Dem Down Double Digits In Pa8

The first independent poll of Pennsylvania's 8th District congressional race shows incumbent Democrat Patrick Murphy down double-digits to former congressman Republican Mike Fitzpatrick who Murphy beat by 1,518 votes to take the seat in 2006.

The Philadelphia Daily News/Franklin & Marshall College poll shows Fitzpatrick up 49-35 percent among likely voters and 46-36 percent ahead among all those registered to vote.

Only 40 percent of registered voters say he deserves re-election while 47 percent say its time for a change.

President Obama won the district with 54 percent of the vote in 2008 but now has a 37-percent approval rating there.

The poll found that 18 percent of Democrats will vote for Fitzpatrick compared to 8 percent of Republicans voting for Murphy. The district has 14,000 more Democrats than Republicans.

The poll showed that Fitzpatrick leads among men 50-33 percent; women 48-38 percent; and independents 38-31 percent.

Murphy easily held the seat in 2008 with 57 percent of the vote over Republican Tom Manion and independent Tom Lingenfelter, who will not be on the ballot this year.


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  • 10/19/2010 11:10 AM BLOG.BILLLAWRENCEONLINE.COM wrote:
    The Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is cutting back its Philadelphia television ad buys until the final week of the campaign which starts Oct. 26. The plan originally called for heavy advertising for the last two weeks.The DCCC is the national campaign arm for Democrat U.S. House Candidates.The market which includes New Jersey and northern Delaware has numerous endangered Democrat seats including Pa7 where former federal prosecutor Republican Pat Meehan is fighting Democrat state Rep. Bryan Lentz for the seat being giving up by Democrat Joe Sestak; Pa8 where Democrat incumbent Patrick Murphy is down in ...
  • 10/19/2010 11:02 AM BLOG.BILLLAWRENCEONLINE.COM wrote:
    The Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is cutting back its Philadelphia television ad buys until the final week of the campaign which starts Oct. 26. The plan originally called for heavy advertising for the last two weeks.The DCCC is the national campaign arm for Democrat U.S. House Candidates.The market which includes New Jersey and northern Delaware has numerous endangered Democrat seats including Pa7 where former federal prosecutor Republican Pat Meehan is fighting Democrat state Rep. Bryan Lentz for the seat being giving up by Democrat Joe Sestak; Pa8 where Democrat incumbent Patrick Murphy is down in the ...

  • 9/28/2010 12:04 PM Jim wrote:

    Pool Boy Patrick "Patlosi" Murphy has voted with the Obama regime 97% of the time yet he claims to be a "blue dog" fiscal conservative! Patlosi, that dog don't hunt no more! Your day of reckoning is coming on November 2nd. Get that Rolodex updated because you'll be looking for new employment just like the thousands of constituents in your district who lost their jobs under the Obama/Reid/Pelosi/Patlosi regime.

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