lecturer Laurence Gardner offers real proof of a family line descending from Jesus Christ, documenting the royal heritage of the Messiah and a systematic suppression of records, while tracing the sacred lineage through the centuries.

He also exposes a multitude of errors deliberately written into historical reference books, beginning with the Gospels themselves [but of course]. Gardner's work casts new light on the importance of the feminine element in Grail legend, upheld in chivalry but forsaken by ruling establishments in their attempt to forge a male dominated society. Featuring all the charm and adventure of Arthurian romance, this unique work also has a cutting edge of intrigue which removes the blanket of enigma to reveal one of the world's greatest conspiracies"
~The Illustrated Bloodline of the Holy Grail (inside cover)



antichrist prince william
Tintagel Castle Ruins - Legendary Birthplace of King Arthur









The Antichrist must have died from a Mortal Wound to the head
REVELATION 13:3 And I saw, one of it's heads as it were mortally wounded to death; and his mortal wound was healed; and all the world adored after the Beast ~ On June 3 1991, nine year old Prince William received a near fatal head wound and was close to death, yet later recovered. A famous account has it that Prince Charles went to a public engagement when his son was in hospital, seemingly knowing William would recover from his grievous wound. The information about a Prince King surviving a head wound is interesting as it fits the exact criteria for the Biblical Antichrist of Revelation (referred to as a Prince and King in the Book of Daniel), this same Prince who also survives a deadly head wound. Notice also the word "and" separating the events of the head wound to the world's adoration and love of him, you will find that in Bible prophecy, the 'and' is important and can denote many years between two or more events, between separate events mentioned. In other words, William nearly died of a head wound, then recovered, and afterwards his life was paid even more attention to as he grew older to where it's at today, and will only increase in the future as he ascends the British Throne. Coincidentally, it is well known that King Arthur died from a "mortal wound to the head" having his skull cut and crushed in battle from an enemy sword at the Battle of Camlann between 516-550 AD. It then becomes another note of intriguing interest that both the Biblical Antichrist and the legendary Arthur died from a mortal head wound.

Both Arthur and Revelation's Antichrist are surrounded by a dark age world where sorcery and one man and his prophet (for Arthur this was Merlin, for Christ it was John) set out to establish a New Order out of darkness, create a new religion, gather up a select group of knights or disciples and seem to be sent by the blessing of God. Both exhibit unparalleled strength and loyalty from the people and both achieve great exploits or miracles along the way until their eventual and infamous deaths at the hands of one of their own, for Christ this was Judas, for Arthur it was Mordred. Both are callled: The King of Kings, King of the World, The Messiah, the Once and Future King, and 'the One' who was, is, and is yet to come. Lastly, both are said to return. Even more intriguing than all this is to make a comparison of Revelation 1:18 and 17:8 with Daniel 8:23 to see how close these two Morning Stars and the forms in which they've incarnated, can blur the lines in some less discerning eyes for there are two who appear as the 'world's light,' Christ and Satan.

The Antichrist leads the world after the Mortal Wound to the head from a sword
REVELATION 13:3,14 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world marvelled after the Beast. And he deceiveth them that dwell upon the earth by the means of miracles which he had power to do in sight of the Beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the Beast, which had a mortal wound by a sword, yet did live. [Note to reader: For this reason some have thought John F. Kennedy to be the Antichrist as he was certainly a 'Celtic King,' his world beloved charismatic reign was called "The Age of Camelot," which ruled for a "brief shining moment." He was killed on November 22 (11+11) when they inflicted upon him the mortal head wound in their ritualistic and Masonic 'killng of the King' ceremony which all the world was made a witness. He was not the One, and there can only be one, yet he does perfectly depict the certain attributes of the Antichrist, that is to say, of a King Arthur.

The Antichrist must rise from the Sea
REVELATION 13:1-2,4 And I saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the Dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the Beast, saying, Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with him? ~ This Scripture is most interesting when considering that Arthur is said to have been born at Tintagel, a tiny landmass jutting out and into the harsh Atlantic Sea of Cornwall's coast in southwest Britain. The Biblical word used here for "Sea" was also used in the Old Testament in reference to mean foreign countries to Israel (see Daniel 11:45), meaning from Israel's vantage point, the Sea are those Gentile (non-Jewish) nations that lay to their northwest, moreover it is a direct reference to islands or nations surrounded by water.

Back within the context of the legendary Arthur, he is seen in one mythic rendering as an infant literally arising from, and out of the sea washing onto Tintagel's shore called 'Beast from the Sea'. All this takes on a more sinister meaning in it's future context when you learn that Scripture has the Spirit of Antichrist (the 'King who was') literally ascending out of "the Abyss," to possess the Son of Perdition, the man chosen to be the Antichrist (See Revelation Chapter 17:8-11). Studying Revelation 13, we also see this man-King is greatly beloved by the future world as the world is shocked to see him rise to power after his deadly wound. They devote their undying loyalty to him asking 'who is like unto him?' implying no one else is like him, as they obviously see him as near godlike or perfect. Add to that he must be British, from the Merovingian Royal line of Kings having an ancient genealogy traced centuries back to King David (so that it may later deceive Jews), and we can narrow his identity even further. The following Scripture attributing him as having a 'fierce countenance' needs certain clarification, yet know anyone in the future possessed of Satan himself would appear to that ancient prophet, as fierce.

The Antichrist must be a King
REVELATION 17:8, 11 The Beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the Abyss [which the Occult equates being located in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean], and go into [the Son of] Perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall marvel, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the Beast THAT WAS, and is not, and yet is. And the Beast that was, and is not, even he is the Eighth (KING), and is of the Seven (Merovingian Kings).

DANIEL 11:33-36 And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the Time of the End: because it is yet for a time appointed. And the KING shall do according to his will, and he shall exalt himself above every god, and shall speak against the God of gods.

DANIEL 8:23-25 In the latter time, a KING of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall arise. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy supernaturally, and shall prosper and practise and shall destroy the mighty and the Holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause Craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes, and he shall be broken.

antichrist prince william



THE ANTICHRIST AND THE DaVINCI CODE -a Christian perspective



antichrist prince william

2 THESSALONIANS 2:3-5 For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that Man of Sin be revealed, the Son of Perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. For the Mystery of Iniquity doth already work: only he [the Spirit of Truth] who now restrains will let, until he be taken out of the way and then shall that Wicked be revealed...Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the Love of the Truth (Jesus Christ), that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie...

What is this 'Strong Delusion' and lie that Satan will have most of the world under? Ufo's, Celtic Kings as False Messiahs, Atlantis, alternative creation theories, ancient magick, other 'Gods'? All of them will have their place in that future deception yet I've made it my task to inform you specifically about the Antichrist and his lie which brings him dangerously close to Jewish hearts and minds, and the world. You have already seen how the Bloodline of the Holy Grail and the Magdalene doctrine is deceiving the remaining Christian and gnostic world, yet since Jews have never accepted Jesus Christ or even His Divinity, this Christ Bloodline and its supposed power is rendered useless and means nothing to them. Enter the parallel Satanic doctrine of the 'Ten Lost Tribes of Israel' and the Bloodline of King David.

Since Jews, without waver, perceive their Messiah must come from the 'Royal Seed of David,' that is to say thy believe their future Messiah can have his unbroken lineage and Bloodline traced thirty centuries back to Israel's most beloved King David, the mists begin to part and you can now see what amounts to an equally powerful Holy Grail deception, yet this time cast directly at Jews themselves while playing on their ancient hopes and needs for a Davidic Messiah to finally bring them peace and therefore, a new age. (It is sad to note how mainstream religious Jews both past and present will not recognize Christ, their True Messiah who easily has his lineage traced back to King David, even being the literal 'Son of David' and fulfilling every single Davidic Messianic prophecy attributed Him in both advents; see Luke 24:27, 44 Revelation 5:5, 22:16). The following links then become prime examples of how Israel (and to a large extent even today's Judeo-Christians) will become suduced by a third version of this deception called the Restoration Movement of England) which outlines that Great Britain, moreover the Scottish House of Stuart and the British House of Windsor [both these lineages in Prince William], are the literal ancestral lineages from which their own 'future Messiah' will herald from.


I know the blasphemy of them which CLAIM to be Jews (Israel)
and are NOT. They are the Synogogue of Satan, and do LIE

Revelation 2:9 - 3:9













The Return of the Prophet "Elijah" leading Israel to Antichrist
Knowing how these same teachings will eventually manifest and propagate only the Antichrist, makes Messianic Anglo Israelism and it's occult society-led deception aimed at the Jewish people even now, at present, one of the greatest and most dangerous frauds ever perpetrated against Israel, or even against mankind, yet it will find only more believers as time wears on and it already has. As a result of this softening up of the masses in the present, it only means the False Prophet himself will have much less of a struggle convincing Israel that the Antichrist is their Messiah in the future. These same subliminal Satanic lies and claims of so-called "British Israelism" are the very foundation from which the coming Antichrist will use for his European dominance over the nation of Israel, and that of the world. Revelation 13 however describes two Beasts rising, one from the earth (interpreted as Israel) and one from the sea (a foreign Gentile or island nation), which have been attributed to the False Prophet and the Antichrist. To see for yourself the likliest identity of the False Prophet, compare 2Kings 1:10 with that of Revelation 13:13.

Between those two Scriptures we see this future False Prophet has the ability to 'draw down fire from heaven' exactly as the true prophet Elijah has done to consume his enemies, yet more important than this clue is the fact religious Jews have for millennia fervently expected Elijah (and only Elijah) to return in the latter days to finally reveal to them the identity of their Messiah which, according to them, would fulfill the last two Scriptures in the Old Testament, their Bible. In other words, their Bible ends with the hope and prophecy that Elijah is to return, and they have added their interpretation that when he returns, he can be the only one who will show them their Messiah. Do you see it yet? Make absolutely sure to read Matthew 11:13-15, 17:11-13 to understand. Since Malachi 4:5-6 was already fulfilled in John the Baptist and Israel neither accepted him or the One he told them was their Messiah, Israel to this day is still waiting for something only Satan will give them as he knows exactly what Israel desires to see most, and so will give them exactly what they are more easily destroy them. A demonic entity calling himself Eljiah shall come fulfilling their belief of the Malachi Scripture, and he will lead them for a period of time proclaiming that Israel needs to buy into the New Age lie where England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales contain their Lost Tribes.

All of this then makes this current trend of occult teachers, Jewish Rabbi's, Aryan authors, religionist fringe elements, and others, who desperately want to link Israel with England, are themselves precursors to the coming False Prophet - they being the current archetype of the later literal fulfillment in 'Elijah,' that 'Second Beast.' This along with all the supposed 'great miracles' attributed to both the False Prophet and the Antichrist will completely stun the world and especially the Jewish nation who still struggles to find it's 'national identity.' Jews even today see their eventual destiny, their own future identity intrinsically connected to primarily two things: The Third Temple being rebuilt in Jerusalem and The Messiah who brings them lasting peace with security...and both of these will they receive, yet never as they expected. In addition, the False Prophet will present the Anti-Christ as fulfilling certain key ancient Scriptures outlined only for that of Israel's Messiah. Examples are: 1Kings 11:33-39, Ezekiel 44:1-3, Jeremiah 17:25, Isaiah 60:1-11. An extremely dangerous path then, what these teachers mentioned above are already leading their flock with. It is the future False Prophet's task to complete the Occult education of the world, finally leading them into commune with Satan and his false Christ-son seen as Messiah, yet as you now see, the spirit of the False Prophet is already here. (See also this research into Masonry, Mormonism, and Christ-Merovingian Bloodline).

Along this same line of reasoning, consider carefully the words of Jeremiah 30:9- They shall serve the Lord their God, and "DAVID" their King, whom I will raise up unto them. Since that was written at least two centuries after King David died, it is therefore referring to the Messiah who is also called 'the Son (thru Bloodline) of David.' [Make a comparison of Ezekiel 8:25-26 with that of Daniel 9:26-27 to find a necessary clue]. Now understand this, since Israel did not accept the True Messiah [Jesus Christ] or His prophet [John], they are today still waiting for their "Moshiach Ben David" and "Moshiach Ben Yossef" - the Messiah Son of David and His Prophet to fulfill the Scriptures and create a new Kingdom on earth...and it is right here where the Antichrist and False Prophet eloquently step in as religious Jews have left the door wide open. Satan will provide his False 'Son of David' and a False 'Elijah' to the world with the ultimate goal of luring Israel into the trap.

Also understand this, Jews have a great many requirements for one to be considered their Messiah, requirements that change over the centuries and the more Rabbi's discuss the matter the more they are moving toward the belief that England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales may in fact contain their so-called Lost Tribes ("lost" after the Assyrian captivity at around 700 BC when certain tribes having been scattered, are believed never to have returned to Israel.) Interestingly enough, at the same time they are also saying and teaching others that it was impossible for Jesus to have ever been their Messiah, and one reason they cite repeatedly is Christ's lineage. The Messiah must be a descendant of King David from his father's side, is the current belief. They say this was rendered impossible with Christ as (they half-mockingly state) Christ was the product of a Virgin-birth and therefore could never have been their King, and with this they have again limited God. Christ not only was their Messiah, He was the literal descendant of King David, furthermore, He was the literal 'Son of David' just as He is called, that is to say the seed that God the Father used to impregnate Mary had the entire genetic makeup, the DNA from the Davidic lineage, moreover, it was from King David himself. It seems even God's people have lost sight that with God, all things are possible, and all things are done according to His word, yet time and again the ruling or religious establishments would certainly have you believe otherwise.








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The Ancient World Powers are discussed in Daniel's Prophecies
Briefly the four beasts were: a Lion, a Bear, a Leopard with four wings, and a fourth Wild Beast (a Dragon) not corresponding to any actual animal, unusually strong, with large iron teeth, ten horns, and another Little Horn developing, with a Man's eyes and "a mouth speaking great and boastful things against the Lord." These four distinct creatures are represented in the following ancient and historical fulfillments of Daniel's Prophecy. Babylon (the Lion) fell to the Medo-Persian kingdom (The Bear) which, in turn, was ended by the lightning conquest of the Grecian forces (the Leopard) led by Alexander the Great. In a few short years he built an Empire which embraced parts of the Mideast, Asia, Europe, and Britannia, in essence the very first European based Empire to hold such a global position [making Alexander the first European archetype for the future Antichrist]. After Alexander's death, his generals (the four wings on the Leopard) struggled for control of the Grecian Empire, four of them eventually gaining rulership of different sections. At this time, Israel was fought over by the rival Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms, and Greece eventually ruled over the Holy Land. The Grecian Empire was eventually taken over completely by the new and more powerful Roman Empire (the Wild Beast), as it quickly amassed global dominance being stronger than any before it. As a result and because the Israelites continued to rebel against God and doing his Will, Rome likewise gained full control over the nation of Israel.

In its time, the Roman Empire surpassed all the preceding empires not only in the extent of its domain (covering the entire Mediterranean area and reaching the British Isles) but also in the efficiency of its military machine and power of its application of Roman law to the provinces of its far reaching European empire. Its Pax Romana (Roman peace) was merely a foreshadowing of the yet to be revealed, New World Order of the Ages, that future United Europe whose kingdom is actually called in Scripture the last world empire, yet stronger than any other empire before it (meaning the future European Union will far exceed the power and might of present day America). Rome was also the world's political instrument in power at the time of Christ's first advent and so will be in power again, according to prophecy, just before His Return, making its very existence today yet another strong sign we are entering the timeframe when the rest of prophecy is to be fulfilled. There will be a Revival of the Roman/Euro Empire shortly before Christ's Return at Armageddon. Interestingly, right after the Crucifixtion, it was the ancient Romans who created the necessary port city of Londinium (today's London), a place where they could land their ships and storm onto the English shore in search of it's last territorial land grab before Rome's impending demise, it became the most important trading port from Rome to this new world, this 'New Rome.' When Rome did die and eventually broke up into the various European nations, Great Britain, over time, ultimately took the globally dominant position in the world, raising itself up to be the new "Anglo" Roman Empire, better known as the British Empire. This is interesting because Scripture tells us that the Antichrist Prince will be of the Roman Empire, whose power (as we now know) was then given over to London, a Roman city. In other words, what we are quite possibly reading in Daniel 9:26-27 is that the Antichrist is a Prince of London. Interesting also is that the rest of prophecy in Daniel and Revelation describes the Antichrist as a King.

The British Empire became far stronger than ancient Rome ever had, and she ruled the seas and many nations, just as Rome did. What's really interesting is that the European Union itself, created in 1993, has been patterned exactly after the ancient Roman Empire, including many of the same countries that were under Roman occupation and rule at the time of Christ, just as prophecy stated it would. Furthermore, the specific prophecies in Revelation and Daniel make clear that this all powerful (and still future) United Nations of Europe will return to it's former glorious power that was Rome. Obviously this must occur after America, the current Rome, is somehow left behind or diminished in power while the rest of the world advances headlong toward the Tribulation (which is the common belief among Chirstian prophecy scholars who agree that America will be destroyed before the coming of the Antichrist allowing the emergence of Europe to take center stage), again, a yet-to-be revealed future time and event to make this possible. As it is determined by the men who control the European Union, America removed as a leading world power will most assuredly prompt the need for another Atlantic nation to take the reigns of global dominance and more openly establish her own rule of law [and Western-Zionist idealogy] throughout the rest of the known world, further solidifying the goals of the Illuminati. One last point of interest here with Europe, the placement of those European nations which attacked Israel (or Jews) before since the time just before Christ, has been Greece (150 BC) then Rome (50 BC-70AD), and more recently, Germany (1939-45). Looking at Greece, Rome, and Germany on a map shows an interesting line of succession all moving increasingly northwest from Israel, each seemingly pointing to the next agressor country in a path leading directly to one nation remaining, Great Britain. Also interesting, if not strange, England appears to be the head (or face) of this European Beast while Italy is the jack boot (or cloven hoof) seemingly about to crush the tiny Semitic nation underfoot.

Antichrist is represented by a single Little Horn admidst older Kings and Kingdoms of history
After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth Beast [Kingdom], dreadful and terrible...I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them a Little Horn, and in this Horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. I beheld till the Thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit, His Throne as fire. I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the Little Horn spake: I beheld even till the BEAST was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. I saw in the vision one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of Heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought Him near before Him. And there was given Him Dominion, and Glory, and a Kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His Dominion is an Everlasting Kingdom which shall never be destroyed. -Daniel Chapter 7

The Antichrist is represented by a Bear in Daniel yet also in the Book of Revelation
Staying with the book of Daniel, let us now compare the similarities between verse 7:5 with 7:24 the Beast..."A BEAR" who subdues three "ribs" or 3 Kingdoms. This suggests that the Antichrist first arrives in either warlike fashion or peacefully places three Kings or Kingdoms quickly under his subjection in a type of annexation. Some have said this to be Scotland, Ireland, and Wales unifying into one Celtic Anglo nation, others see it perfectly fulfilling the Nostradamus prophecy known as Century 8 Quatrain 77. Take careful notice that it is the Angel Gabriel making the interpretation of the vision, simply telling us that the "Little Horn" [Antichrist] in verse 20-21, is symbolized by "the Bear." In other words, the Antichrist is "The Bear." Remember, the ancient Celtic word for Bear is Arth-ur. The name Arthur literally means Bear.

REVELATION 13:2 The Beast was like unto a Leopard, and his feet as a BEAR, and the mouth of a Lion ~ The Lion represents the country that this King will come from. The Lion that is the Heraldic and national symbol of England. The Leopard represents his youth contrasted by his absolute global power [like Alexander the Great, who was himself represented by the youthful symbol of the Leopard; quick to conquer]. The name of Philip is taken from his grandfather Prince Philip who is actually from Greece and named after Alexander the Great who also had the middle name of Philip, which could be said that when William becomes King, he quickly becomes a world leader much like Alexander, quick to conquer (as a leopard). Alexander himself conquered much of Asia Minor and Europe before the age of 25 making youth also an attribute of the future Antichrist (the anti-type of 'a Child shall lead them'). The future Beast will quickly become a voice of reason which the earth certainly is to consider at a time the world is weakened and needs it most (and yet his growing confidence in Kingship will be further emblazoned thru means of a yet unseen guidence upon the realization of an inescapable destiny revealed). The name William itself conjures up another King in England's violent past of the same name, William the Conqueror. William's second name Arthur, means Bear, the Once and Future King returned. The fourth ancient empire to rule and referred to as the "Wild Beast," was Rome, the most fierce of every kingdom before it as it has dual appearances in history, and one of its incarnations has already passed while the future Roman Empire is yet to rise. Currently, the reformed European Commonwealth of Nations known now as the European Union is gaining global power, wealth, and military strength every day that passes. The Bible also depictes a Woman of great iniquity is to ride this Beast. The Scripture's reference to the Beast of Revelation having the attributes of a Lion, Bear, and Leopard may also contain within it something more than just what is read on face value. I believe the symbology is a code for the Beast's name...

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William - The Conqueror (The King of England) = LION / Mouth / Speaking / Charismatic Leader
Arthur - King Arthur Pendragon (Celtic, Rome) = BEAR / Feet / Strength / Summer Solstice
Philip - Alexander Philip the Great (Greece) = LEOPARD / Body / Conquering /Youth
Windsor-Wales - Aryan Keltoi (Cain) = RED DRAGON / Spirit / Anglo-Celtic Power

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And I stood upon the sand of the Sea, and saw a Beast rise up out of the Sea
having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his
heads the name of blasphemy. And the Beast which I saw was like unto a Leopard,
and his feet were as the feet of a Bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a Lion:
and the Dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.













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DANIEL 7:24 And the Ten Horns out of this Kingdom [Europe] are Ten Kings that shall arise; and another SHALL ARISE AFTER THEM and he shall be diverse from the other Ten.
DANIEL 8:9 And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceedingly great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the Pleasant Land (Israel).
DANIEL 11:21...a vile person, to whom they shall not give the Honour of the Kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the Kingdom (of Israel) by flatteries.
DANIEL 11:28 Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the Holy Covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land.

The Little Horn waxes Great towards the Holy Land
From the above Scriptures an important clue is seen. From it, we now know Antichrist has to move south and east to travel in the direction of Israel, yet reversing this direction to see it only from Israel's anchored perspective would then mean Antichrist must come from a nation placed at its north and west, making this same Antichrist spoken of in both Daniel and Revelation coming from a land that is Northwest of Israel. Looking on any map and following along the northernmost line of what was the ancient Roman Empire, and taking it to the Empire's most extreme northernmost and western distance, we arrive at England - The next clue to be found is seen when matching the above scriptures to Esther 9:4 which states... 'For Mordecai was great in the King's house, and his fame went out throughout all the provinces: for this man Mordecai waxed greater and greater...' This fits exactly with the above Biblical description of the future Antichrist, telling us that his own 'waxing greater' (towards Israel) is exclusively referring to that of his fame. The fame of Antichrist will become exceedingly great south and east towards the direction of Israel because of all the lies surrounding him from every aspect in the occult mainstream that is even now being propagated.

What you need may to understand is the Antichrist will at first seemingly be for complete world peace, even fiercely in defense of it, with the greater need for this peace directed at the longsuffering nation of Israel (recall the words of Christ, 'even the very elect would be deceived'). The above Scriptural reference to him gaining the 'Honor of the Kingdom' proves that, because of all the flatteries and other lies told of him, he will eventually be given the title of Messiah, that is to say, the "Honor of the Kingdom," or better said, the Honor of being their King. These flatteries therefore, would be in part, his own great and swelling words of peace and prosperity on the one hand, with every lie told of him and his seemingly rightful genealogy, Divine anointing, destiny, and countenance on the other. Together, all these will only further help break the defenses of Jewish hearts and minds as they eagerly await their Moshiach ben David (Messiah, Son of King David) making that ever strengthening occult heresy called Anglo-Israelism (at work even now), the very foundation from which he is to be believed.

Clearly this Antichrist is from a Gentile nation, in other words, he resides outside the nation of Israel, as the Scriptures in Daniel 11:9 and 11:28 also make known to us '...for he shall return to his own land ' ...clearly to imply Israel is not his land. So, the Antichrist and his strengthening Messianic fame reaches Israel from the northwest, from a previously thought Gentile country set in 'the sea,' and he will come in speaking lies of peace which ultimately gets him the 'Honor of the Kingdom.' Now you see yet another reason why the 'Ten Lost Tribes of Israel,' and Anglo-Israelism itself is so dangerous even today, for it is already deceiving Israel, Jews, and the world into accepting the concept of a Messiah from Europe, moreover Britain (through Merovingian Scotland), a King who supposedly has the Bloodline of King David, the exact prerequisite for Israel's Messiah. It should also be noted here that in ancient times, ENGLAND AND WALES were both included into the Roman Empire and both are now currently members of the new European Union, a seemingly Revived Roman Empire which the Bible states will be brought back just before the rise of the Antichrist. The European Union's very existence in our time along with the new addition of their own united and common currency called EURO, only means that we are edging closer to their finalized union status.

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The Great Fire: City of London burns in 1666

The European Union: A Revived Roman Empire
Since 1948, we have witnessed an amalgamation of Western nations in the form of a European 'Common Market,' (or earlier EEC) which came into full being with the advent of the Treaty of Rome in 1957. The movement began with Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands joining in economic alliance - then France, Italy, and West Germany joining in 1957. In 1972, three additional members- Denmark, England, and Ireland were received. Then, on January 1 1981, Greece became the ratified tenth member. The Bible goes on to mention that out of this original 10 nation grouping would arise the 11th Horn, the 'Little Horn,' a King. The prophecy in the book of Daniel states, "I considered the horns and behold, there came up among the ten, another little horn and in this horn were the eyes of a Man." That very same scripture also calls to mind what is later stated in Revelation about the Beast having a "number of a Man." As mentioned, once a ten-nation Western confederacy has been formed based on the ancient and western Roman Empire, which occurred in January 1981, then "Number Eleven" comes to power, the Little Horn (or Little Prince). Interestingly, Prince William was born the very next year in 1982 making that 'eleventh horn' having 'the eyes of a man' referring not to a 11th country of the still reviving Roman Empire, but more to one single man arising after the ten.

On January 1 1993, "Eleven years later, when William was 11 (11-11) the former 'Common Market' of Europe was renamed "The European Union." Today the E.U. has grouped the ancient nations of Rome once more to form what will become the last world empire from which the Antichrist shall arise. The time is here. With all the things you've already seen up to this point, you now know the Antichrist of Bible and occult prophecy must be a King, from Europe, from England, with the name Arthur, and born of Merovingian stock, and yet the identity can be further narrowed even as we research further and deeper into the Scriptures and the occult. [note: certain older Christians may remember that in Spring 1982, the popular rumor spreading throughout the Church stating that Christ [or a Christ] was to return in that year...making the comparison here quite intriguing. The last and perhaps most interesting comparison is found when matching the legend to the actual future King. It is said that the legendary "Arthur is to return at some future time upon the June Solstice, on the 21st. Prince William, a future anointed King, was born in June on the 21st upon the Solstice."

Prince William born June 21st 1982
June 21 is the long held, ancient occult venerated day of 'Summer Solstice' [or re-birthing of the Sun]. It is often celebrated worldwide by shamans, witches, Occultists, Satanists, new agers and others, most notably in England at Stonehenge. However, in 1982 there were more than the usual series of events taking place, all of which held much significance to the minds of those in the occult. A Solar Eclipse appeared during the Summer Solstice, and later, a new Moon (dark moon; Diana being the name of the ancient Goddess of the moon) all occurring upon the same June 21st as if to herald something of important significance was indeed taking place "...and this is a most historical day -- for in London, at St. Mary's Hospital - a King is born unto us! Princess Diana gave birth to Prince William Arthur of Wales. He was not named William until several days later though, as Prince Charles was visiting his wife and newborn son in the hospital, a member of the public shouted out to ask him the boy's name. Prince Charles is quoted as replying, 'You'll have to ask my wife, we're having a bit of an arguement over that.' It is said that Charles wanted to call the second in line to the throne, Arthur. This would make him King Arthur II. However, in the article 'No More Sacrifice' the London Psychogeographical Association Newsletter No.10 reminds us that '...there are some Christian fundamentalists who have pointed out that should Prince William become King, he would be called King William V and by taking the W as two V's and the I's and l's as the roman numeral for one, they have constructed a most unsettling anagram: I AM VI VI VI or I AM 666." Some who are deceived have already interpreted the name William itself to mean the Will of God, the Will (of) I Am [see also the apostate Great Invocation]. In addition to this, the name of his father 'Charles' interpreted means "Man," this would then make William 'The Son of Man'. The Son of Man is what Jesus Christ called Himself.

*See also The Millennial World of Wills.
*June 1982 was also known for the London
Masonic murder of R. Calvi, the Vatican's banker.

Prince William born during the time of Saros, a Solar Eclipse: Astrological implications
Prince William was born in London, England, at 9:03 pm, on June 21, 1982. His birth took place just after a solar eclipse on the Summer Solstice, an especially powerful moment in time when the Sun, Moon and North node were closely aligned in the prince’s Seventh House in the emotional sign of Cancer. Eclipses are the great power points of the zodiac. They run through space and time in regular series called Saros cycles. The Saros cycles take about 1200 years to travel from the North to the South Pole, and vice versa. Each series has a different founding horoscope and a different theme. William was born into a series called 2 Old North, which began in 792 AD, just before the first recognized English king was crowned. It is due to end in 2036 AD, when William is 54. This raises many questions. The most obvious is whether William, if he becomes the king of Great Britain, might in fact be the last. The meaning of the Saros 2 Old North Series is said to be that of “separation or ending of unions,” a theme very clearly lived out in William’s life to date [site here]. It should also be noted that the time alotted for this period of 'Saros' is 18x37, the equivalent of 666 years.



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DANIEL 8:24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power
REVELATION 13:2 And the Dragon gave him his Power, and his Seat, and great authority.
REVELATION 13:4 And they all worshipped the [Red] Dragon which gave power unto the Beast.
REVELATION 12:3, 9 Behold a GREAT RED DRAGON...The GREAT DRAGON called the Devil and Satan.

The Red Dragon is the national symbol of present day Wales as well as King Arthur's own ensign, and it was the Red Dragon that was also the same ancient symbol appearing on the Roman standards of Titus' army as they laid waste to Jerusalem, killing all Jews in the process and destroying their Temple. As we see from the above Scripture, the Antichrist Prince receives his throne, power, and authority from the Red Dragon (literally; future tense). The twentieth century saw the Red Dragon made the official ensign of the British Royal Family in London and is even now the symbol of the current reigning Prince of Wales ever since his 1969 Royal investiture at Caernarfon Castle (which interestingly enough, has had an evil curse placed upon it). The Red Dragon of Wales was clearly presented everywhere adorning everything, even cut right into the backrest of the Dragon Throne itself in which he sat.

At this globally televised Welsh event, Queen Elizabeth II spoke to Charles in a hauntingly familiar statement as if read, word for word straight from the book of Revelation [13:2]. At this ceremony, Queen Elizabeth II announced to her dragon-son "This Dragon now gives you your Power, your Throne, and your Authority" to which Prince Charles replied "I am now your Liege-Man and worthy of your earthly worship" (Liege-man meaning Lord) and from that moment to this, the way was paved for the Antichrist to achieve the false Throne of King David and eventually become the Messianic Antichrist over Israel, only to later fulfill his role in Titus' shadow and evil work. It is also Britain's future King, William Arthur, who it is said was actually conceived in Wales during an early October 1981, three day visit by the Prince and his newlywed Princess, this being Diana's first public engagement and first ever official function outside of London under her new title 'Princess of Wales.' (Pictured below is the late Princess Diana in conversation with two members of the Knights Templar during what appears to be a public event in 1991).

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DANIEL 8:24-25 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy supernaturally and shall prosper; he shall destroy the Holy People. And through his [peace] policy shall he also cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by PEACE shall destroy many.
DANIEL 9:26-27 The PRINCE that shall come, shall afterwards destroy the City and the Sanctuary...[yet first] he shall confirm the covenant of PEACE with many for seven years; and in the middle of that seven years shall he then cause a great destruction.
DANIEL 11:21 There shall arise a Vile Man, to whom they [Jews] shall not give the Honor of the Kingdom [Title of Messiah], but he shall come in PEACEABLY and shall obtain the Kingdom by flatteries.
1 THESSALONIANS 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction shall cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
LUKE 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
MATTHEW 24:3,14-16 And as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto Him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the Sign of thy coming, and of the End of the World? [Jesus speaks of wars, famine, earthquakes, and then of Antichrist] When ye therefore shall see the Abomination of Desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the Holy Place, (whoso readeth, let him understand), then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: For then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to that time.

Unlike other despotic Kings before him, the Antichrist actually brings the earth into a worldwide peace covenant thereby accomplishing through an extremely deceptive plan what others like Adolph Hitler could not do, that is to ultimately destroy the Jews and break God's prophetic Word while raising up an a Kingdom to unite the world under his own sovereign rule causing all to worship the true power behind his Throne. That in mind, the Antichrist is to lead all, everyone, the world, yet specifically Israel into a covenant of peace because her ancient need for peace is so great, even her greater need for a stable security with that peace increases with each new generation, especially now. After the peace covenant among the nations is made, one of the first series of quick events that takes place towards Antichrist's ascension as 'the Messiah' is that he has Solomon's ancient Temple rebuilt in Jerusalem causing the most extreme and unparalleled joy in Israel not seen since the time of King David, when he ruled over a still united Kingdom of Judah with Israel. These two events, the peace made with Israel's neighbors and the building of the Temple will cause Israel, who at this time is looking for a Messiah, look again at this British King, this King who even (supposedly) has the Bloodline of David, and therefore a candidate for Messiah. Next, Antichrist then makes way for all the "lost tribes of Israel" to return, even allowing it's borders expanded in accordance to Israel's ancient and true border (Joshua chapter one) which stretches all the way south and west through the Sinah, into Egypt, north into Lebanon, east into the heart of Iraq, and they shall all have great joy, especially at Jerusalem, around and within the new Third Temple there shall be worship to God. Jews, being completely decieved in all this, next cry out in fervent and ceaseless prayer, desiring to have the last event that would make every one of their ancient prophecies finally fulfilled, they ask for a King from God to sit in the new Temple, exactly as they have done before in the days of Solomon. Their prayer is seemingly answered, "Elijah" returns. Antichrist is made King. Death and Hell has arrived.

Truely what Satan's other son's could not do through wars, the final Antichrist, the last son, shall accomplish through peace. Even so, the future 'Magic Kingdom' that is to be governed by the Antichrist will be done so upon the ancient precepts of satanic occultism with the ultimate goal being along the same exact lines to what Hitler and other Satanic son's have attempted to build, an occult version of Millennial Utopia to last 1,000 years patterned after the Golden Ages and specifically, Atlantis. This was and will be, Satan's will, his Kingdom, first and last. There is now an increasingly known history that is proving Hitler, Hess, and Himmler were insane with ideas of taking the world by force into the New Age, in effect, getting there first, as it were, before the Templarian Freemason's had the chance to finish their Great Work. In so doing, they developed their plan for global conquest using both conventional and occultic means to bring it about. Before the war, it was Himmler who was granted charge over a new SS faction called Ahnenerbe (interpreted: the Ancestral Heritage Society), a grouping of Germany's top scientists, archaeologists and scholars who on direct orders from Hitler, mounted archaeological and anthropological expeditions throughout Tibet, Iran, Palestine, South America and the Arctic to prove the existence of an ancient pre-Aryan master race. To Hitler, this term of Pre-Aryan was rooted only in the lost continent of Atlantis, believing modern Aryans to be direct descendants of the Atlantic continent.

Researching Aryan (Satanic) doctrines further, you are taken into some detail about the mystical land called Atlantis and it soon becomes overwhelmingly clear that Hitler actually believed he was reviving the legendary continent, and with that, he would be the first King of its New Age, fulfilling his own Aryan destiny given him by, what has only been referred to as the Ascended Masters. Scholars are now convinced that Hitler and the Nazi party were influenced in these very bizarre ideas about Aryan Bloodlines, 'root races,' the hollow earth, Atlantis and its Overlords, and other such theories by the enigmatic writings of authors such as Helena Blavatsky and her infamous work titled The Secret Doctrine with her own accounts of the so called 'Ascended Masters,' a spirit race of beings from Atlantis who guide man's destiny from the frozen north regions thru Occult means and later descended upon India, Tibet, and Germany becoming the supreme race known as Aryan man. This, along with the writings of Edmund Kis and his Atlantean novels such as "Fruehling in Atlantis" etc., as well as the Bulwer-Lytton Vril notions of a hollow earth, completely shaped Hitler's (Luciferian) world view, influenced his own book Mein Kamph, further emblazoned his hatred of the Jews. He attempted nothing less than to create a new Aryan Solar-Man upon the earth in accordance with the Ascended Masters will, as he saw it. Their symbol and Mark being the swastika - itself an ancient symbol of the Sun, the occult number of which is 666. The former art student and occult-emblazoned Adolph Hitler saw as keys to unlocking Aryan power and bringing the world by force into the New Age was the finding of certain artifacts that are prophesied in the Occult to make its owner the last rex mundi, the King of the world. These objects included the Ark of the Covenant, the Spear of Destiny, the Holy Grail, the Crystal Skulls of Atlantis, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, etc., which according to the Occult-influenced Nazi doctrine, were the very foundation and apex of pre-Aryan (Atlantean) society and would give the Nazi war machine complete victory as they set forth to conquer the earth. Once found by Ahnenerbe, the Holy Grail, Ark of the Covenant, Spear of Destiny, Shroud of Turin and every other relic of occult power were to be placed in one central location.

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In 1934 Himmler selected a 17th century gothic fortress known as Wewelsburg Castle (see middle of this document - click here). It and the city which was planned around it was ultimately envisioned as serving as a future "Holy City" of an 'SS' State. The castle, which was built upon an 'Aryan crypt,' included a 12,000 volume library of Aryan lore, several medieval shrines, entire wings devoted to ancient Teutonic Knights and their victories, as well as devotion to Aryan Gods such as Thor and Loki. Occult symbolism was rampant throughout, in and everywhere around the castle were to be found so-called Magic Runes which further gave this one place on earth every supposed occult power imagineable. The planned town which was to be built around the castle was to radiate outwards in concentric circles (as seen in depictions of Plato's Atlantis) with the castle at its epic center - yet more than all this, was the plan to build one room, which was the center of all. Hitler knowing of the Arthurian prophecy of a return as 'last world emperor' obviously sought to fulfill the ancient occult prophecy for himself. Within the center of the castle at it's lowest base, was built a room and within it's center was built an 'Arthurian Round Table' where twelve of the most pure blooded and occult SS were to meet, and where Hitler would eventually hold court, this Occultic 'power point,' this 'Mittpunkt der Welt' - the 'mid-point of the world' from which they would rule the earth, Satan's New Jerusalem. Around the room was to be placed the Occult objects of power making them as supreme and unstoppable Aryan-Atlantean god-men upon the earth, thereby completing the occult vision of seeing themselves as the literal fulfillment of Arthur's return with his knights. The war ended before their nefarious dream was fulfilled however. Adolph Hitler desperately wanted to be the ruler of that brave new age which was prophesied, seeing his Germanic race as the ones who should have been chosen and not the Merovingian line, as they being "Aryan" were also were the Sons of Cain. The Masonic elements within the British and American governments however had a far more ancient doctrine and plan to follow. The rogue occultist and self-proclaimed Aryan Messiah, Adolph Hitler, was subsequently removed.

As we see from Scripture in Daniel 11:19, Hitler's body was never found.
Then he shall turn his face toward the fort of his own land: but he shall stumble and fall, and not be found.

As it was with Hitler, and other Atlantean Kings before him, so too will it be with the future world King, Antichrist [see Hitler and his war prophesied in Daniel 11:13-19 compared to Antichrist starting at v.21]. In this research, another interesting connection between the Third Reich and the New Age comes to bear, Hitler's reign and his dealing with the Jews in his 'Final Solution' scenario lasted nearly seven years being 2,376 days (from December 1938 when Jews began to be systematically rounded up to June 1945 and the complete liberation of the death camps). The future Antichrist will also bring a New Solution for Israel, beguiling them with a peace initiative which he does not create, yet confirms for its own period of seven years [literally 2,520 days]. This future seven year period of Antichrist rule is called the Tribulation by Christians. The Nazi's Satanic International Neo-Socialist New Age agenda and its direct counterpart in the liberal leftist movement even now still paves the way for Antichrist in its many forms. Still unknowing to many in the outer circles of Occult even today is that it is Lucifer and his Angels are still playing the role as these Ascended Masters, enlightened beings who guide many into secret commune and various orders and societies hastily preparing a New Secular Order without Christ, giving them charge over the so-called Great Work that is to help bring back the Age before the fall when all was yet perfect, a time when Lucifer the Sun King presided over the West in a perfect land, when the former Atlantic nation(s) were most powerful, one in particular was the most powerful of them all. Solar Mankind was raised upon the earth and taught things forbidden for man to know.

Today, those deep within Occult society know exactly who they follow, as he is their father. You will see later how Satan keeps working thru occultic men and leaders such as Hitler and many others in order to bring back that lost age, his Lost Golden Age* hence the modern New Age movement attempting to foster and achieve the exact same today, yet using an altogether new tactic...the mantra of peace, or killing the masses through kindness, seemingly helpful and benevolent spiritualism that mandates they are their own God as well as having them believe Christ was one of many throughout history, exactly what Freemasonry believes. (*The Lost Golden Age is also connected to King Arthur's Camelot, the Atlantis of its time, called the once and future Kingdom). Throughout history we have seen many shadowing archetypes of Antichrist's rising, from the Egyptian Pharoah Ramses II to Napolean, from Nebuchadnezzar to Nero, from Antiochus Epiphanes IV to Hitler, yet all have been blatant evil warmongers from the start, which makes the future Antichrist of Daniel and Revelation so different, much different than all the wicked despots before him, as he will usher in a great Age of peace and prosperity on the onset, in his attempt to deceive the world. After the coming cataclysm, he will be seen as responsible for making the earth 'green' once again, bringing forth a new world age, and for removing the nation's policies and threats of mutual annihilation, as he will hold complete world power, obtaining the respect, loyalty, and complete worship from the masses and upon having all that, only then will he become Satanically possessed, viscious, and warlike in one single and decisive moment [see Daniel 11:30] seeking destruction to all those that later dare oppose him [Daniel 11:40-41].

Whore of Babylon Mother of Harlots: Future Church of Antichrist Rooted in Sorcery
The Antichrist's New Age, one world religion, his Mother Goddess Dianic centered church based on ancient sorcery which first originated in the Middle East at Sumeria later called Babylon, is already growing in rank and number in the present. As Christ will be given over in Marriage to His Church [Revelation 19:7-9], which is called Virgin and Sinless due to Christ's Blood and sacrifice, so shall the Antichrist have his counterfeit Church, called a Whore filled with every sin and deceit. Instead of having Christ's Blood wash away the sins of man, Satan uses Christ's Blood(line) to propagate Antichrist's washing of man's minds. Instead of being built on God's Truth, it is built on demonic lies, from the original liar to mankind. His 'religion' is equally based in Western Occultism as well as steeped in eastern mysticism, sorcery and magick, given to man over the millenia thru direct spirit contact and other demonic activity that is today wonderfully adorned, repackaged, and called the New Age movement. More specifically, that future one world church will be built upon an advancement of the Mary Magdalene heresy.

It is she that (spiritually) is perfectly depicted as the Whore of Babylon, Mother of all harlots who lay with her, because it is within her and out from her which came the spawn and offspring of Merovingian Kings, a race of beings known to produce the future Antichrist, therfore, she is the Whore of Babylon herself, yet there's still one important piece missing from this equation, and it is a world church, even that of a global adoration. First the global adoration, Princess Diana is said by occultists to be the ultimate Mary Magdalene through occult Bloodine, the very archetype and literal manifestation of the infamous first century harlot reproduced in the present. This 'new Mary' who also has the name Diana, Goddess of the Ephesians (see Acts 19:27 below), who gives first her Son to the world, has now left the world seemingly in his hands, leaving him with us and although he has yet to attain his final power, as King, his mother will always be central to his world. Diana (to the Celts, she was called "Cerridwen"; "Isis" to the Egyptians*) was the greatest Pagan Goddess in the ancient world, from Asia Minor (including the Middle East) throughout the Empire, she was vehemently worshipped and violently adored. (*See also the Various Charges of the Goddess).

Acts 19:27-28 So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the Temple of the Great Goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all the world worshippeth. And when they heard these things they were full of wrath and cried out saying, Great (is) Diana of the Ephesians.

Therefore, we see the former demonicly possessed harlot Mary Magdalene, who is now nearly made a Saint by the Roman Catholic Church, even a 'Holy Woman' is done so knowingly reminiscent of the Virgin Mary who truely birthed a 'Holy Son' as if to imply Mary also had a Son, fathered by Christ...and the endless genealogy of a damned heresy continues, this 'doctrine of demons' and 'teaching of devils' that is being taught in these last days exactly as prophesied. You can now see where this DaVinci/Magdalene heresy easily fits and assimilates itself so neatly into the Lost Tribes of Israel theories, namely England and the British Royal Family being the Throne of King David, from which the Messiah will come, already leading some to believe a last King of England could become the Messiah to the world. This known and arcane revelation of Princess Diana as the New Magdalene is only the shadow of the reality which the occult version of Magdalene is effectively based, but in Truth is actually referring to the yet unnamed, unknown, woman of evil who spawned such a seed of Satan, even calling it good, more than any co-Messiah or co-Redemtrix in the guise of Mary Magdalene ever could, even as they are now desperately making her out to be, yet as the Scripture states - this yet unknown woman who has given us the bloodline of Antichrist has as her name MYSTERY and she does have in her hand a cup, even a Grail brimming with Blood.

Revelation 18:4-7 And the Woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a Golden Cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead [was] a name written, MYSTERY, Babylon the great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth...And when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the Angel said unto me, Why do you marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the Woman, and of The Beast that carrieth her...

As Christ is shown with the Holy Woman that births Him in Revelation 12, so too we see the Apostate Woman that bears the Antichrist in Revelation 17. Now you will know the future Antichrist religion is the ever melding combination of today's Roman Catholic Church [spiritually called Babylon] with that of the future Synogogue of Satan [Whore] and its occult Magdalene mysteries revealed of which the new Vatican to appear will wholly accept and make known to their global followers. Since this Magdalene Gnostic Christ Church is to be built upon the Mysteries within Celtic sorcery and witchcraft, a global 'Tower of Magdala' is precisely why you are currently seeing so much of an attempt to unite Christianity with that of ancient Celtic and eastern paganism today. In the occult essence of its true spiritual form, this current leaderless church of Hell is already here among us in the form of the seemingly harmless New Age movement and its eastern Mysticism and Celtic witchcraft leading the thrust, a dual philosophical and spiritual combination of East meeting West yet having one united goal, one hellish doctrine, and only later will it infuse itself upon the Roman religion mixed with pure Occultism to become a multi-headed Beast in of its own right. Interesting it is therefore that currently, as of 2005, Italy has been overtaken by a growing tide of Satanism and Satanic activity in this last age just before the Beast ascends. The numbers have been estimated near one million of those newly claiming Satan as their God in 2004 alone with over 1,000 various Satanic sects in Italy asserting their position against Christ ever existing at all. The Vatican, needless to say, has started to become "concerned."

This slouching beast moving ever forward has already moved into the minds of the youth in this generation, and the teachers creating such an environment of learning know well what they do. This new wave of witchcraft targeting today's children while passing it off to parents as something amounting more to a harmless trend than a global conspiracy, is for a purpose. Example, many of the same words, spells, and situational occurrences found in such "children's books" as Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings are naturally found within the libraries of Occultists and Satanists alike. A parent in this day and age should really contemplate to ask themselves if they want their own children reading such material designed to ready another generation to be open minded toward the Occult's magickal and demonic influences. One should also ask, after 400 years supressing witchcraft and Satanism, why is magick and sorcery returning in greater strength than it has ever been since the days of Egypt or Babylon? Has it found a much more liberal, tolerant (and therefore ignorant), society of parents or educators to be easy targets? Carefully considered and gradually knowing how the Occult operates, you begin to realize this is no mere trend or harmless phase of sorcery finding new literary resurgence, not when true Christendom is already on the decline and replaced with full acceptance of demonic doctrines and teachings of devils on the ascendant filling its apparent void. Already being a church of One Mind, it has sought its future followers and found them already born it seems. Even now some of the ungodly ask in all vanity-laden ignorance or subtilty of deception, why the teaching of Christ being married and having sex be of such evil? The foul spirit not knowing after the Crucifixtion our Lord and Savior King rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father in all Power and Glory and Majestic Divinity, while in contrast and context to their belief that He survived the Cross and moved to France taking along the demonic infested and pregnant Harlot Magdalene, yet this would only mean He was truly no Messiah fufilled, no perfect sacrifice, certainly no 'God in Man' which the Father would have so pleased with for even the Antichrist in his future shall 'have no desire of women' (Daniel 11:37). For this cause, the teachers and people believing such blasphemy already have the spirit of Antichrist, even being readied to see their King, therefore the Father God would have little to do with such a vain and carnal creature they make His Son out to be.

The Scriptures themselves depict a prophesied Christ who must be perfect to be the acceptable sacrifice unto God and man, a Passover atonement and remission of sins (see John 14:6, Heb. 4:15, 2:18, 1 Tim. 2:5-6, 1 Cor 15:47, 2 Cor 5:21) yet they would have you believe otherwise in order to tear down Christ and His specific One Way doctrine, while at the same time supporting the demonic doctrines of the coming Antichrist. Again, there is absolutely no reason for Christ the Lord to have sex and produce what is actually Satan's carnal spawn as that would only support His nemesis in Anti-Christ and this was not the purpose for His sacrifice, both spirtually and literally, whereby the Children of the Grail are of Satan's lie and lineage, not of Christ's "overcoming of the world and everything in it." There are certainly other examples in Scripture which completly refute their Apocryphal lies in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and Gospel of Philip, which strongly imply Christ to be little more than a carnal being (even a druid in some New Age interpretations). For example, His virginity is found everywhere in Scritpture, even in places not seen by many as in Revelation 14:4 '...These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb [Christ].' Therefore, seeing as these were undefiled of women while yet in their lives, following the Lord wherever He goes and in everything He does, how much more would the Lord Himself be Virgin, even High Priest of the Church to which His Father was so well pleased. Furthermore, the Lord Jesus Christ has only one Wife, called the 'Church' and 'Bride' which the book of the Apocalypse [chapter 19] depicts He having only one 'Marriage Supper of the Lamb,' and He is then going to be wed (implying He wasn't before) with the Virgin Church, His only Bride as He is their only Lord.

In the very near future you will begin to see a strong push on their part to make Jesus Christ an increasingly comprimised, even mortal figure. Nowhere is this campaign more prevalent and obvious than on American and British television and its New Age-styled documentaries whose networks include America's TLC (The Learning Channel), the Discovery Channel, National Geographic, the History Channel, Bravo, NBC and the ABC network. They are all forerunners in their ongoing campaign to present a much less-Divine, more humanistic, gnostic-styled Jesus, each program laced with a mix of lies and truth, the most recent documentaries implying Mary Magdalene having Christ's children while promoting their own choice picks of heretical information from the Occult wrought 'gnostic gospels' found within the Nag Hammadi, specifically the Gospel of Philip, to prove their warped heresies. Interestingly enough, in addition to stepping up the the frequency of documentaries about the Holy Grail Bloodline, these same "educational channels" mentioned are also heavily promoting shows about King Arthur, Atlantis, Ufo's, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Essenes, Gematria, the Annunaki, Gnostic 'Mysteries' of the Bible, the DaVinci Code, Satanic possession, etc., every one with its own place within [real] history, yet every one also promoting an entire agenda that is softening up the masses for the greater lies to come. In particular, the various programs dealing with the Magdalene/Christ descendants is often made the usual quantam leap in basing their entire lie about the Divine Right of the Merovingians Kings on one line of torn and incomplete text from the uncanonized gospel of Philip which they interpret to mean that Christ had sex with Mary begetting a race of Kings thereby diminishing the Church's stand of His Divinity as well as eroding traditional Christianity itself in order to create a void of understanding, moreover a need for an entirely new interpretation of religion, Scripture, even of history itself. Once these gates are opened there will be no stopping the onslaught of deceptions that follow right up until the time Christ returns to destroy it all, for these same deceptions will ultimately make clear the path for Antichrist.



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2THESSALONIANS 2:1-6 That day shall not come until their comes a great falling away first, and then shall that Man of Sin be revealed, (the Antichrist), the Son of Perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God...and now ye know what restrains him that he might only be revealed in his time.

THE ANTICHRIST named King William V, (today's Prince William) and his False Prophet ('Elijah') will lead the future world and its Goddess-centered "Church of the Divine Feminine" eventually deceiving both Israel and the world into believing that he alone is the only Messiah they will ever receive. Both the Old and New Testaments shall be twisted to fit their aims; John 16:7-8, Revelation 1:16-18, 12 being perfect examples. Indeed the 'falling away' from the true Faith has already begun, as prophesied. Through some very interesting uses of subliminal tactics and false histories, many today are ready for, and are listening to, the teachings of devils and doctrines of demons that are saturating both the media and educational bodies, making New Age beliefs appear as Holy and to be accepted while at the same time making Christ appear as only a man, and just one of many New Age teachers at that. Very dangerous disinfomration is being presented to the world at this time. Why do you think that is? They are succeeding in their efforts despite America's seemingly conservative moral values (which is actually causing a backlash and a greater tolerance toward liberalism worldwide, namely Europe) because it is still those very old societies who have hidden control in America and especially American media, that are promoting these very European, Monarchial, and even heretical quasi-religious ideas.

It seems many cannot understand that the age of Antichrist will not openly appear at first to be an age of rampant evil, atheism, or even Satanism at the initial onset of his reign, as many think. On the contrary, all will be seemingly 'religious' at that time, the world will be given a new religion, seeing as others such as Christianity obviously "failed." The world is only now going thru a softening up process currently, yet after the Cataclysm, all will move forward very quickly toward a belief closer to ancient Druidism more than anything else. During those first years of the Tribulation, the world will be actually at peace, new thoughts and ideas will flourish as the world comes together in unity (One World Order) and this will become the basis for that new age of reason and its world belief system. At the same time, old fundamentalist ideas of the past will be something not accepted (indeed, this is already going on in Europe, especially France and Germany even now). Pagan Roman, Gnostic, Celtic, and over-liberalized parts of traditional Christianity shall all meet sorcery and legend creating for itself a new Church that will take in a hurting world greatly weakened after a global disaster. At the thrust of it all shall give rise to a new King who will be greatly loved by the majority of the planet, and seem to have the solutions to man's every ill, yet it's that spirit within him that leads, that Beast which controls a future King. I must say, Satan has chosen well.

REVELATION 17:8 The (Spirit of the) Beast shall ascend out of the Abyss and goeth 'into Perdition'.
DANIEL 11:23 For he shall come up [ascend] and become strong with a small people.

Many think this to mean he will rise admidst a small nation and its people just as Christ rose in Bethlehem, a small city within a small nation, Israel, yet there may be another correct interpretation with this. There exists many secret occult Orders and societies, small in number, many of which no one has ever heard of (as they are far more secretive than Freemasonry or every other known secret society). They have also waited millennia for this one single event, to finally see their ancient God and 'fogotten father' take on flesh and become a man. This same man will later restore the ancient Sun God (Lucifer) once more to his former place among the hearts of the world, and live in a man among men becoming its World King (Messiah), it's Morning Star, just as before. Just as God's Spirit dwelled within the man Christ, so Satan's spirit shall dwell in his man Antichrist. The reference to a 'small people' therefore is to denote the small number of people who will see to his more nefarious education and make him strong. This small numbered occult Order is therefore obviously comprised of the most wicked and powerful Satanic Order, and it will be their task to foster the young King into every aspect of Occult wisdom, much like the seemingly allegorical and "demon-born" Merlin trained his own young apprentice in the ways of Celtic Druidism and Magick.

It was the Celtic Druids behind all of it - long before the Knights Templar, Priory of Sion, or even Tamar and they being the ones who first paved the way for Lucifer's return in the form of one man, a Messiah chosen to lead their kind, a man different, beautiful, enthralling, world beloved, pure...a Prince, a King (all very much like Lucifer himself once was). It was these earliest of Celtic Druids who prepared for a King to return that would embody their Sun God PhaRAon (Lucifer), and only then much later, did the nine Templars carry on their work, keeping the secret that was always meant to return back to the first Masons (the Druids) who gave it, for Satan has chosen them and has chosen his Son to war with God's Son. Therefore, this last Sun-King of the rebel Angel reborn would go about to establish every remaining work of destruction for his ancient father, 'the King that was' (as stated in Revelation 17:8). He arises from the Abyss to take over the body of this new and last "Son of Perdition" and is even now only awaiting upon God's timing, when the great destructive catalyst to befell the earth is finally released and the one(s) who restain him are taken out of the way, allowing for this Man of Sin to be revealed. It is during that fertile time after the Rapture and after earth's near seeming destruction, that Satan is allowed to tempt the world once again with the ancient lies of magick, sorcery, and weakening human resolve into blind acceptance of a 'better age to come.' All of his will for destroying Creation is soon accomplished as a result. This was and is the reason and purpose behind all Occult Conspiracy and that of the "Great Work."

Shortly after the upcoming war and "terror from the sky" in the form of a comet, Satan will begin overshadowing the mind and body of his young Son of Perdition between the years 2010 and 2022. Once all is achieved and conquered under him only then will he complete the 'Transfiguration of Ascension' (Satanic possession), three and one half years into the reign of this King, leaving no trace of what he once was. William will have by then become an empty shell invaded by the Devil himself reigning over a much different world than we see around us today. Closer to the present, as we are on that singular and inescapable path, the year 2012 itself will see a major transforming and paradigm shift in the world's mindset pertaining to the Occult as the entire world is to be completely indoctrinated. Christianity and its own leader-King, Christ, is to be eroded to the point of common mortality, seemingly less deified, more humanized, ultimately becoming of little real importance other than his so-called Messianic Bloodline (the greatest end-time heresy of all), which leads into 'another Messiah.' This will give way to a great and unparalleled religious void in the world, a void all too quickly replaced by sorcery, magick, and the arcane, expediantly ushering mankind into another 'New Golden Age' out of which arises a certain hero, a King reborn.

DANIEL 7:25 And he shall speak great words against God, and shall wear out the Saints of the Most High God, and think to change times and laws; and they shall be given into his hand for three and a half years.

Antichrist will change the times, meaning he will do away with the present Gregorian based "Christian calendar" which places Christ as central to its markings of years, holidays, etc., and in its place reinstate a pre-Christian (pagan) marking of time which makes observances only to ancient Pagan Holy days and its lesser known Satanic celebrations, even though most of what became Catholic "Christian" days of worship were always based upon much older pagan days of celebration (which again shows Catholicism's true roots). Where November 1st was celebrated as 'All Saints Day,' October 31st and Samhain will remain, December 25th would become the day of the Roman Sun God, Mithra's (Lucifer's) Day. The Luciferian Sun Solstice worship of June 21st would certainly hold more significance than any other. Since the Jesus Christ of Scripture in every way is to be eventually rooted out of New Age utopian society to come, Christ is even now Paganized to the point He becomes Lucifer, the Solar Diety of the ancient world. As you now might be aware, this occult created lie also prepares the present world for the Antichrist and his future Solar religion. They will also have you believe the Holy Cross itself is a Solar (phallic) symbol which has always been the Masonic interpretation, so again, this subtle manipulation is all done to 'make Christ appear pagan' so they might infuse Satanism, Druidism, Masonry and its solar cultish beliefs upon all, even Christians. New Agers and Wiccan pagans now believe almost every "research" the Occult creates, even those that seem most scholarly have been tainted with Masonic brand Illuminism all to bring man an Occult education, to their later destruction. This is Satan's game, God has already provided the Truth, literally, and man has rejected it out of hand, and instead, chosen to believe something other than God's Son or His Word.

The Scriptures state, the Antichrist is to 'change the times and laws' which is another way of saying he will renew the calendar as mentioned, having it not center around Christ's birth any longer. Many New Agers have it that the year following 2012 will be as starting back to 'year zero,' signifying to the world a new beginning [hence the term 'New Age'] for both the Western and Eastern calendars, yet Antichrist will also change Biblical statutes and laws into new laws and ordinances based on Western Occultism mixed with Kabbalistic mysticism, in effect, twisting the Torah and Tenach to fit his own claims of being their Messiah while breaking down the very fabric that remains of Judaism into one more fitting of New Age synchretic beliefs, and this is already taking place to more easily destroy them in the future. I have been asked before why will Israel as a nation find a united Judaism in the future, even a new heart burning with desire for things of the supernatural, as they did before in their history. It is Ezekiel who has the answer, Chapters 38 and 39. Russia's great hatred of Israel and their own need for what Israel has in abundance will finally culminate with the future Battle of Gog and Magog which will forever change the present and secular nation of Israel thereafter into one indebted to God for their very survival, and He will be their God...yet what comes after is for them and the world who have yet rejected His salvation.



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Satan takes over the body of Antichrist providing him every Occult knowledge and power
DANIEL 8:23-24 And in the latter time of their Kingdom, when the Transgressors are come to the full, a King of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall arise. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power; and he shall destroy supernaturally.
REVELATION 13:4 And the people worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast; and they worshipped the Beast ~ After the planned destruction of the present world system, a small group of a most secretive Order will guide the young king into the most powerful forms of ancient magick, Celtic (Satanic) Druidism, with its Pagan Goddess Cerridwen (Diana) and her consort, the Celtic Herne, Cernunnos the Horned God of Forces, (Satan) to whom he will later venerate and owe all allegience (see Daniel 11:38)

Satan rising in Antichrist shall war with and destroy Israel's Mighty and Holy People
DANIEL 8:24He shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and shall destroy the Mighty and the Holy People.
DANIEL 11:25-32 And he [Antichrist-King] shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army...and [afterwards] both of these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed. Then shall he return into his land with great riches, and his heart shall be against the Peace Covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land. At the time appointed he shall return and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter. For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return [to Israel] and have indignation against the Holy Covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return and have intelligence with them that forsake the Holy Covenant and armies shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the Temple, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall [in it's stead] place the Abomination that maketh Desolate and such as do wickedly against the Covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries [see also Luke 21:20, Matthew 24:3, 15, Revelation 11:2, Necronomicon p. 202].

Needless to say, when the Jews of Israel see what they have unleashed and chosen as their Messiah they and others will revolt against him and it is only then that they will finally realize who they have given the 'honor of the Kingdom' to. It is written in Ezekiel 38 and 39 that God would forever be their God after the Battle of Magog and that He will be with them from that point on, and this is true, for Antichrist would have destroyed them all sooner if it weren't for God restraining Satan from unleashing all destruction upon Israel and the world, even shortening the days of the Tribulation for as Christ clearly stated in Matthew 24:21-22 ' For then shall be great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be again. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the Elect's sake those days shall be shortened.' You must also understand that even though Israel has made their choice of a Messiah, they are still going to be worshiping God the Father first, as the Third Temple is symbolic only of Him, and He will be their God. Israel will only at the final end be shown who their True Messiah was afterall [see Zechariah 12:10 and Revelation 1:7].

Antichrist possessed by Satan shall even have power to destroy the Holy Angels
DANIEL 8:10 The [Little] Horn, (young King) waxed great, even to the host of Heaven; and he cast down some of the Host and of the Stars to the ground and trampled upon them. ~ This Scripture is most curious as the Antichrist being Satan in the flesh whose power is finally unleashed, even has the power to kill Holy Angels, as the Greek word used for Star and Host in that context actually translates to means Angels in the original texts [Angels as 'stars' in Isaiah 14:13, Revelation 12:9]. Similar to this, as the Antichrist is casting down the Angelic forces of God, he seems to rise admidst his own band of warrior Angels (or demonic beings) which Revelation 17:12 and Daniel 7:24 decribes as being "10 kings," posing as his knights. Reading Daniel 7:20 where we see the Antichrist being "more stout than his fellows" and know that according to more than one occult source, he seemingly rises admidst ancient Atlantean Kings or some otherworldly race such as the Nephilim, a 'race much taller than he.' These ten are possibly made kings over the (ten) false 'Anglo-tribes of Israel.' Revelation 9:11 makes known 'they had a king over them, which is the Angel of the Abyss, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon ' (the Destroyer).

* Pre-Flood Atlantis was governed by Ten Kings over Ten Regions. "ten districts...ruled by ten kings." - 167:200 "...The ten kingdoms of Atlantis are perpetuated in all the ancient traditions. 'In the number given by the Bible where the Antediluvian patriarchs we have the first instance of a striking agreement with the traditions of various nations. Other nations, to whatever epoch they carry back their ancestors...are constant to the sacred number of ten...In Chaldea, Perosus numerates ten Antediluvian kings whose fabulous reign extended to thousands of years. The legends of the Iranian race commence with the reign of ten Peisdadien (Poseidon?) kings...In India we meet with the nine Brahmadikas, who, with Brahma, their founder, make ten, and who are called the Ten Petris, or Fathers. The Chinese count ten emperors, partaking of the divine nature, before the dawn of historical time. The Germans believed in the ten ancestors of Odin, and the Arabs in the ten mythical kings of the Adites.' (Lenormant and Chevallier, 'Anc. Hist. of the East,' vol. i., p. 13.)" - 635:26-7

The Antichrist will enter the Rebuilt Temple and claim to be God
2 THESSALONIANS 2:3-4 The Son of Perdition who fights against God...sits in the Temple of God claiming that he is GOD.

Once Antichrist sends forth his united European armies (of the false 'Ten Lost Tribes') to overwhelmingly trodden upon Zion (until the times of these Gentiles be fulfilled; see Revelation 11:2) and destroy the surviving Israeli forces that stood to protect Jerusalem, even of the Two Witnesses (Luke 21:20, Matthew 24:3,15,24, Revelation 11:3-12), Satan's power will be at it's absolute height (and yet he will be given 42 months of power after taking the Temple), having accomplished all through his 'begotten son' who brought the entire world back to him one more. This Antichrist then mockingly rides into the city on a white horse making his way toward the Eastern Gate set aside for the Messiah, he kills the Two Witnesses who protected the Temple (Revelation 11:1-11) proceeds from the Outer Court to the Inner Sanctum and comes to the Door of Light where he enters the Holy of Holies. Completely possessed of Satan, he will annoint himself supreme ruler of the earth, sit upon the earthly equivalent of His Shekinah Throne where it is said the One can ascend directly to the Throne of Heaven (as above, so below) and with this, the Rex Mundi long touted in the pages of occult works, becomes the first and last World King to rule, the Great Work itself finally completed as Satan claims to be Jehovah God (the great 'I AM'), the true alchemical process of the ancients then realized in WILL-I (AM) the 5th. Lucifer sitting in the prehistoric 'sides of the north' (upon Mount Zion) having crushed both fleshly and Angelic forces, places himself above the Angels of God, finally achieving his five ancient I Wills thru his 'Glorious Son-King,' the Antichrist, yet God has already determind the outcome.
How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, Sun of the Morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, you which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart: I WILL ascend into Heaven, I WILL exalt my throne above the Stars of God. I WILL sit also upon the Mount of the Congregation in the sides of the north. I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds. I WILL be like God - Yet thou shalt be brought down to Hell, even to the sides of the pit.
-Isaiah 14:12-15


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THE WAR OF ARMAGEDDON: Satan within the Antichrist-King gathers all to attack Christ at His Return
Daniel 8:13 / Daniel 12:7-10 Then I heard one Angel speaking, and another Angel said unto that certain Angel which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the Transgression of Desolation [The Antichrist], to give the Sanctuary (The Temple) and the Host to be trodden under foot? / And I heard the Man clothed in linen...sware by Him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half ( 3.5 years or 1,260 days) when he [Antichrist] shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the Holy people [the Jews], all these things shall be finished. And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And He said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

Daniel 9:24-27 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people [Israel] and upon thy Holy City, to finish 'the Transgression' [lineage of Cain - explained later], and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy [Christ the Messiah]. Know therefore and understand...the people of the Prince that shall come [Antichrist's army] shall destroy the City and the Sanctuary [Jerusalem and the Temple]; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. he [Antichrist] confirmed a [peace] covenant with many for one week [7 years]: and in the middle of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of Abominations he shall make it [the Jerusalem Temple] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Daniel 11:40-44 And at the time of the end...tidings out of the East [CHINA] and out of the North [RUSSIA] shall trouble him [Antichrist]: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.
Zechariah 14:1-3, 12:9-11 Behold, the Day of the Lord cometh...for I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle...Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the Day of Battle. And it shall come to pass in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the [true] House of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: And they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him as one mourneth for his only Son [Jesus is the "Only Begotten Son"], and shall be in bitterness for Him as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon [Armageddon].
Revelation 16:16-17 And he [Antichrist] gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. And the seventh Angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the Temple of Heaven, from the Throne, saying, It is done.

Revelation 1:7-8 Behold, He [Christ] cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. 'I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come.'
Revelation 19:11-21 And I saw Heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a Name written, that no man knew, but he Himself. And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in Heaven followed Him...And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. And I saw the Beast, and the Kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him that sat on the horse, and against His army. And the Beast was taken, and with him the False Prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the Mark of the Beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Zechariah 14:12 / 12:1-4,9 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. / The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they [the world's armies] shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness...And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. // No commentary needed with the above prophecy, it thoroughly explains itself depicting the fates of those who become deceived by Antichrist. I would add one interesting note however. Daniel 11:44 (seen above) shows us something that has only recently come into being as a partial fulfillment. From that single Scripture we see that after Antichrist has secured Jerusalem unto himself, news out of the North and East trouble the Antichrist. Why? Because Russia and China will have had enough of this "Messiah" (and likely Israel) and seek to jointly destroy him, knowing that to not make an attempt at killing him means the entire earth would eventually be destroyed by his hand. Now the interesting connection, recently Russia and China have participated in unprecedented joint war exercises as to streamline both their armies in the event of any future aggression. In other words, in the future, Russia and China will fight together as allies.

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I've been asked many questions over the years about all the things I haven't put in this website and there is much purposefully withheld of the totality of information which I could have put forth. There is much I haven't put in this site not because it isn't convincing enough, but because of the freakish way it goes into so many other details much of it Satanic and esoteric in nature while finally adding up to the same conclusions. Therefore I chose links that were easily understandable by the most novice of people who have never seen occult or Satanic information before as most minds can hardly handle what is even being said here (in this basic site) let alone being taken by force into the Occult and trying to stay sane there while reading all of its accursed material. That said, I will relate to you what I feel was one of the more tame, yet stranger, pieces of evidence connecting the ancient British King to the Antichrist. It is called the Verral-Fleming account and I have only seen it once in some very obscure book on Magick and the Occult. As with most of the material at that time, I made xerox copies (yet am missing the introduction paragraph). The account is about two women communicating with a spirit thru the occult use of automatic writing (similar to Ouija), a system of communication with spirits made popular back at the turn of the century. The women proceeded to ask the spirit specific questions about future events pertaining to them and their lives. The spirit would ignore their questioning, it seemed, when it would only respond with excerpts from the book of Revelation about the Antichrist. -- "Alice Fleming then wrote to Mrs. Verrall to pass on the communicator's question, but three days later, before her letter could have reached England, she received another psychic message through automatic writing. It seemed obscure to the point of being meaningless yet it was soon to prove of great significance. It read:

18, 15, 4, 5, 14, 14, 15, 5, 12. Not to be taken as they stand. See Revelation 13, 18, only the central eight words.

Fleming herself could make nothing of this crytic message as it appeared to have no relevance to any message previously received. Nevertheless, she forwarded the message to England where it was examined by Johnson, a renown spiritist. Johnson realized that the "central eight words" of the message could be interpreted in one of two ways, either literally to produce the seemingly meaningless phrase "of the Beast for it is a number," or by taking it less literally and looking at the punctuation and overall meaning of the verse which then produces "for it is the number of a man." After much study of the enigma, he wondered if the numbers that formed the two opening sentences of the message were cryptic encoded. After using the basic English Gematria of turning letters into numbers from 1-26, there was a name uncovered, "Roden Noel." At the same time and only revealed later, Mrs. Verrall in Cambridge had actually reproduced by automatic writing a line from the dead poet, Roden Noel, the line was from one of his lesser known poems entitled Tintagel." I suppose reading something like this however should be no surprise to you whatsoever by this point, yet it was to me, at a time when all of this learning was unfolding thru much research before my very eyes. This book went on into all sorts of Occult related material from there, mostly dealing with paranormal activity and Witchcraft, yet clearly the above stood out and seemed most strange for its inclusion in that kind of book in the first place. In short, what I found revealing here is that a spirit, likely demonic, is telling them about the Beast of Revelation, then using a code (English Gematria) where English letters are translated into numbers, Roden Noel is arrived out of a passage about the Antichrist. Now, what's more telling is that the next communication depicts the spirit revealing an actual line from the dead poet and the poem's name was "Tintagel," a place in England best known for only one historical meaning in all of British is said to be the birthplace of King Arthur.

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[CNN] Wednesday March 6 1996: Twelve year old Prince William of Wales and future king of Great Britain, was one of the first human recipients ever to be implanted with a computer microchip placed just underneath the skin of his right hand. Sources say this was done as a precautionary measure in the instance he were ever kidnapped, a signal would be sent to an earth-orbiting satellite and then relayed back to Scotland Yard and "special British security forces."
More information on his Microchip Implant Here »


Here is Wisdom, Let him that hath understanding calculate the Number of
the Beast, for it is the number of a Man and his number is 666.
-Revelation 13:18


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The Name of the Beast: Sorath and the Numerical 666:
From my ongoing research into the Occult, I've discovered that no one name appears more in reference to the number 666 than the name 'Sorath,' which is the Hebrew word for Beast. Taking the name Sorath into anagram form results in the name Arthos, the root word of which 'Arth,' translates into ancient Welsh as Bear, the Celtic origin of the name Arthur.






THE SUN-KING: 666 = A (111x6), THERION (Beast), ANKH-AF-NA-KHONSV(T), SVRTh (Spirit of the Sun), and ShMSh IHVH (the Sun of Tetragrammaton). "666 is the Most Holy Number of the Sun" (according to them). It is symbolized by the letter Shin made of three Vavs (=666). Shin is the letter of Path 31 on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and 31=AL (The All). 666 is the mystic number of all the Paths of The Concealed Glory, for there are 36 Paths within the Tree of Life, 32 known, while four remain secret. 666 is also the occult number of the Hexagram, another symbol of the Sun, for a single line of the Hexagram contains three equal parts each of which may be represented by the number one, so that every line can be symbolized by the number 111. There are six lines in all, making 111x6=666, the most Holy Number of the Sun. 666x3=1998 [1998 was the year William started his ascension; Diana killed three months previous]. In addition to what the Occult author has written above about 666, Glastonbury England [Arthurian Avalon] is directly connected to the equation of 3168 and thus 6660, yet not only that - The Pagan built burial site made for King Arthur is exactly 666 feet in length.

*Arthos = Armilus? Ancient Jewish sources called the Antichrist "Ar-milus"

Six Hundred is the number of Evil personified. Sixty is the number of the Hebrew letter Samekh, which is the letter of the Holy Guardian Angel, the Adam Kadmon, (or Sun-King), the Solar Self within Man. Six is the number of Man, making 666 to convey a Evil Man who has as his symbol, the Sun. Six angles of 60 degrees each equals 360 degrees, and 360 is the number of the Hebrew letter Shin spelled in full. Shin is the letter of the Sun and of 666. The most ancient symbol of the Sun is the Celtic triple knot or Spiral. The Triquetra is one form, the Celtic Triskel is another. Several variations of this Symbol and Mark have already been subliminally made public for desensitizing the masses (most often seen in UPC Bar Codes). Some currently see the Mark of the Beast relating directly to a post 9/11 Orwellian government monitoring system. Others more correct see it as Masonic (Luciferian Sun) Cult symbology being released into the mainstream by usage of certain ancient solar symbols in the modern business world and its global advertising. Still others who see the number six hundred and sixty six, and render it instead to be 6-6-6 ("six, six, six") should be seen as misinterpreting the number. The number 666 and consequently, the Mark [and symbol] of the Beast, must equate to six hundred and sixty-six (or 600+60+6) of which "Sorath," 'the Spirit of the Sun', is both the exact number and the most ancient symbol of Lucifer and therefore the future Mark of the Beast. It seems the mystery behind the wisdom of Revelation 13:18 and its enigmatic mark and number has been solved. It is the symbol of the Sun.

The Spiral is one of the most ancient symbols of the Sun and the Sun to the Occult-mind represents the beautiful Lucifer, Lord of life, number of Hatkariel; the wonderful Solar-deity and life-giving Force; 666; the Number of the Beast. Therefore, the name (Sorath/Arthos*), the number of the name (666), and its Mark being the symbol of the Sun is the future Mark of the Beast. Scripture tells us that it will be worn (or embedded) on/in the forehead as already depicted in new age literature showing it placed directly over the "third-eye chakra," and according to them, will take the form of a single Atlantean Crystal by which the citizens of that future society may buy and sell (Note to reader: the Crystal Skulls of Atlantis are already one form of this coming deception). You might wonder what good is a crystal in storing identification or how could it ever be used for some form of future cash transaction yet it is actually true that clear Quartz Crystal is able to carry large amounts of electronic information stored within it very similiar to a computer chip and most often used in accurate time-pieces such as watches, so clearly, when their own books written by those within the New Age movement are telling their own kind what the future financial system will be like, we should at the very least pay attention because they receive their information from Satanic sources actually laying the blueprint for that future world.

They are also telling us that this New Age world will largely be without any technology remaining whatsoever as the world will go back to a time when "nature and the supernatural ruled," when magick, sorcery, kings, and legends were common and out of this scenario, is to arise one leader, a man who will unite and guide the planet out of ancient hatreds and mistrust and into this long awaited peaceful world not seen since Atlantis, at least this is what is taught by current Metaphysical authors already. This New World Eden, as some call it, will appear glorious in its appearance, the gem of the Universe, a truly Utopian society in which people will finally put hatred aside to join this Global Community, willingly. This same future world, of which the ancient (pagan) gods and Overseers have devised, will place its rule and governship into the hands of one man, yet no ordinary man. It is written in Satanic prophecy that demons shall appear as new age Angels (the gods) at that time in order to deceive the world into blind acceptance of the Antichrist. Those remaining in the only other belief, that Christ alone is the Messiah and World Savior, will be seen as the scourge of the earth. "They [Christians] are holding mankind back from their higher calling, their ascension into Godhood," a statement repeated over and over again by New Age authors sounding very much like Hitler talking about the Jews before World War II. As mentioned, this New World Age which arises like a phoenix from a very post-apocalyptic dark age, will have a financial system in which the thought will prevail that the life-giving Sun (666) will bestow Godly power upon its wearer, the global Citizen of this Utopian world, connecting them to the Antichrist-King, and moreover connecting them all with the gods themselves, the world saviors. All lies, yet many will believe at that time, just as many already believe in UFO's and other gods already, yet especially in that near future time when the world has just been devastated and weakened to the point of accepting anything which brings in a semblance of peace with the promise of prosperity.

The Third Angel followed them, saying with a loud voice If any man worship the Beast and his image, and receive his Mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the Wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever and they have no rest day nor night, who worshipped the Beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the Mark of his name. Revelation 14:9-11

THE OTHER MORNING STAR: Before Venus was ever named after the Roman Goddess, it was called Lucifer, the same Planet venerated today by "every secret society that carries the Pentagram." In Masonic writings, the constellation Orion is also very important and sacred, akin to a "Conquering Messiah," just as it was for the ancient Egyptians, their 'spiritual fathers' who believed the same. The Giza pyramid builders were maticulous to incorporate this into the construction of the Great Pyramid (see rendition here and information here) where several long angled shafts were made protruding from the King's Chamber toward the constellation of Orion, the star Sirius, Ursa Minor, and more relevant, Ursa Major - The Great Bear. The Egyptians believing that their great dying King Pharoah 'possessed of the sun' had ascended to the stars to be reborn in the future. Rebirthing rituals and sorcery took place, these sacred rites being of upmost importance to ancient Egyptians knowing that their kings have been prepared for the afterlife, and in the case of their Great King, a literal after-life.

To the ancient Druids and Celts, it was the star Arcturus that represented The Return of the King [Arthur]. To occultists, the King to return is Thoth, King of Atlantis, bringing with him the Emerald Tablets to change thru metaphysical alchemy, men into gods, heralding new enlightenment. Important to modern Freemasons are the rites and rituals of the star Sirius for it is represented in the symbol of the "blazing star," who came from the heavens to enlighten mankind." That 'star' was later depicted as Horus, the 'Conquering Child King' or starchild who, according to their own prophetic beliefs, shall yet speak thru and embody one man, one future King who will rule and reign and be seen as the great restorer of the nations. Prince William himself is connected to Venus (Lucifer) and Algol yet most will only see William Arthur to be 'an Angel' of innocence, the same will be taken, and yet shall even that nation still searching for a Messiah also be deceived, even by their own vain understanding of Malachi and with the twisting of its Scripture, yet all the Scriptures dealing with their True Messiah, Jesus Christ, are summed up best in Luke 24:25-45, yet at that future time only the Antichrist will be held in such iconic godlike regard, a 'new light' for a New Age.

MALACHI 3:1 / 4:2 Unto you that fear my name shall the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS arise with healing in his wings.

2CORINTHIANS 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of Light.

EZEKIEL 8:8-16 God said to me, "Son of man, dig into the Temple wall and see the wicked abominations which they are doing there." So I went in and saw gold serpents and every sort of creeping thing - every idol of Israel there portrayed, even on the walls. And standing before them were the seventy Elders of Israel. And there, between porch and altar of the Inner Temple- were the Elders worshiping the Sun toward the East!



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THE CELTIC DRUIDS: An ancient Pagan priesthood who worshipped several "forces of nature" as gods, the chief of which being the most ancient Sun God named PhaRAon [Lucifer]. Today, so called neo-Druids who claim the ancient Celtic religion are gaining strength once again as Witchcraft and other "earth religions" are being tolerated in this current over liberalized and morally weakened society. Modern British neo-Druids worship at Stonehenge (on June 21st), the 'New Forest' groves of Britain, and elsewhere yet are not entirely linked with the literal descendants of the authentic and original ancient solar worshipping Druidic Order. That exclusive title would have to go to the much more secretive and well hidden, inner-circle of Scottish Rite Freemasons, Tamar, and the Knights Templar. It is they who carry on the 'torch of [occult] wisdom' and the secrets of the Merovingian Kings as they still continue on the secret work of their ancient predecessors, and it is they who are the direct descendants of true Druidism, the most powerful Order on earth.

GLASTONBURY/AVALON: Glastonbury, moreover Glastonbury Tor, is singularly the official New Age capitol within the pagan's world going as far back as the Druids, the the Secret Society known as TAMAR and before. It sits upon a most powerful 'ley line' in Britain, (as mentioned in the Satanic tome, the Necronomicon p.xxi), some have it as the same ley line which also passes through Buckingham Palace, where William grew up as a child. The Tor was believed to be the gateway to Anwwn, the Celtic Otherworld, dark twilight realm of the dead and where evil spirits travel back and forth into our world from the depths of Hell itself. Because of this belief, Glastonbury Tor has been called in pagan elder times, the 'holiest earthe of England' and 'the most pagan of hills which the Nazarene (Christ) shall never have' showing it was and still is a beacon to those in modern witchcraft and before, a stronghold to those who only venerate the 'old gods' (demonic forces). This paganistic Tor Mount interestingly seems to match in supernatural power and might that of the Temple Mount in Jersualem, making Glastonbury Tor in effect, "Satan's Temple."

There is another folk belief that alludes to the hollow hill of Glastonbury Tor being hollowed and excavated when a Red Dragon, who fell from above, straightway crashed into the earth creating a vast tunnel to the fae Otherworld (or Christian hell), which is to answer why spirits and 'the angels of Avalon' are still seen there to this day. Another legend referring to it as 'Dragon Hill' has it that a great serpent, wounded, washed up on the ancient shores of Britain and was tended by Druid priests until he died there where the Tor rests today, which is to explain why the strange Dragon shape can be seen from the air of the 500 foot hill, with the seemingly clear outline of a dragon's spine spiraling upward to the top. Thousands of counter culture, pagan, druid, witches and others flock to Glastonbury every year and walk the spiral with hope to be enlightened or witness the mystery that has been since long attached to it. In ancient times, Glastonbury was called Ynys Witrin and Avalon, the reputed burial site of King Arthur and the place from which legend states he shall return. Another piece of the Antichrist identity is again found within Glastonbury, as it's ruined Abbey, the burial site of King Arthur, which as mentioned earlier, was found to be exactly 666 feet in length.

When this celestial Round Table manifests on earth, it will be chaired by a Merovingian descendant of King Arthur who was the fabled Guardian of the Holy Grail during his particular era of history. Another New Age book titled, The Light Shall Set You Free, recalling King Arthur's mandate at Glastonbury Avalon confirms that England will be the future center for world Transformation.







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Glastonbury Avalon has spawned a world wide movement of paganism that has not ceased from the dark ages when Celtic Briton was shrouded in ancient mists to the present. The Royal Houses of Europe, their secretive societies, and now even certain tenants within the growing New Age religion with their deceptive tactic of "Mystic (Celtic) Christianity" believe in the theory that adds King Arthur to be the only acceptable and verified Messianic archetypal figure, equal to Jesus Christ, who according to the 'Traditions of Glastonbury,' Arthur himself is a tenth descendent from Joseph of Arimathea (Christ's Uncle) and therefore a direct descendent of Israel's King David. I have to stop right here and make certain your attention is directed above in the center picture depicting the Sisterhood of Avalon logo. Notice a well disguised yet clear series of 3 sixes (666) near its center. There's more, in this same vain of Celtic heresy Christ is therefore connected to England and specifically to Glastonbury (Avalon), just as King Arthur is also connected to mystical Avalon. So the Celtic 'christian' legend goes, Jesus was 'taught by pagan Druids every wisdom the Christ hath...' making the Lord Jesus Christ Himself nothing more than a common warlock of pagan witchcraft. Be strongly advised of New Age publishing houses masking themselves as Christian organizations, like Artisan Publishers which pushes 'The Traditions of Glastonbury' while making statements that the Tribulation, the Rapture, even of the prophesied conspiracy in the end times that brings Antichrist to power is all a lie, while they themselves are promoting as "truth": the Lost Tribes of Israel, various uncanonized 'lost Gospels,' the Kolbrin Book, the Magdalene heresy, and every tenant of the the New Age Movement, which they also strongly encourage you to believe in at this time.

It is these Occult-led 'Celtic christians' or those of the so-called Avalonian Catholic Church in their own warped and paganized version of a new Celtic Revival completely taken with the idea that Christ is inexorably connected to Britain, and therefore subtly connected with King Arthur's Avalon. However, as they vainly attempt to connect Christ with Antichrist, light with darkness, God with Satan, we can see through their trickery for as they do lie about Christ in Britain being taught in the past by Celtic Druids, of a truth we then know it will be Anti-Christ who will actually be taught in Celtic Britain by Druids in the future. In addition to Glastonbury, others attribute Arthur to have existed in Arthurian Wales, which is said to have encompassed a much larger territory in the Dark Ages, its borders greatly expanded into modern Britain and Scotland. It has always been my personal belief that the figure of which the war leader Arthur was based had victoriously conquered most of ancient Britannia, including present day Wales (Welsh: 'Cymru') and well north past Hadrians Wall, into Arthurian Scotland, then after his battle at Camlann was taken to Avalon, the underworld, the bottomless pit from which his spirit shall arise again to take over the last son of Perdition, and to become as the first Sun King. As you saw in the links above, Anglo-Israelism and these other 'religious' beliefs have been cleverly crafted by the Occult in order to weaken Christianity while at the same time promote paganism and its own hidden agenda which on the surface is the attempt at melding Christianity with that of Paganism for the last days deception called 'Mystery Babylon.' Celtic Druidism at it's core, more than any other ancient religion, is the actual progenitor to the last age apostasy which brings the Antichrist to power using the more modern lies of King David's British lineage of Kings.

Book author and practicing Celtic Druid, Douglas Monroe, has written two intriguing Arthurian novels filled with occult propaganda, symbology, Jungian archetype (and actual working demonic spells derived from Welsh witchcraft). His first book is titled The 21 Lessons of Merlyn; a Study of Druid Magic and Lore. In times past, Merlin himself was thought to be the Antichrist and although 21 Lessons is set in story form with information about the Celts and more specifically of its own pagan priesthood, the Druids, it exclusively focuses on the Arthurian aspects of the occult. Monroe's more recent and second work titled 'The Lost Lessons of Merlyn' is equally written from an Occult standpoint (again with openly admitted subliminal angles) which make several allusions to King Arthur's near return, yet seemingly in some other form and person. This same style of cryptic occult writing has been well used before, JRR Tolkien with his epic Lord of the Rings ultimately works up to, and ends with a "Return of the King" admidst much witchcraft, magick, sorcery, epic wars, and something else strangely familiar, a long lost, yet Royal Bloodline of Kings, established once more. In Tolkien's series, from the ancient kings of 'Gondor' (anagram for Dragon) will arise a King, definitely portrayed as a Messianic figure who would set the entire world to right, restore its former balances, and bring about a lasting peace for all. King Aragorn throughout the two books, 'The Two Towers' and 'The Return of the King' battles and struggles moreso within himself than any mere army, not knowing if he could carry out what fate has already revealed, to be that King of the world and restore his people. Interestingly, Tolkien himself has strangely admitted more than once that his work was completely done in Arthurian archetypes, with Arthur becoming King Aragorn, and Merlin taken on new shape in Gandalf, the Knights of the Round Table [reminiscent of the nine original Knights Templar] becoming the nine man "fellowship" embarking on their Quest to find the strength of their King, by finding the Grail - by destroying the Ring.

An entire generation of children from the last half century, now very old and young alike have been taken with this story's more enthralling elements both in literature and now film. This same subtle promotion of the occult path of Antichrist was never lost on Tolkien's close friend either. CS Lewis (author of the Arthurian novel 'That Hideous Strength') likewise cleverly crafted his own stories of Occult magick, mystery, and the arcane wrapped around what some still believe to be Christian morals, yet all the while it is these same authors focused solely on magick and sorcery as being the sources behind their "hero's power," not God, nor is there anything that remotely could be called Good vs. Evil within them, unless you believe (as witches do) that white witchcraft is good, black witchcraft is evil, for only the power of Occult prophecy and sorcery is found in those pages. Furthermore, among reading lists and libraries of today's witches and Satanists alike are found Tolkien, Lewis, (and now J.K Rowling) among others like them, placing the aforementioned Druid priest and author Douglas Monroe in very good company. Found within his own works are countless references to a King returning after the manner of Arthur who shall bring back a lost Golden Age of paganism into a yet to be revealed, future world. Monroe's own self-styled 'Quatrains of Bran' are included as interesting reading material (to say the least) and depict many strange revelations about a return of an Arthurian King who has as his name, an interesting number (7-6-11).

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"Seven, Six, and Eleven
The Numbers of the letters of the name
Three red ones will stain three parchments
after adjoining, a great wonder is seen"

7 - 6 - 11

'The Lost Lessons of Merlyn' page 161

7-6-11: William [7 letters] Arthur [6 letters] PhilipLouis [11 letters]

Now if this number sequencing wasn't to refer to William, it certainly is quite the little coincidence given the context within the book. At any rate, as far as the bulk of Monroe's work, you may find it also surprising that he quite openly admits to using what he calls subliminal text, word stylings, and even the book's illustrations displayed in the Twenty-One Lessons of Merlyn, in order to get his more sublte and actual underlying messages across. That said, I can tell you that the message relayed across and repeated most often in his books is that King Arthur will in fact, return, and in our lifetime, yet in the form of a young person. Take careful notice in the above example and his usage of familiar sounding text (and Scripture verses) to relate encrypted information. For example, the fourth line displayed above '...a great wonder is seen' is almost certainly from Revelation 12:1, which relates directly to the Antichrist. In the second line we see, "the number of the letters of the name" which sounds as it came directly from Revelation 13:17; "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name" -- which is again, about the Antichrist. So, with these in mind, notice again how he seems to use the young Prince's letters of his name as a basis for a number which he writes as 7-6-11, as if to imply that he (being a knowledgeable Druid Satanist) knows William to be the Antichrist. This same psychological encryption method which occultists use to transmit data exceeds the boundaries of the mere written word and is also found in popular art and imagery, and of course, today's Television and Films.

Also key to understanding the future Antichrist and his future belief system is also having knowledge about the ancient Celtic Druid religion itself, even the area of Wales that saw its final stronghold upon the island of Anglesey before being completely destroyed by the Roman Empire. Anglesey, (Welsh: 'Ynys Mon,') is an island off the coast of northwest Wales where at the dawn of the dark ages was found the last surviving historical remnant of Celtic Druids fighting fiercely for their land and against Rome's advancing legions, yet only to their complete eventual destruction. The island today strangely relates in many ways to King Arthur and the Holy Grail, even certain Earth Grid patterns and topography itself speak to the initiated of its obvious importance to the unseen ones. A legend has arisen since that states the ancient spirits of Druid Celts still haunt the island, still seeking their revenge against the legions who vanquished them and that they will return to see it done. Time will tell. One thing is certain however, the Celtic Druids never died completely, they changed form and were assimilated into every secret society associated with the evolving 'Great Work' (plan of Antichrist). Their Satanic magickal system and work was certainly passed on to others and little does the world know their plans are still being carried out by many today in the highest positions of power and finance, each with a very secret agenda the Druids died protecting. Who did they ultimately become? The Knights Templar, Priory of Sion, Illuminati, Tamar, Rosicruicians, Freemasons, the White Brotherhood, Guardians of the Grail, and even those within Satanism itself (yet Satan's Bloodline masking as Christ's lineage won't always be such a closely guarded secret.)



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"Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many governments,
and virtually every Occult order has Masonic roots."

Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Rituals, p. 78.


1717 was the year the English Druids created their "Grand Lodge." Coincidentally, this was the same exact year in which the new Freemasons of Britain formed their Grand Lodge in London. Druidism (the base root of the Illuminati) since earliest recorded history have been involved in inner-circle Witchcraft and Satanism being the oldest of all secret societies. Freemasons of the outer circle (the ones likely in your own community) say there is no "inner circle," as many of them are complete ignorance, believing only what they have been taught by the generation of equally duped Masons before them and feign to have no knowledge of the true power behind it, despite their most revered and Masonic Master teachers Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall clearly making the facts known, to the point of stating outright that it is Lucifer himself who holds the true power of Masonry. Now of course, the outer circle Masons today have made up hundreds of excuses, written entire books and created hundreds of websites all in attempt to re-explain, reinterpret, in some cases even all-out refute what their own Masonic forefathers actually meant when they spoke so well of Lucifer. These same Masons (which you may have met at one point or another in your own community) will of course also tell you there is no inner circle of Masonic world leaders manipulating events, despite all the obvious evidence to the contrary. I also wonder how they would explain the sudden resurgence in the Occult worldwide, in Witchcraft and Celtic Druidism (from which Masonry was derived), God and Goddess worship, Aryan racial beliefs, even Satanism itself all making up factions of this New World Order led by the British Crown spreading in rampant fervor due to the great interest from the liberal media, classrooms, occult authors, documentary, and film makers, and speakers, all whose funds are provided by various Masonic orgainizations among others.

It has also been proven that Celtic Druids and their extremely ancient root religion is the very basis of another pagan religion well known today -- Satanism, and not that of the LaVeyian brand of common rebellious Church heretics, yet the one which abducts children, makes human sacrifice (which Druids were also known to have committed) and whose members make up the most influential names in their local communities, and worldwide being the so-called pillars of society. "Cult cops" or police who specialize in Satanic crimes have a detailed database well worth researching if you are really seeking to find evidence as to what that front group called "Freemasonry" and its more sinister inner-network, Satanic Druidism, is all about. Start with the Knights Templar, then Scottish Rite Masonry and the year 1717, and then look deeper into history wherever Masonry and Druidism are linked. After this, carry your research over into the connections between Masonry and Satanism and you will find on your own some very telling things about what Freemasonry actually stands for. You may never believe those Masons who tell you otherwise ever again. The leaders of several occult and "benevolent" Masonic organizations and their various offshoots and orders always find it prudent to carefully hide the fact that they are Satanic, as they claim to only worship "the Light" yet here's what their own Albert Pike (33º) had to say about Freemasonry in his infamous book Morals and Dogma:

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer is the Son of the Morning! MORNING STAR! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!" -Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma; Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 321

"The day has come when Fellow Craftsman (Freemasons) must know and apply their Knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion, which places the energy of the Universe at their disposal...the seething energies of LUCIFER are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply [this] energy. -The Lost Key of Freemasonry, Manly Hall, 33°

Those involved with the Satanic Underground Network, namely the Illuminati and Freemasons, yet also their recruitment organizations within the New Age Movement and lesser Occultic societies of every kind, are themselves believers that Lucifer was unjustly thrown out of Heaven by the Creator for his "intolerable splendors," therefore it will be Lucifer who rises to be the unchallenged ruler of the universe and overthrowing the 'tyrant power' called God as they already attribute Lucifer/Satan to be their GAOTU, or "Grand Architect of the Universe." Likewise, those of the so-called Forgotten Race enter into a Luciferic initiation, further establishing the 'Great Work' becoming 'gods' unto themselves. Satan has deceived them well for these same workers of iniquity only hasten the time when the Antichrist himself would sit in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem becoming the 'Resitiutor Orbis,' the 'Rex Mundi,' the King of the World, the Universal Man, the Adam Kadmon. Templars and Freemasons were never alone in this ancient endeavor of secret-working toward these same goals. Much of that work taking place from that time to this will never be known, it being carried out in such secrecy yet it can safely be said the Great Work and its overlords have and will never yet cease until their ancient destiny is seen, for the work goes on. Today, many occult 'front organizations,' whose names are varied, were to act as recruiting elements to bring the still uninitiated into working accordance to the end plan. Like their more secretive counterparts in secret societies, they also use such esoteric symbology and similar means denoting their having knowledge into the deeper levels of the Occult where the totality of the plan is supposedly revealed to them. Certain shared symbols between all these groups thereby become a form of picture-language from which they know the meanings of and know the next alchemical element of the plan they are to achieve. Symbols like those found in the Tarot, including the Sun, the Pentacle, the Hexagram, Sword and Grail are taken by them to portray a new world under their Sun-God, the so-called 'First Light' (who was always Lucifer). That is why a number of these societies have references to, or are called: The Golden Dawn, Order of the Morning Star, Eastern Star, Silver Star, White Light Order, and Illuminati. The light which guides them all is certainly for removed from the Light spoken of in Scripture.

In addition to sharing a common language, these groups also share a ranking system of degrees, whereby more of the secrecy is unveiled at the coveted thirty-third Degree. Attaining this level of Luciferic indoctrination then makes them further privy to the gnostic Grail Quest, a quest that delves ever deeper into the Source of the Gnosis, which is to say the wisdom and mind of the one whom they so lovingly call Lucifer. (*see also these Masonic & Illuminati links found here). More than mere picture language, one of the more enduring symbols which all are connected to and share is the symbol of the demonic-inspired Baphomet. The ancient Mystery Schools first, then the Knights Templar and their own spiritual offspring in the Freemasons, as well as every occult society who have existed since the fall of Abraxas, when demons were first worshipped as Occult Gods & Goddesses have used the symbol of Baphomet right up until the present day. Despite what they say it means, this frightening depiction of a half-wo/man, half-goat figure is to convey the "Alchemical Satan" who transforms himself as both Diana and Lucifer (as it ultimately represents the Beast). Now more than ever before, Baphomet adorns many American and European Masonic temples, society lodges, Wiccan covens, churches of occultists and Satanists alike. It has been compared with the Celtic Bran (the Blessed) as well as the Celtic God Cernunnos, and even the classic red devil, itself patterned after Baphomet (or vice-versa). The symbol of Baphomet is also depicted as the Beast of Revelation (which drops an ironic clue in itself). To Satanists, he represents the Dual-Accursed One, the Sun God, and the "God of forces," (a god that later Antichrist himself worships as prophesied in Daniel 11:37-38. The Satanic Bible explains the importance of the Baphomet to the Satanic ritual: "The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the ages this symbol has been called by many different names. Baphomet represents the Powers of Darkness combined with the generative fertility of the goat" - Anton Szandor LaVey; The Satanic Bible p. 136

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Initial examinations of the image of Baphomet clearly displays several archetypal and mysterious symbols throughout its overall monstrous appearance. The Goat on the frontispiece carries the sign of the Pentagram on its forehead, above it is seen a lighted torch, its two hands forming the sign of Hermetism, the one pointing up to the white moon of Chesed, the other pointing down to the black one of Geburah. Its one arm is female, the other male like the ones of the The Divine Androgyne (Lucifer and Diana), and displays other male and female androgynous qualities to form a strange alien being best denoted as a Beast. Some astrologers see within it the the conjunction of Sol and Venus, or the Sun and Moon united in tantric eclipse while others see Lucifer united with the Ephesian Goddess Diana (Satan and the Whore of Babylon) and from out of this spirtual or alchemical union is brought forth something else entirely. Of Baphomet, Eliphas Levi stated "the flame of intelligence shining between his horns is the magic light of the universal balance, the image of the soul elevated above matter, as the flame, whilst being tied to matter, shines above it." It is this same occultic 'wisdom' (denoted as fire) that we see in mythic accounts whereby Prometheus stole Fire from Heaven and selflessly gave it to mankind, which some Luciferians compare to Lucifer bringing only wisdom to the earth, invoking the meaning behind 'As above so below,' yet that is exactly why Luciferians are seen as mere Acolytes in comparison to Satan's true adepts.

Lucifer does mean 'Bearer of Light' (even though that was not his actual name) and the Torch symbology is used in Occult context to convey a certain wisdom, albeit a cursed wisdom from a light that has long since turned black by reason of his great enmity toward all that is still Holy. Placed upon the forehead of the Beast is seen the Pentagram (the ancient symbol of Venus/Lucifer). This is also matched in the Goat of Mendes as well as the corresponding Tarot card called The Devil with the centrally placed goat having a man (or lesser devil) and woman naked and bound in chains to him (denoting an unholy sexual union; the unholy trinity). Might that wisdom being carried forth from generations past to today point to the obvious offspring of Satan and his cohort, the Goddess Diana? Doubt it not! From Scripture (starting at Ezekiel 28:12), we see that when God curses the King of Tyre (whom the Freemasons also revere), the memory of Lucifer is brought to bear in God's mind with the rest of chapter 28 going into quite a vivid account of what Lucifer once was, and what he ultimately will become. The rebel Cherub whose wings of light that once covered all the West and God's Throne is described as the sum of every (Godly) Wisdom and beauty, that he was made of light, which only strengthens the point that Baphomet's torch (as also depicted in the Tarot's Devil) is to represent Satan's knowledge and well-guarded secret as the fires and torches of Beltane also have their connection to carnal sexual wisdom, the knowledge of good and evil (as it was called in Genesis), of which Eve was certainly touched by it in her temptation when Satan found his first fleshly consort, '...she who burned with lust after the serpent.'

In the well-received 1993 book The Garden of Aton, Ceres-Hatonn is reported as accusing the Freemasons of unspecified black magickal practices and 'Masonic-Druidic rites.' The center of these accusations is found within the illustration of the "Goat of Mendes" as taken from the Transcendental Magic of Eliphas Levi. According to Ceres, Freemasons and other occultists utilize the symbol of Baphomet rendered by the occulticly adept Eliphas Levi for the same horrible purposes as their Templarian forefathers before them. Boyles states in describing the Levi Baphomet illustration: "...the lower abdomen shows an unknown symbol or device -- perhaps relating to what Albert Pike called electromagnetic energy." This unknown symbol is obviously a stylized phallus, meaning Baphomet is not in essence a "black magick" goat but is a fertility symbol utilized by those who wish to create a "magickal child," as we discover later on. Using the Atbash Cipher, one determines the meaning of Baphomet to be 'Sophia,' the goddess of wisdom who is also equated with the Egyptian Isis and Roman Moon Goddess Diana, leaving Baphomet to ultimately represent the androgyne union of both Lucifer and the Goddess Diana themselves represented by the Sun and Moon in Eclipse. This same child created by way of their sexual union is none other than the Antichrist himself, the last man and physical body from an ancient lineage of Atlantean Kings, as we also discover in time, the Merovingians" a future King who Lucifer shall use for his own purposes for restoring his former office. Secret societies therefore utilize this kind of occult symbology steeped in esoteric mysticism from the ancient Mystery Schools, demonic encounters with their Secret Chiefs, demonic invoking Enochian Keys, (of which Prince Charles has financed), Satanic Kabbalism and gematria to keep their so-called "Great Work" a high level secret, only imparted to their trusted 33º or to those in European occult societies such as the Priory of Sion, The Council of Nine, Tamar, Aryan Masters, The White Lodge, Black Sun, and others so secretive we will never hear it's names uttered, ever.

Shortly after the the creation of the King James Bible in 1611, the very first pilgrims who arrived in America were known by history to be "Christian Puritians" who set sail from their native Britain seeking a New World for the reasons history tells us. They arrived in 1620. Twenty-six years later we see Christoph Nicolai claiming that a conspiracy was formulated in Masons' Hall, London to conceal secret political efforts to restore the exiled house of Stuart and to rebuild 'Solomon's House'. These notions came in part by the renowned works 'Novum Organum' and 'The New Atlantis' by Sir Francis Bacon who it is said "exerted a considerable and beneficial influence on the manners of his age." Bacon's 'The New Atlantis' (1627) did exert a strong influence on the formation of the Society of Astrologers with Elias Ashmole in 1646 and they did meet at Masons' Hall in London it is said they had a certain, even a direct influence with the ritual and doctrines of the New Masonic America, a New Atlantis. Shortly after this, in 1717, Freemasonry 'suddenly' took root just after the formation of the new Masonic Grand Lodge built in London. Needless to say, what was once seen as a purely Puritan Christianized America obviously became something much different within 97 years of its founding.

These new "Founding Fathers" as they were called, who were all Freemasons, came to power in America all at the same time, (strange in of itself), bringing with them the ancient precepts and Biblically forbidden secrets of Egyptian and British Druidic Mystery traditions thru the so-called 'Scottish Rite' handed down to them from the Knights Templar and Priory of Sion before them, which they as architects for the New Atlantis quickly saw fit to infuse and weave into the fabric of the United States government where it still remains to this very day. The same Occult symbology from England quickly took root in America and the Masonic Fathers made their influences in a sense openly known through its secret language of symbols [see the Great Seal, moreoever, who and what they and America were actually aligned with, and what America was to become. In 1620, these British defectors and so-called "Christians" came to North America for the purposes of establishing a new idea, a new power, the fullfilment of a old prophecy based on older notions hatched in the cellars of British Masonic lodges in their ongoing commune with ascended spirits, the same influences who later guided them and the new nation into a very warped vision of manifest destiny, out of which was created the next English empire, effectively called America. History seems to tell us they formed their own conspiracy against the Monarchy rule and against Britain itself, yet that was never actually the case despite the British, French, and early American Masonic wars.

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Carrying out the will from the Ascended Masters, a New England was to be formed across the Atlantic and become vastly more powerful than the original, yet more than this, the New England of America was still to have its direct connections to the old Anglo-occult societies in the British Isles, and the two nations were to create a network that spanned across the Atlantic whereby (in occult thinking) they were esoterically raising Atlantis, and it is this same bizarre notion that even now unites the secret governments of America and Britain, the same two who are behind every global conspiracy that is to bring forth the Antichrist because it is they who rule the world and they who shall ultimately give over their great power to him (one even becoming an extreme version of human sacrifice). In something closely akin to the Biblical prophets who were given revelations thru guidance of an Angel or spirit, George Washington himself [being a Master Mason] was reported to have prophetic visions about America of his own to carry out, seeing the greatness of the Kingdom that would become the United States of America, this New Atlantis who follows a precise occult timeline, which seemingly ends in the year 2010. Another infamous player in America's quick rise to global power was Masonic member - Benjamin Franklin, often revered as a harmless or jolly person who loved children, was actually a drunkard and renowned member of the Masonic-styled Hellfire Club and is also connected to a series of strange murders around the time America was forming as a nation. It is true that a spirit has guided America all these years, and the nature of that spirit, as any spirit, can be dertermind by the works it has caused man to create. Where might some of their enduring work still be seen you ask? Washington's Capitol was built upon ancient Occult symbols behind the Masonic Square and Compass. Another is the US Capitol and its tell-tale Maltese Cross of the Knights Templar protruding outward in quadrant from all sides.

In addition, the Satanic Pentagram itself was clearly built into the landscape of Washington DC, the White House placed upon its most extreme occult “point of power,” at the furthest part south of the inverted pentagram (the same symbol Satanists use today to denote the elemental powers of Lucifer-Satan). As we have already seen above, the Master Freemason and first American President, George Washington, had direct contact with spiritual beings from which he learned which direction his policies should take, yet what is truly interesting is that every President since has had some connection to one or more of the Druidic caste system, namely their involvement with secret societies, as if to say that one could only ascend to such heights of power and influence in America if you were attached in some way to some shadowy organization known for its Occult practices. The Rothschild-led and Bilderberg member William Jefferson Clinton, and even more current, lifetime Skull and Bones member George W. Bush (and his 'New World Order' quoting father before him), are all obviously placed in power to represent for their generation the Merovingian archetype of the coming and final Merovingian World King.

Even so, one has to wonder exactly what is the "elite" prerequisite to be considered as society member material in order to attain such a rank as the so-called "world's most powerful man," the US President...could it be perhaps, a royal lineage, even a bloodline? I ask this recalling the known fact that most (if not all) US Presidents were/are related to the British Royal family and therefore related to the Merovingian dynastic lineage, an unbroken line of 'kings' similar to Egypt's own long reigning dynasty of Pharoah-kings, Novus Ordo Seclorum indeed. Despite the varying opinions, the mystery has been correctly interpreted by renowned author David Icke who said "American Presidents are not elected by ballot, they ARE selected by Bloodline" because like the future Antichrist, notable US Presidents (those part of the Atlantean conspiracy), must have an Anglo-European Bloodline that can be traced back to the ancient Merovingian Kings of the Holy Grail. More than this, the Atlantic nations who follow these Occult (and now Zionist) principals have directly patterned themselves after the [Masonic-like] inner-outer caste system of the most ancient of Celtic Druids, a system further traced back to an ancient, even 'mythical' source, Atlantis. The notions of Atlantis with its own spirit-guide/Priest/King/Warrior caste system was handed down from their ancient Gods and later found within Druidic society (i.e. spiritual guides leading the the secretive society which then guided the affairs of the 'king' who in turn guided his armies) meant that in effect, the king was a slave to the will of spirit guides (who obviously had their own agenda), and subsequently, the armies were as 'slaves' to the king.

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This ancient system was kept alive within the hallowed sanctum of occult secret societies from which came the true power of the Altantic nations and its kings, both past and present. Today, America's Presidents having been infused with Occult knowledge from their own guiding Priests, dictate new and far reaching policy both foreign and domestic which in turn manipulate world events toward that same ancient and common goal, its succeeding administration with equal patriotic fervor bending toward a unknown yet ultimate will. It is IIThessalonians 2:6-7 which stated that even during the first century, Satan's ancient plan towards Antichrist was (even then) already in effect. How much more has it been carried out during the time of our Occult-laden American 'forefathers' right up until the present day? Indeed a New World Order of Atlantis, has arisen in a very real sense already, and it even now controls the world, yet Atlantis was cast into the sea to be a sign unto those nations which follow. One should also remember, Satan will use whatever "Atlantis," or Roman Empire-like nation that happens to exist during any given generation to ultimately achieve his aims of world dominance until that nation is destroyed and another arises in its place, and the final One established, a very ancient plan toward false Utopia, a counterfeit world-Eden with its cursed children of Cain in complete control.

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry: The Secret of Hiram Abiff

"The day has come when Fellow Craftsman (Freemasons) must know and apply their Knowledge...Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. The seething energies of LUCIFER are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply [this] energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-CAIN."
-Lost Key of Freemasonry, Manly Hall, 33°, p.48.

Other Recommended Reading: THE PILLARS OF TUBAL-CAIN by Nigel Jackson [Click Here]

Satan's Cain and that of his sixth descendant Tubal-Cain, are the two recognized Cainite patriarchs adored within all Secret Societies (see also Genesis 4:22); As you will see later, the unique relationship between groups such as the Knights Templar and Freemasons with their resounding acknowledgements of Cain and his descendants is at a much deeper level than you may have previously thought. The name Cain itself is also rendered 'Qayin' or Kain, yet properly Q’ayin (much later Anglicized as 'Smith’), his legacy was that of the ancient master builders, later recognized to be Sumerian metallurgists and workers of every instrument both domestic and of war. Tubal-Cain was the great Vulcan of the era, the first holder of Plutonic theory and was, therefore, the prominent alchemist of his time. Qayin’s father Enki (or Lucifer), was described as ‘the manifestation of all knowledge' being 'the Bringer of Light.' Wise and Illumined Freemasons have long been taught that the Biblical patriarch Cain and his descendants were the wise master builders and keepers of Lucifer's wisdom and terrible secret throughout the ages '...and it is to LUCIFER, Cain, and the Craft which we owe all our allegiences.' According to them, Lucifer is their "Forgotten Father" yet as we shall see the true secret of the Merovingian is yet to be revealed.

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