How do you solve a problem like the Führer?

June 10, 2008 on 7:51 pm | Friedrich Braun | Architecture , The Greatest Man in History | No Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post

A British Jew finds the idea of Linz as a cultural capital problematic— and with good reason. For not only was this Hitler’s hometown, but it was also the place where, at age 16 on the nearby Freinberg, that the future German Leader experienced anepiphany that was to mark the start of a fateful, 40-year career, one which would lay the foundation for a revolutionary New Order here on Earth. Coming to terms with this “dilemma,” Mr. Lebrecht and his cohorts will probably have to be content with pathetic attempts to reduce the prospective exposition to cheap shlock, silliness, and the sullying of creative taste and greatness they can never begin to approach.

In February 1945, as the Russians closed in on Berlin, Adolf Hitler ordered his second-favourite architect, Hermann Giesler, to build a scale model of his home-town Linz and instal it in his bunker.

He Speaks

June 8, 2008 on 11:41 am | Friedrich Braun | The Greatest Man in History | No Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post



On Elections and Great Men

“Sooner will a camel pass through the eye of a needle

than a great man be ‘discovered’ by an election.”

— THE BOOK, I:3/88

He was—and IS—right!

An Interview With Miguel Serrano, “Esoteric Hitlerist”

May 31, 2008 on 6:53 pm | Friedrich Braun | The Greatest Man in History | 2 Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post

The Greatest Man in World History.

An Interview With Miguel Serrano

“Esoteric Hitlerist”
Continue reading An Interview With Miguel Serrano, “Esoteric Hitlerist”…

Über die Pöbel-Demokratie

May 24, 2008 on 8:55 pm | Friedrich Braun | The Greatest Man in History | No Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post


Über die Pöbel-Demokratie

„Indem das parlamentarische Prinzip der Majoritäts-
bestimmung die Autorität der Person ablehnt und
an deren Stelle die Zahl des jeweiligen Haufens setzt,
sündigt es wider den aristokratischen Grundgedanken
der Natur . . . ”
— DAS BUCH, I:3/87

Do you think Adolf Hitler was a manifestation of God on earth?

May 24, 2008 on 6:03 pm | Friedrich Braun | The Greatest Man in History | No Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post

Adolf Hitler as Aryan God.

Poll on VNNForum here.

Vote early, vote often.

German fire team says sorry over Hitler quote

May 23, 2008 on 6:19 pm | Friedrich Braun | The Greatest Man in History | No Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post

A German that does not love Adolf Hitler with all his heart and soul is not a real German, but a brainwashed, judaised, Americanized Bundesbürger…un-German trash.

BERLIN (Reuters) - A youth team of firefighters in Germany has got into hot water after entering a contest with a famous quote by Adolf Hitler emblazoned on its T-shirts.

Paradise Lost: 1936 NS Color Film-Berlin in the Year of the Olympic Games

May 21, 2008 on 7:47 pm | Friedrich Braun | History , National Socialism , The Greatest Man in History, The Third Reich | 9 Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post

Whenever I watch footage from the Third Reich era I feel like crying. What a fantastic time it was! A time when Germany was happy, healthy, prosperous, clean, homogeneous, orderly, beautiful, and a powerhouse. A time when Germany’s government had real Germans at its helm and they had Germany’s best interests at heart. Simply by far the best years in German history! A magical time. I love everything about the Third Reich.

Hand of Hitler seen in Russian billboard ad

May 14, 2008 on 6:23 pm | Friedrich Braun | Russia, The Greatest Man in History | No Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post

My favorite National Socialists: Hitler and Himmler (Goebbels is another one).


Hand of Hitler seen in Russian billboard ad

Bank hit by ‘neo-Nazi ad’ scandal
Russia Today Tuesday, 13 May 2008

MOSCOW — Bloggers are enraged by billboard advertisements
for a bank in the Russian city of Ekaterinburg.** They claim
the ad has an encrypted message that glorifies Nazi ideology.
Bank officials have called the scandal a plot by “some outcasts”
reports the news site.

to Hitler and a call for Aryan racial solidarity are seen in this Russian bank advertisement.

The controversial ad is part of the bank’s campaign timed
to coincide with the Victory Day celebrations in Russia. It is
offering a 14.88 percent interest rate on deposits made by
World War II veterans.

The “encrypted neo-Nazi message,” according to bloggers,
is in that very number. Both 14 and 88 hold special meaning
for neo-Nazis: 14 is the number of words in a slogan authored
by notorious white nationalist leader and ideologist David Lane,***
while 88 stands for the Nazi salute “Heil Hitler” as “H” is the
eighth letter of the alphabet.

The bank’s management reject all accusations and say the
outrage stems from “pervert outcasts, roaming around in
search for hidden symbols and made public by irresponsible
people who spread such stories.”

Advertising regulators say they have no proof or even suspicion
that the ad was meant to have some hidden meaning.

* He has won out despite everything!

** The city where Czar Nicholas II and his family were murdered by Bolshevik Jews.

*** “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Continuing the fight for a better world —

Dept E
PO Box 270486
Milwaukee WI 53227


Our dearly beloved Führer speaks on Mother’s Day

May 11, 2008 on 12:11 am | Friedrich Braun | The Greatest Man in History | No Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post



On Mother’s Day

Think About It*


When your mother has grown older,
And you have grown older,
When what was once easy and effortless
Now becomes a burden,

When her dear, faithful eyes
No longer see life as they once did,
When her feet, grown tired,
No longer want to carry her as she walks —

Then give her your arm for support;
Accompany her with gladness and joy.
The hour will come when, weeping
You will accompany her on her final walk.

And if she asks for something, then answer her.
And if she asks again, then speak.
And if she asks yet again, respond to her,
Not stormily, but with gentle calm.

And if she cannot understand you well,
Explain everything to her joyfully.
The hour will come, the bitter hour,
When her mouth will ask for nothing more.


* “Denk es,” from the Sunday Morgenpost, Munich, May 14, 1925

Continuing the fight for a better world —

Dept E
PO Box 270486

SKANDAL! Ein Herz für Hitler

May 5, 2008 on 7:58 pm | Friedrich Braun | The Greatest Man in History | No Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post



Ein Herz für Hitler
„Frauen und Kinder lieben Hitler” Bitte klicken.

A LESSON FOR TODAY: A Fight for Freedom

May 3, 2008 on 10:35 am | Friedrich Braun | The Greatest Man in History | 1 Comment | Email This Post | Print this Post


by ADOLF HITLER “Folkish” associations planned to hold a so-called “German Day” in Coburg.
Continue reading A LESSON FOR TODAY: A Fight for Freedom…

88 Seconds of Silence

April 28, 2008 on 5:52 pm | Friedrich Braun | The Greatest Man in History | No Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post


We invite you to join with National Socialists around the world at 3:30 pm Central European Time / 2:30pm GMT (9:30 am EDT /8:30 am CST / 7:30 am MDT / 6:30 am PST) on Wednesday, 30 April, for 88 seconds of silence in solemn tribute to our immortal Leader, who—at exactly that time in Berlin 63 years ago—fulfilled his earthly mission and offered up his life for a better world to come.


A very nice tribute to Adolf Hitler by Harold A. Covington

April 24, 2008 on 5:10 pm | Friedrich Braun | The Greatest Man in History | No Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post


I have always known that Hitler was right. Even when I was a child and had no idea what National Socialism was all about, I seemed to have an instinctive recognition that all was not right in the society I was growing up in, and that anyone whom the authorities of that society feared, hated, and reviled as much as Adolf Hitler had to have something going for him.

When I played army with the other boys in my Burlington, North Carolina neighborhood, I always wanted to fight on the German side. Nor was this unusual; there were other boys like myself who drew Swastikas on their schoolbook covers and rooted for the Germans when watching television shows like Combat or The Gallant Men. There was something in the shape ofthat Teutonic coal-scuttle helmet that thrilled our very souls.

I have often wondered how this could be, when we were so young we could have no idea of the issues involved with the war or what the NSDAP was all about, and indeed were constantly subjected to a barrage of anti-NS propaganda, in a time when the war was a very recent memory. I think that this was because there is a kind of innate moral faculty in our people which Aryans are born with, which instinctively recognizes the difference between truth and lies, between right and wrong. It’s a pity more of us can’t retain that faculty into our adult lives.

Once I grew old enough to begin to understand things a bit, my earlier childish admiration and fascination with the Third Reich and the dynamic figure of Adolf Hitler grew as I came to realize that my initial instincts had been correct. For one thing, even as a child reading my firstbooks on the Second World War, I never bought into the Holocaust myth. I had no idea what the word “logistics” meant, but the idea that a nation fighting for its very existence would devote immense resources, manpower, and time to a pointless act of mass extermination was palpably ridiculous. I wrote the Holocaust story off as typical war propaganda and read on.

When I was about ten, I met my first German war veteran, a friend of a friend of our family, a handsome and talented middle-aged artist from Greensboro whom I will call Johann, in case he still lives. I didn’t know it, but Johann had been a Fallschirmjager during the war. At a cocktailparty one night some loud-mouthed redneck was holding forth on how he’d whupped up on ole Hitler and won the war single-handedly. He was describing some battle in Italy and said, “…Then the gawd damn Natsy paratroopers come rainin’ down outen the sky!”

Johann spoke up quietly from his corner. “Ja,” he said. “I remember. Ve jumped on you. You ran avay.” The redneck fool was noticeably silent for the rest of the evening.

I was fascinated. Here was a man who had actually worn that helmet, that uniform with the eagle and Swastika I had seen so often in movies andon TV. As soon as I could, I got Johann off to one side and asked him eagerly, “Did you ever meet Adolf Hitler?”

“No, not personally,” he replied with a smile. “But I saw him many times. I am from Nuremberg, where they had the big rallies, and every year the Fuhrer would drive beneath the window of my house in his open car. Once he looked up and saw me in the window and smiled. Later on I was a Hitler Youth, and I heard him speak.” Johann was silent for a while, then said, “When you heard his words, you knew there was a God.”

Years later, I heard the words of Adolf Hitler, and I knew.

I hear them still.


Diseased Jewess Denies that her Art Project is Fiction [Jews are not normal people!]

April 18, 2008 on 6:31 pm | Friedrich Braun | Art & Design , Jewish Diaspora , Kooks, Marxism & Culture War , National Bolshevism, Oh Tempora, Oh Mores , The Greatest Man in History, The Jewish Question, The Third Reich | 14 Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post

What did Hitler think of jewish “art,” again? Can someone please point out where Hitler was wrong about the jews?

Fucked up Jewess (Jews, like women, tend to be masochistic and neurotic…now, imagine a what a Jewess must be like) has spoken to the Yale Daily News and is denying claims from her own University that her self-induced miscarriages as an art piece is an elaborate prank.

Here are some of the LOWlights from her rebuttal:

- Shvarts stood by her project, calling the University’s statement “ultimately inaccurate.”

- But Shvarts reiterated Thursday that she repeatedly used a needleless syringe to insert semen into herself. At the end of her menstrual cycle, she took abortifacient herbs to induce bleeding, she said. She said she does not know whether or not she was ever pregnant.

- “No one can say with 100-percent certainty that anything in the piece did or did not happen,” Shvarts said, “because the nature of the piece is that it did not consist of certainties.”

- Shvarts showed the News footage from tapes she plans to play at the exhibit. The tapes depict Shvarts — sometimes naked, sometimes clothed — alone in a shower stall bleeding into a cup.


“For the past year, I performed repeated self-induced miscarriages. I created a group of fabricators from volunteers who submitted to periodic STD screenings and agreed to their complete and permanent anonymity. From the 9th to the 15th day of my menstrual cycle, the fabricators would provide me with sperm samples, which I used to privately self-inseminate. Using a needleless syringe, I would inject the sperm near my cervix within 30 minutes of its collection, so as to insure the possibility of fertilization. On the 28th day of my cycle, I would ingest an abortifacient, after which I would experience cramps and heavy bleeding.

To protect myself and others, only I know the number of fabricators who participated, the frequency and accuracy with which I inseminated and the specific abortifacient I used. Because of these measures of privacy, the piece exists only in its telling. This telling can take textual, visual, spatial, temporal and performative forms — copies of copies of which there is no original.

This piece — in its textual and sculptural forms — is meant to call into question the relationship between form and function as they converge on the body. The artwork exists as the verbal narrative you see above, as an installation that will take place in Green Hall, as a time-based performance, as a independent concept, as a myth and as a public discourse.

It creates an ambiguity that isolates the locus of ontology to an act of readership. An intentional ambiguity pervades both the act and the objects I produced in relation to it. The performance exists only as I chose to represent it. For me, the most poignant aspect of this representation — the part most meaningful in terms of its political agenda (and, incidentally, the aspect that has not been discussed thus far) — is the impossibility of accurately identifying the resulting blood. Because the miscarriages coincide with the expected date of menstruation (the 28th day of my cycle), it remains ambiguous whether the there was ever a fertilized ovum or not. The reality of the pregnancy, both for myself and for the audience, is a matter of reading.

This ambivalence makes obvious how the act of identification or naming — the act of ascribing a word to something physical — is at its heart an ideological act, an act that literally has the power to construct bodies. In a sense, the act of conception occurs when the viewer assigns the term “miscarriage” or “period” to that blood.

In some sense, neither term is exactly accurate or inaccurate; the ambiguity is not merely a matter of context, but is embodied in the physicality of the object. This central ambiguity defies a clear definition of the act. The reality of miscarriage is very much a linguistic and political reality, an act of reading constructed by an act of naming — an authorial act.

It is the intention of this piece to destabilize the locus of that authorial act, and in doing so, reclaim it from the heteronormative structures that seek to naturalize it.

As an intervention into our normative understanding of “the real” and its accompanying politics of convention, this performance piece has numerous conceptual goals. The first is to assert that often, normative understandings of biological function are a mythology imposed on form. It is this mythology that creates the sexist, racist, ableist, nationalist and homophobic perspective, distinguishing what body parts are “meant” to do from their physical capability. The myth that a certain set of functions are “natural” (while all the other potential functions are “unnatural”) undermines that sense of capability, confining lifestyle choices to the bounds of normatively defined narratives.

Just as it is a myth that women are “meant” to be feminine and men masculine, that penises and vaginas are “meant” for penetrative heterosexual sex (or that mouths, anuses, breasts, feet or leather, silicone, vinyl, rubber, or metal implements are not “meant” for sex at all), it is a myth that ovaries and a uterus are “meant” to birth a child.

When considering my own bodily form, I recognize its potential as extending beyond its ability to participate in a normative function. While my organs are capable of engaging with the narrative of reproduction — the time-based linkage of discrete events from conception to birth — the realm of capability extends beyond the bounds of that specific narrative chain. These organs can do other things, can have other purposes, and it is the prerogative of every individual to acknowledge and explore this wide realm of capability.”

Source and source.

Germany at its very best: Tercer Reich - Ertedankefest 1937

April 13, 2008 on 1:18 am | Friedrich Braun | Germany, National Socialism , The Greatest Man in History, The Third Reich | No Comments | Email This Post | Print this Post

No niggers, no jews, no mongrels, no minorities…just clean, healthy, happy, thankful Germans…THE TIME OF THE THIRD REICH: THE BEST YEARS OF GERMAN HISTORY.

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