Stefansson Island

Stefansson Island (4,463 km²) lies immediately northeast, across the island-strewn Goldsmith Channel, from the Storkerson Peninsula region of its massive southern neighbour of Victoria Island. The channel is at its broadest in the northwest, progressively narrowing to the southeast — ultimately separating the two islands by just a few hundred meters of shallow water. The eastern side of Stefansson Island faces the McClintock Channel across to Prince of Wales Island (just visible at the bottom-left of the above image).

Much of the island comprises a low-lying, undulating, lake and stream covered plain with average elevations of between 20 m and 150 m above sea level. A belt of higher terrain stretches across the northern sector of the island, from east to west (darker coloured and partially obscured by light cloud cover in the above image), where the highest point on the island is reached at 256 m.

image: MODIS rapid response project at nasa/goddard space flight center

Location Map
