International Solidarity with our imprisoned Comrades

The Israeli courts extends the imprisonment sentence against Abnaa elBalad Secretary General Comrade Mohammad Kana’ane to four and half years

Abnaa elBalad movement strongly condemns the persecution against its leaders and the newest vengeful and ruthless decision
Comrade Muhammad Kana’ane – Abu As’ad - the Secretary General of Abnaa elBalad, was arrested on January 7, 2004, together with his brother comrade Husam Kana’ane, member of the movement’s central committee, and comrades Yusuf Abu ‘Ali, member of the movement’s control committee and Sahar ‘Abdu, secretary of ‘elJeel elJadeed’ magazine. After a month of intensive interrogation in the hands of the Shin Bet, during which they were deprived of their basic rights and prevented from meeting a lawyer, comrades Muhammad and Husam were put on trial for bogus ‘security’ accusations, while the other two comrades were released.

The Haifa district court sentenced comrade Muhammad Kana’ane to two and half years of imprisonment, on the charge of ‘meeting a foreign agent’. It should be noted that by the Israeli law all Palestinian activists are regarded ‘foreign agents’, and that all of comrade Kana’ane’s meetings were publicly held as part of Abnaa elBalad’s public activity to unite the Palestinian People’s political resistance to Israeli occupation and racist Apartheid. Comrade Husam was later sentenced to ten and half years’ imprisonment, after being accused of ‘aiding the enemy’ – a catch all clause in the Israeli draconian emergency laws which applies to anybody who objects to the Israeli occupation and war crimes.

The prosecution was not satisfied and appealed against the ‘extraordinarily light’ sentence against comrade Kana’ane. On November 10, the appeals court, with three judges headed by the court’s president Barak, accepted the prosecution’s appeal and sentenced comrade Kana’ane to four and half years. As grounds for their decision, the judges emphasized the enduring position of comrade Kana’ane, who has been arrested several times in the past, but hasn't given up the struggle.

The prolonged imprisonment of Abnaa elBalad’s secretary general comes on top of systematic persecution of our movement, as well as persecution against the leadership of other legitimate political movements representing the Arab Palestinian masses within the 1948 occupied territories. Five leaders of the Islamic movement, headed by Sheikh Raed Salah, were imprisoned for more than two years for their humanitarian help to victims of the occupation. Just yesterday, Ghasan Athamneh, a leading member of the National Democratic Alliance, was sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment for ‘security’ reasons.

In a special press release which was issued immediately after the court’s decision, Abnaa elBalad movement strongly condemns the decision and continues: “We promise all of you, and promise ourselves, as we promise our comrades in the darkness of their prison cells, and all the freedom prisoners, we will never give up the road of freedom. Persecution and vengeful courts won’t force us astray from our chosen path. Our struggle will continue until we achieve the full rights of our Palestinian people, first of all our right to maintain the connections between our people, wherever they are to be found, until the fulfillment of the right of return and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.”


More Detailes about the trial of Comrade Mohammad Kana'aneh, general secretary of Abnaa elBalad
More Detailes about the trial of Comrade Husam Kana'aneh, a CC member of Abnaa elBalad

Condamnation injuste de notre camarade, Muhammad Kana'ina (Abu Asaad)secrétaire général du mouvement Abnaa al-Balad

La Cour Suprême de "Justice" israélienne a rendu son jugement contre le secrétaire général du mouvement Abnaa al-Balad, le camarade Muhammad Kana'ina, Abu Assad, le condamnant à 4 ans et demi de prison, à la demande de l'appel du procureur général.Le camarade Muhammad Kana'ina avait été arrêté le 7 février 2004, avec son frère Hussam, membre du comité central, et les deux camarades Yousef Abu 'Ali, membre du comité de surveillance centrale, et Sahar Abdo, secrétaire de la revue al-Jil al-Jadid, accusés de contacts avec "un agent étranger", et d'aide "à l'ennemi", et d'être financés par des organisations "ennemies". Les interrogatoires n'ont prouvé aucune de ces accusations.

Les camarades Yousef et Sahar ont été libérés sans chefs d'accusation à leur encontre, après une détention de 20 jours, mais le tribunal central a condamné le camarade Muhammad à deux ans et demi de prison et le camarade Hussam à dix ans et demi, après un accord passé entre le procureur général et l'équipe des avocats, comme c'est la coutume parfois.

Nous avions cependant considéré à l'époque que le jugement était injuste, qu'il fait partie des poursuites politiques des dirigeants et militants de notre peuple palestinien de l'intérieur (en Palestine occupée en 48). Le procureur général a fait appel devant la Cour suprême de "justice", malgré l'accord. Et celle-ci vient de rendre son jugement, le justifiant par le passé militant et actif de notre camarade Muhammad, et prétendant qu'il poursuivait son action militante malgré les précédentes condamnations. Ces justifications confirment que le jugement fait partie des poursuites politiques visant à nous intimider et à nous empêcher de poursuivre notre action de lutte politique et nationale.

La décision de la cour suprême de "justice" constitue un précédent grave et viole les principes d'une justice "égarée" et constitue une intervention inacceptable et rare, dans les pratiques des tribunaux (ordinaires). Nous déclarons et faisons la promesse de poursuivre le chemin de la lutte, aucun tribunal ne nous empêchera de continuer jusqu'à la réalisation des droits de notre peuple palestinien, pour la continuité des liens avec toutes les composantes de notre peuple, dans toutes les parties du monde où il se trouve, pour le droit au retour et l'établissement d'un Etat palestinien indépendant.

Liberté pour les prisonniers de la liberté

Ensemble sur le chemin

Pour plus d'information sur le jugement de secr鴡ire g鮩ral du mouvement Abnaa al-Balad, le camarade Muhammad Kana'ne et son fr貥 Hussam, membre du comit? central

10 novembre 2005

La Corte Suprema israelí extendió a cuatro años y medio la sentencia de prisión del Secretario General de Abnaa elBalad Muhammad Kana'ane

El movimiento Abnaa elBalad condenó enérgicamente la persecución en contra de sus lideres políticos , calificando la nueva decisión de la Corte Suprema vengativa y despiadada.

El compañero Muhammad Kana'ane – Abu As'ad - Secretario General de Abnaa elBalad, fue arrestado el 7 de enero del 2003 junto a su hermano Husam Kana'ane, miembro del comité central del movimiento, y los compañeros Yusuf Abu 'Ali, miembro también del comité central y Sahar 'Abdu, secretaria de la revista 'elJeel elJadeed'.

Luego de un mes de interrogaciones intensivas a manos del servicio de inteligencia israelí, durante el cual se les privó de sus derechos básicos y se les impidió consultar con un abogado, los compañeros Muhammad y Husam fueron llevados a juicio acusados de delitos de seguridad, mientras los otros dos compañeros eran liberados.

La corte del distrito de Haifa sentencio al compañero Muhammad Kana'ane a dos años y medio de prisión, bajo el cargo de "contacto con un agente extranjero". Cabe recalcar, que bajo la ley Israelí todo activista Palestino es considerado "agente extranjero". Todas las reuniones del compañero Kana'ane fueron realizadas abiertamente como parte de las actividades públicas del movimiento Abnaa elBalad para unir a la resistencia política del pueblo palestino en contra tanto de la ocupación israelí como del sistema de apartheid racista imperante.

El compañero Husam fue a su vez sentenciado a diez años y medio de cárcel, luego de ser acusado de "ayudar al enemigo en tiempos de guerra"- cláusula en las leyes de emergencia draconiana israelíes que se aplica a todo aquel que se opone a la ocupación israelí y a sus crímenes de guerra.

La fiscalía , sin embargo, no quedó satisfecha, y apeló contra la sentencia "extremadamente leve" que en su opinión se le dio a compañero Muhammad Kana'ane. El 10 de noviembre, la corte de apelaciones del tribunal supremo, compuesta por tres jueces y liderada por el juez Barak, decidió aceptar la apelación de la fiscalía y sentenció al compañero Kana'ane a cuatro años y medio de prisión. Como base de su decisión, los jueces enfatizaron la posiciones políticas del compañero , quien no ha dejado la lucha a pesar de ser arrestado numerosas veces.

La prisión prolongada del secretario general de Abnaa elBalad es solo una continuación de la política de represión y de persecuciones sistemáticas contra nuestro movimiento, y contra todas las masas árabes y su liderazgo político dentro de los territorios ocupados en 1948. Cinco líderes del movimiento islámico, liderados por el Sheikh Raed Salah, fueron encarcelados por mas de dos años por la ayuda humanitaria que proporcionaron a las víctimas de la ocupación. Solo ayer, Ghasan Athamneh, miembro prominente de la Alianza Democrática Nacional, fue asimismo sentenciado a 6 años de prisión por razones de "seguridad".

En un comunicado de prensa especial luego de decisión de la corte suprema, el movimiento Abnaa elBalad la condenó enérgicamente declarando: "Nos prometimos a nosotros mismos, así como a nuestros camaradas en la oscuridad de sus celdas, y a todos los prisioneros políticos, que nunca abandonaremos el camino de la libertad. Las persecuciones políticas y las cortes vengativas no nos desviarán de nuestro camino. Nuestra lucha continuará hasta que todos los derechos del pueblo palestino les sean restituídos, empezando por nuestro derecho a mantener conexiones con gente de nuestro pueblo, donde sea que se encuentre, y hasta la aplicación del derecho del retorno y la constitución de un estado palestino independiente."

Para mas detalles sobre el juicio del compañero Muhammad Kana'ane ? Abu As'ad - Secretario General de Abnaa elBalad, y de su hermano Husam Kana'ane, miembro del comit? central del movimiento


From Greece 1 2      from Argentina      from turkey1 2      from Russia

sunburst graphic Balkan organizaion launches a campaign of solidarity with Muhammad Kannaane, Marwan Barghouti, Tali Fahima

The 5th International Conference of the Balkan Socialist Centre ‘Christian Rakovsky’ took place on September 16-18, 2005, in Athens, Greece. As Presidium of Honor to the were unanimously voted three fighters, prisoners in the Zionist jails: comrades Mohammad Kannaaneh, General secretary of the Abnaa el Balad Palestinian Movement( who attended the previous Conference of the Centre in 2003), Marwan Barghouti, prisoner as a leading figure of the Intifada and of the Al Aqsa Brigades, and the young Jewish Tali Fahima, prisoner and now on trial as “collaborator of the Al Aqsa Brigades”.

The Conference decided to launch a campaign of solidarity with Muhammad Kannaane, Marwan Barghouti, Tali Fahima and all the political prisoners in Palestine, Turkey, and Greece;

To read more information about "The Balkan Socialist Centre ‘Christian Rakovsky’

The Socialist Center of the Balakans "Christian Rakovsky" will participate in the anniversarty of the Athens Polytechnic uprising of 1973 with a leaflet in solidarity with Muhamad and Husam Kaanane political prisoners of the Abnaa el Balad movement and all the Palestinian prisoners.

Free Muhammad Kanaane, general secretary of Abnaa el Balad, free all the Palestinian political prisoners

The Socialist Center of the Balkans "Christian Rakovsky" strongly condemns the persecution against the leadership of the Palestinian movement Abnaa el Balad and the decision to extend the imprisonemnet of his general secretary comrade Muhammad Kanaane. Kanaane was arrested on January 7, 2003, together with his brother comrade Husam Kanaane, member of the movement’s central committee. After a month of intensive interrogation in the hands of the General Security Services, during which they were deprived of their basic rights comrades Muhammad and Husam were put on trial for bogus ‘security’ accusations. The Haifa district court sentenced comrade Muhammad Kanaane to two and half years of imprisonment, on the charge of ‘meeting a foreign agent’. It should be noted that by the Israeli law all Palestinian activists are regarded as ‘foreign agents’. Muhammad Kanaane’s meetings were publicly held as part of Abnaa el Balad’s political activity against the Israeli occupation and its Apartheid regime in Palestine. Comrade Husam was later sentenced to ten and half years’ imprisonment, after being accused of ‘aiding the enemy’ – a catch all clause in the Israeli draconian emergency laws which applies to anybody who objects to the Israeli occupation and war crimes.

The prosecution was not satisfied and appealed to the Israeli Supreme Court of Justice against the ‘extraordinarily light’ sentence against Muhamad Kanaane. On November 10, the appeals court, accepted the prosecution’s appeal and sentenced Muhamad Kanaane to four and half years. As grounds for their decision, the judges emphasized the enduring position of Muhamad Kanaane, who has been arrested several times in the past, but hasn't given up the struggle.

The prolonged imprisonment of Abnaa el Balad’s secretary general comes on top of systematic persecution to the political movements representing the Arab Palestinian masses within the 1948 occupied territories and their common strugle with their brothers and sisters of the 1967 occupied territories for a free and democratic Palestine.

The Zionist regime in crisis that has failled in bringing a solution not only to the Palestinian question but also to the economic and social crisis of the Jewish masses within the state of Israel, continue to expropiate lands, to build the Apartheid wall and to assasinate Palestinian activists and people in the 1967 territories.

The only progresive solution for Arabs and Jews is to struggle for one secular, democratic and socialist republic in the whole territory of Palestine in the framework of a Socialist Middle East.

Free Muhamad and Husam Kaanane, free all the Palestinian political prisoners
Down with the Zionist regime of Apartheid
For a Secular, Socialist and Democratic Palestine

solidarity from socialists in Turkey

sunburst graphic To the comrades of Abna al Balad
Dear comrades,

We support your struggle for freedom and liberation, which you continue under growing opression of Zionist state. We comdemn the persecutions, imprisements and arrestments against our Palestinian sisters and brothers, who struggle for the liberation of the country , first of all the decision of Israeli court to extend the imprisonment of his general secretary comrade Muhammad Kanaane.

Sure, the extended-imprisonment sentence, which was given against comrade Muhammad Kana'ane, who was elected to the presidium of honour at the last international conference of CRC, cannot stop or mislead the struggle of Palestinian people for liberation.

We'ld like to make you know, that the Editorial Board of Socialism called the workers and students, first of all our readers to protest the decision of Israeli court to extend the imprisonment of his general secretary comrade Muhammad Kanaane and to support the struggle of freedom and liberation of our Palestinian sisters and brothers against Zionist regime.

Free for Muhammad and Hussam Kanaane!
Free all palestinian political prisoners!

Down with Zionist regime of Apartheit!
For the right of self determination to Palestinian people!
For a secular and Socialist Palestine!

Long live revolutionary internationalism of the working class!
Long live the 4. International!


Solidarity with Abnaa Al Balad - Turkey

The revolutionary Marxist journal Isci Mucadelesi (Workers' Struggle) of Turkey strongly condemns the persecution of the Israeli state against the leadership of Abnaa al Balad and in particular of the prolongation of the prison term of its leader, Muhammed Kanaane.

We as Workers' Struggle are fighting in a country where there is quasi-universal support for the Palestinian cause and deep-seated hatred of Zionist Israel. Only several months ago, referring to the Kurdish mass movement, the second-in-command of the Turkish armed forces said, "they are trying to convert Turkey into a Palestine". Of course, it is the forces of repression, the successive governments and the whole establishment who have converted Turkey into another Israel since the 1980s. Heavy military cooperation between the two countries was later followed by increasing economic exchange and now a triangular quasi-strategic alliance between the US, Israel and Turkey.

So our struggle, comrades of Abnaa al Balad, is the same struggle in this region. It is only when Arab and Jewish workers and the oppressed fight together to establish a secular, and socialist Palestine that the decades-long oppression of the Palestinians will come to an end and only when the peoples of the Middle East rise against imperialist and Zionist tyranny and the local ruling classes that slavishly cooperate with them to form a Socialist Federation of the Middle East that peace will descend on these ancient lands.

We extend our heartfelt solidarity to comrades Muhammed and Husam Kanaane and wish your struggle the best of successes.

Editorial Board of
Isci Mucadelesi (Workers' Struggle)
Istanbul, Turkey

Solidarity with Abnaa Al Balad - Russia

Dear comrades from Abnaa el-Ballad!
Dear comrades from Socialist League-Palestine!

Executive Committee of Reginal Party of Communists is been appalled by the latest fact of the violation by Israeli officials the universally recognized democratic rights - the extension of comrade Muhammad Kana'ane imprisonment only for his progressive political activity. We support the statement of Balkan Socialist Center "Christian Rakovsky" with the demand for the freedom to comrade Muhammad Kana'ane and to all political prisoners in Israel.

EC of RPK, Vladimir Soloveichik, the Secretary