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Make a Splash

Seaside style

Under the sea? That seashell bikini may work for a mermaid. But when you get landlocked, a drop more clothing is in order. What’s an off-duty sea siren to do? Search out aquatic-inspired fashions, of course. Sparkling shoes. Liquid-look purses. Rippled and ruffled dresses that shimmer with ocean hues. It’s hard not to make waves when you’re dolled up in deep blue and aqua. Shore up your own style with this oh-so-seaworthy collection.

Created by phoebe-occ

Deep Sea

What lies beneath

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Think you know everything? Think again. There are places on Earth that remain almost entirely unknown. Like the depths of the sea. There’s a whole world down there, and so far we’ve only discovered a small fraction of it. It’s a mystery, floating around thousands of miles deep below the surface. Waiting to be discovered. But for now, use the depths of your imagination, and add some of that mystery to your home. Get your sea legs with this collection of underwater treasures.


Have a soak

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Cold weather got you riled? It’s certainly something to get steamed over. After a frigid day in the city, or a rigorous romp on the slopes, nothing’s nicer than a long soak in a tub of soothing warm water. Since the beginning of humankind, we’ve been obsessed with the healing powers of H2O. Makes sense—we came from the sea, after all. And when we seek comfort, water’s warm embrace calls us back. This calming collection will help turn your next bath into a splash.

A curated collection that will have your inner warrior shining through your practice all the way to savasana.

Spruced Up

Unlocking evergreen style

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Tired of looking at bare hillsides and leafless trees? Look closer: pine trees stay green all year long. Always vibrant, through cold and warmth. Through the beautiful days and the miserable ones. Plow on through the winter without losing your freshness. Stay steadfastly stylish. Be evergreen with this verdant womenswear collection.

Treehouse Treasures

The ultimate playroom

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The game of hide and seek is on! One, two, three … You run, clambering up a rough wooden ladder nailed to a tree trunk. Whew! Made it. The ultimate hiding spot. Looking over the green treetops, you catch your breath. Birds chirp and leaves rustle. And the blue sky looks endless. A treehouse seems like something out of a fantasy—a building perched in the sky. But the reality, sitting there among the branches, is just as magical. So whether you’re looking for a secret clubhouse, a perfect stargazing perch, or just a new perspective, seek out this playful collection of toys.

Pinelands Pilgrimage

The woods in winter

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A cup of tea first, or a forest hike? Fireside reading or a pinecone hunt? These are the pressing concerns of woodland living. There are no emails to check, no noisy neighbors to distract. And your “commute”? It’s sweetly scented with cedar and pine. Adventure always awaits in the forest—but it can wait until after dinner, too. So let the soup simmer. Break out the linen napkins. Whether deep in the woods or in your own urban enclave, slow down and spruce up with the home goods here.

He likes his coffee from a roaster in Vermont. He also makes his own beer in his Williamsburg loft.

Biker Attitude

Get your motor running

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Remember James Dean? That fiercely cool biker style? Well, it was more than just the attitude. The bike had a whole lot to do with it. From steam-powered to self-propelled, the motorcycle’s been around since the middle of the 19th century. And we still think of it in terms of thrill, speed and adventure. So time to zip along the highways. Or through the city streets. And stay impeccably cool the whole time. Here’s a collection that won’t just make you go fast—it’ll make everyone seem slow.

Before the Big Time

Pre-stardom music legends

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Elvis Presley once said, “I never expected to be anybody important.” Man was he wrong. He hit all the right notes on the way to becoming a hip-swerving singing sensation. And his story likely strikes a chord with other musical royalty, from The Rolling Stones to Madonna to Jay-Z. Before the global tours and platinum records, they were all dreamers. Bright-eyed and youthful. Full of aspiration to make it big one day. So take a cue from these musical masters with this harmonious collection of early-stardom memorabilia.


Home computing, the early years

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“Think different.” Steve Jobs’s approach to technology wasn’t just outside the box—it was outside the house. In his family’s garage, to be specific, where he co-founded Apple in 1976. Its success helped bring affordable desktop computers to homes across the country. Soon, his competitors in the PC market were running Windows software—co-developed by Bill Gates in a garage of his own. Who’d have thought they’d make the world so different? Go tech-wild with this collection of vintage hardware, from when Silicon Valley garage were the new frontier.

C’est la Vie!

Paris, in vogue

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It’s 8 p.m. The lights of the Eiffel Tower begin shining. Heels click on the cobblestones. And Parisians dawdle in cafés, glasses of Pinot in hand. Time for a stroll on the quays along the Seine. And you can do it looking like you’ve never been anywhere else. A true native. Add that je ne sais quoi to your style. With this collection, dress yourself up in Paris, like you’ve walked right off the Champs-Élysées.

Warm It Up

Island life

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Tired of icicle toes? Over bundling up and snuggling in? You could wait for summer, or—much more fun—head to the islands. Swaying to steel drums in St. Barts would heat things up nicely. And this slice of French Caribbean paradise is just a hop and a skip from the Florida coast. Grab a straw hat. Throw your bikini in a tote. And dig those thawing digits into warm sand. The beachy gear in this calypso collection will get you ready for the island life.

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