
Head of State:President Dr Borut Pahor

Head of Government:Prime Minister Janez Janša

National Assembly (Državni zbor):90 members

Last election:Presidential, 11 November and 2 December 2012

Next election:Legislative, due in 2015

Parliamentary Elections

Presidential Elections

Election results 2012. Electoral Districts

EP elections

Slovenia elects 7 members to the European Parliament. The electoral system is based on proportional representation. In the 2009 EP elections the center-left success from the Presidential elections of 2007 and the Parliamentary elections of 2008 continued, with the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) emerging as the winner, with 26.66 percent of the votes and 2 seats..[read more..]

Election results 2009, main parties. Electoral Districts

EU related referendums

On 23 March 2003 a referendum was held on the following question: "Do you agree that the Republic of Slovenia should become a member of the European Union?". Despite some conflictual issues during the EU accession negotiations, the positive outcome of the referendum was never in question..[read more]

Referendum on the Accession to the European Union, 2003. Electoral Districts