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Liberal Party of Canada - stronger together

Respecting Our Farmers

Our hard-working farmers deserve the unqualified respect and gratitude of their fellow Canadians. Their contribution to the fabric of our nation does not receive the recognition it should. Liberals know the difficulties our farmers are facing in as they try to earn a good living — to prosper — in the face of unfair subsidies paid to their international counterparts.

The Liberal team is determined to help our farmers face this challenge. We will continue to defend for our important Canadian farming institutions like the Canadian Wheat board, supply management, as well as egg and milk protections for decent prices.

Liberals also want to help farmers create new markets in the new sustainable economy, in areas such as ethanol, bio-fuels, low-till practices, wind power and other new technologies.

Canadian farmers are the backbone of our country. As Liberals, we recognize the importance of a strong and prosperous farming community and are committed to creating an environment that allows Canadian producers to earn a living and build a future for themselves, their families and their industry.

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