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Considering it’s estimated that by the time a child reaches the age of two years of age they have probably already received twenty or more vaccinations which clearly spells out the fears most parents have about vaccinations, some people believe it’s just too much. These vaccinations that a child gets over the course of the first two years include vaccines to protect them primarily against the ten most communicable diseases below.

∑ Diptheria

∑ Whooping cough

∑ Tetanus

∑ Polio

∑ Haemphilus Influenza

∑ Measles

∑ Mumps

∑ Rubella

∑ Hepatitus B

∑ Chicken Pox

Most parents understand the risks involved with these diseases but when a parent takes into effect the number of immunizations and baby’s immune system, it’s a scary thought.

Can too many vaccinations damage baby’s immune system?

In the September 2005 issue of babytalk magazine Paul Offit, M.

D., chief of infectious diseases and director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia contributed some powerful answers, even some about vaccinations and baby’s immune system.

“A baby’s body is bombarded with immunologic challenges—from bacteria in food to the dust they breathe. Compared to what they typically encounter and manage during the day, vaccines are literally a drop in the ocean”, and Dr. Offits studies theoretically show an infant could handle up to 100,000 vaccines at one time … safely.

Infants really do encounter a lot of germs, bacteria and foreign entities that they’ve never encountered before; some could easily do far more harm than a vaccination gone bad plus some parents believe that since most major illnesses have ‘died out’ that vaccinations are over rated.

The Bird flu also known as Avian Influenza or Avian flu was discovered in the early 1900’s thousands of miles from the U.S. yet 50% of those that encounter it die … today.

Parents should consider the pros and cons of vaccinations and make decisions based on the reality of what could happen if they chose not to vaccinate their baby. Although there are some vaccinations that are required, some are not and doctors do have information parents can review to help with a decision and parents should also do independent research about vaccines they have some doubts or questions about.

Then again in the long run some parents simply worry about negative effects such as fever and rashes that are a possibility when a child is immunized, luckily there are several ways for parents to make the vaccination appointment go a little smoother for baby.

Parents should make sure that baby is healthy before getting a vaccine. If a child is sick with the cold, cough or flu, a parent should wait until baby is in tiptop condition before getting a vaccine. Baby’s should be given an infants pain reliever an hour before the scheduled vaccination and parents will have a better experience if baby isn’t hungry or sleepy.

Parents should also ask healthcare providers what to watch out for and monitor baby for a couple of days closely to make sure there are no surprises, all in all vaccinations are a good thing that protect us from harmful life threatening illnesses and baby’s need to be protected.
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Green              Reply to this Comment

I am a 57 year old woman and have never been vaccinated and nor have my children. I made an informed decision not to vaccinate my children, not a decision based on fear. When you ask most parents why they vaccinate their children, the standard answer is because they don`t want them to get all the diseases that they are supposedly being vaccinated against. We are now living in much cleaner and healthier environments today, and the latest outbreak of polio was with people who had been vaccinated not, people who hadn`t.There is an escalation of austism and other childhood conditions like glue ear and behavioural problems which in my mind is because of the heavy metals and mercury in vaccinations. We are born with an immune system and by filling our bodies with as far as I`m concerned poisons,won`t allow the immune system to reach its full potential......there is ample information either in books or on the internet to make an informed decision on this subject....let the drug companies get richer !!!!

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