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Published in 1990
by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
399 pages.

Published in 1991
by Ballantine Books
400 pages.

An astonishing technique for recovering and cloning dinosaur DNA has been discovered. Creatures once extinct now roam Jurassic Park, soon-to-be opened as a theme park. Until something goes wrong...and science proves a dangerous toy....

Jurassic Park Barnes & Noble
Hardcover Hardcover
Paperback Paperback
Audio Tape
Soundtrack Soundtrack

Note From Michael
I wrote a screenplay about cloning a pterodactyl from fossil DNA in 1983, but the story wasn't convincing. I worked on it for several years since, trying to make it more credible. Finally I decided on a theme park setting, and wrote a novel from the point of view of a young boy who was present when the dinosaurs escaped. I then sent the book to the usual people who read my first drafts.

Over the years, I've come to rely on five or six people who read my drafts; generally they have a range of responses. Not this time. They were all in agreement: they hated Jurassic Park.

I got angry reactions such as, "Why would you write a book like this?" But when I asked them to explain exactly why they hated it, they couldn't put their finger on anything in particular. They just hated it, that's all. Hated every bit of it.

I wrote another draft. They hated that one, too. Just as strongly as the one before. Whatever I had done in the latest draft, it hadn't helped.

I wrote another draft, but the result remained the same.

Finally one of the readers said that they were irritated with the story because they wanted it to be from an adult point of view, not a kid point of view. They said, "I want this to be a story for me." Meaning for an adult.

So I rewrote it as an adult story.

And then everybody liked it.

Jurassic Park
Produced by: Universal Pictures
Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Written by: Michael Crichton, David Koepp
Based on a novel by: Michael Crichton
Sam Neill as Dr. Alan Grant
Laura Dern as Dr. Ellie Sattler
Jeff Goldblum as Ian Malcolm
Richard Attenborough as John Hammond
Originally Released: 1993
Academy Awards: Best Effects - Sound Effects Editing, Best Effects - Visual Effects, Best Sound
Runtime: 127 minutes

On a remote island, a wealthy entrepreneur secretly builds a theme park featuring live dinosaurs created from prehistoric DNA. Before opening the attraction to the public, he invites a top paleontologist, a paleobotanist, a mathematician/theorist, and his two eager grandchildren to experience the park -- but their visit is anything but tranquil as the park's security system breaks down, the prehistoric creatures break out.

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