

Duration: 2 years [Ongoing]

“you can’t touch - but you can drink my juice…”

Additional collaborator: Phil worthington

“Redesign a food processor…” Royal College of Art brief

The Lapjuicer is intended to be used by a lap-dancer in a club. The performer uses their body with the object, in order to extract fruit juices that can be drunk by one or more spectators.


Imagine someone making your favourite cocktail with a Lapjuicer… it’s for girls and boys - who do you want to see using it?

The Lapjuicer embodies a step beyond the strict ‘look but don’t touch’ policies enforced in many clubs…

“you can’t touch - but you can drink my juice…”

Initially a seven day project that resulted in a prototype model in Autumn 2003, this project was revisited in Spring 2005.

The Lapjuicer being demonstrated at the Royal College of Art Postgradtuate Degree Show, June 2005.

The prototype has now been superseded by finished versions, one of which is on exhibit in The Victoria & Albert Museum (London) between June 16th and August 29th 2005. It will be part of an exhibition entitled ‘Touch Me’.

Lapjuicers are available to order. Please contact us for further details.

“This is Perhaps the Most Disgusting Device Ever Created” (boyswearpants.blogspot.com)

“It’s in-your-face; unlikely to be daunted by any context” (John Stones, Design Week Magazine, pg.22 30/06/05)

“Sexiest juicer in the galaxy” (we-make-money-not-art.com)

“It’s half art, half design, half social commentary, and I fucking love it.” (listsanddiagrams.com)

“I can’t decide if this is the best idea ever, or if its just too gross to think about drinking fresh squeezed juice mixed in with some ass sweat of a stripper named Candy. shudder.” (flauntingit.com)

“I don’t know if there is such thing as a freshly squeezed juice fetish - but I know that on days that I am seriously hung over, there is comfort in imagining that there is” (J. Martinez - fleshbot.com)

“Who’s round is it?!” Posted by hairy_axe_wound on (milkandcookies.com)

Metal parts provided at discount by Furniature123.co.uk

girl - belly

girl - belly

girl - tits

girl - tits

girl - heel

girl - heel

Girl - ass

Girl - ass

Guy - Ass

Guy - Ass

Guy - Foot

Guy - Foot

Guy - inside of arm

Guy - inside of arm

Lapjuicer, early concept model

Lapjuicer, early concept model

Early in the project when we jovially talked about a 'juice wrestling bar'!

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