My Name is Dennis Knill and I am Running For President of the United States
I am not a Politician!
I am an honest Hardworking American Patriot and statesman
I am America's only and last chance candidate to be able to reform Washington and the bureaucrats

I am happy with the current political enviorment.

I think America needs change

I am currently registered to vote

I believe politicians have my best interests in mind when making

Paid for by friends of Dennis Knill for President
Donations are not tax deductible
Dennis Knill for President | Dennis Knill | Presidential Candidate 2012

Our mission is simple. We are here to bring the United States of America back on track, the way the founding fathers intended it to be.

1. One Nation Under God !

2.  Lower the income tax to 7% for everyone. 46% of the working force doesn't pay any income tax. That's not fair !!!   Everyone that is working, will see an automatic pay raise.( except those that aren't paying any tax ).
Have a 7% usage tax , so we can bring down the National Debt, and a 7% corporate tax. That will bring more corporations back home ! 

3. A smaller government that works for the people!

4. Bring back manufacturing and productions, creating more jobs and a prosperous economy! Proudly advertising  "Quality, Made in the USA!"

5.Support ALL business , big and small, so all citizens can prosper!

6. CUT all frivolous spending!

7. Pay off at least part or all of the national debt!

8. Secure Our Borders! All illegal immigrants will be sent back! They can live here, by becoming citizens, legally, the way we all did!  If you are here now, and getting good grades in school or if you own a business
or have a good job and or family and are productive, we will help you become a citizen of the United States. There will be  NO  MORE  ANCHOR  BABIES !!!

9. STOP the wars! Bringing our troops home!

10. Abolish Obamacare! Make affordable health care available for all citizens if they want it!

11. Reform the lending institutions! Help people to stay in their homes, we have too many vacant houses!

12. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms!

13. Live by and Uphold the Constitution!

14. Limit the terms for Congress and the Senate to 4 years each, unless voted in for a second term and then they are out!

15. Limit welfare! It is NOT a career!

16. Maintain the most powerful military on earth!

17. Keep the government out of the private sector!