Science of Spirituality

When the flowers of the church, mosque and temple gather together,
Spring will blossom forth in Your garden, O Lord.

- Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj
The Interfaith Community and Science of Spirituality

Science of Spirituality’s interfaith activities began in the middle of the last century with Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj (1894-1974), known in India as the father of the human unity movement. He presided over four World Religions Conferences before convening the first Unity of Man Conference in 1974. Since then, these conferences, now known as the Human Unity Conferences, have been held all over the globe.

Currently, the organization participates in the national and international interfaith community by being host to seminars, retreats, and conferences in the United States and throughout the world. Seeking to further interfaith harmony, these offer a platform where leaders of religious and spiritual traditions can unite around the common goals of peace, unity, and mutual understanding.

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj proposes meditation and spirituality as a way of achieving these goals and of fostering an awareness of the mystic traditions of all religions. This message characterized his terms as president of the Seventh World Religions Conference and the recent International Human Unity Conferences. He offered this to the 1993 Parliament of World’s Religions in Chicago, the World Conference on Religion and Peace in Italy, and at the United States National Prayer Breakfast.

Practicing the approach to spirituality that the Masters of Science of Spirituality teach does not require leaving one’s religion, for at the core of each faith is the Divine Presence. Raising our spiritual consciousness to perceive this Presence within ourselves, we also behold it within others. It is this practical vision of oneness that unites us as one great family of Light in the love and peace of the Creator.