Add colors or images to your select list

Some time ago I was asked if it’s possible to set the background color of the entries of a select list.

Sure why not! I thought I had already answered the question before, so I searched on the OTN forum but didn’t find my posting. No problem, shouldn’t be too hard to find the solution again.

My first attempt was to use the span tag with the style attribute in the lov query, like

SELECT '<span style="background-color:red">'||
       '</span>' AS D
     , OID       AS R

Nice try, but it didn’t work, because the span tag is ignored for select list elements.

My next attempt was to change the option tag which Oracle Application Express (APEX) generates. Like with the following lov query

     , OID||'" style="background-color:red' AS R

Great that worked, the select list showed the red background color. But wait! For existing records the current select list entry wasn’t displayed anymore.

Why? Because I modified the index column by adding the ” style=…, so Oracle Application Express (APEX) wasn’t able to map the database column value to the select list entry anymore. So that wasn’t really a working solution.

I think the only really working solution is to use some JavaScript code in the “Post Element Text” property of the page item.

<script type="text/javascript">
$x("P5_STATUS")[2].style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
$x("P5_STATUS")[3].style.backgroundColor = "red";

The APEX Javascript function $x will return an array with all the options of a select list. The array starts with 0. As you can see it’s quite easy to change the style of a single option and assign a different background color to it.

BTW, if you have a Firefox only environment, you can also assign images. Too bad that Internet Explorer doesn’t support it. The code for example would be:

<script type="text/javascript">
$x("P5_LANGUAGE")[1].style.background = "transparent url(uk.png) no-repeat";
$x("P5_LANGUAGE")[1].style.paddingLeft= "30px";
$x("P5_LANGUAGE")[2].style.background = "transparent url(de.png) no-repeat";
$x("P5_LANGUAGE")[2].style.paddingLeft= "30px";

BTW, you can also put the stuff into a CSS and assign a class to the option.

Don’t think that I really have solved that in the past, must have been something else with select lists. :-)

3 Responses to “Add colors or images to your select list”

  1. Carl Backstrom Says:


    Also make sure you know the stupid IE feature/BUG

    Except for background-color and color, style settings applied through the style object for the option element are ignored.


  2. Patrick Wolf Says:

    Carl, thanks for the information. IE rules! ;-)

  3. Carl Backstrom Says:

    You know it!

    If it wasn’t for IE almost anybody could do this javascript stuff way too easily.

    But thanks to MS I’m guaranteed a job for quite awhile ;)


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