Irregular constitution and irritable Aleu A. Aleu two faces for one currency!!!

Some political analysts argue that divided government is partially responsible for the failure of the government to solve some important problems. The term gridlock has been used to suggest this policy stalemate. For example, the president presents a program and the legislative does not accept it. Or legislative passes a bill and the president vetoes it. The result can be a lot of squabbling and little action
Equatoria Conference queried

The people of the three states of Eastern, Western and Central Equatoria have met in Juba-Nyakuron for matters related to peace, unity and development lumped together under the theme unity, equality and prosperity. The foot soldiers of the big three leaders (Governors) of these states did an earlier preparatory shuttling a month ago, and all system went at Nyakuron Cultural Center during the past four days.
Country needs an Independent Political Affairs Council

The Republic of South Sudan (ROSS) in waiting on July 9,2011 has entered into serious political argument whether or not to be a one-party state or multiparty politics after colourful declaration of independency that will register the Republic of South Sudan as the newest nation in Africa.

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