Prothinspo has the largest selection of diet, exercise and celebrity weight loss in the world. With a thinspiration
gallery to keep you motivated visually with Celebrity and Supermodel Tips and Tricks to weight loss
from Jodee the Queen of this scene...


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The tools and information on the this site are intended as an aid to weight loss and weight maintenance, and do not offer medical advice. If you suffer from, or think you may
suffer from, a medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting a weight loss and/or exercise regime. If you decide to start exercising after a period of
relative inactivity you should start very slowly and consult your doctor if you experience any discomfort, distress or any other symptoms. If you feel any discomfort or pain
when you exercise, do not continue. The tools and information on the this site are not intended for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, or for any person under the
age of 18.
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rights reserved.
"PROTHINSPO" is a trademark of Prothinspo Incorporated. All rights reserved.
All content on this website should be considered for entertainment purposes.

Caffeine Supplements
Today’s urban warriors are much the same. Ginseng, caffeine and Eastern medicine are still being utilized.
Now as it was then, you are no where without the basics namely sleep, smart eating and exercise. First aim for at the minimum 6hours of sleep a night, for some a brief nap
may lead to greater alertness and productivity.
Pack in energy-promoting foods. The definition of energy is calories so make them count. Veggies provide fiber, vitamins and nutrients. Nutrition bars are a great source as
well ...
Caffeine is America’s most popular drug some 85% of Americans drink coffee or some type of caffeinated product. Americans usually are not the healthiest of the planets
people there are better choices to make.  South Central America they use a product called Yerba Mate and
Guarana. West Africa the caffeine choice is kola nut and leaf.
Caffeine works by stimulating the nervous system to speed up the heart rate, raise blood pressure and rev up the metabolism (helping the body lose weight.) It also
heightens alertness and concentration...

The facts about "Carb" depleting You cannot completely delete "carbs" from your life. You need them to keep energy and focused. Their are many diets and products on the
market today that can confuse anyone. Even someone who actually knows!

Buy yourself all the tools you need to attain your goals.
With any lifestyle it takes investment. The good thing about this change in lifestyle is that you save money on food and spend your money on a lifetime of self satisfaction.
Pick out a great measuring tape maybe an electric one and body fat counter. Always have an accurate Scale buy a diet book that has foods in it that you like. I
I sell a lot of my favorite thinspo products
(click here) few sites are dedicated to the aspects of calorie restricting lifestyles now I have a section for Cellulite,
Fasting Products and my own line of Hydroxy ..... ya know only the  best quick weight loss products and stuff!
Check out my sample pack of products that all work together....
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These super diet pills make weight come off fast. They create a thermogenasis effect in the body causing it to burn fat faster by using the bodies heat. This also causes the
body to remove excess water from the body. Most of these products I have tried and lost weight but not as much as I had heard I could... so I investigated the situation and
found the right mixture of all of the extracts and have started my own product line.
To find out more please
click here.

Body cleansers work because they clean the body of the toxins it is holding. If the body is holding to many toxins it does not lose weight rapidly or work efficiently. I am sure
you have heard about all the new teas and cleansers.
They do work. You need to find one that works for your needs.

Become a Prothinspo Member... get the products and the support with emails and
visualization techniques... click here..
Answers to your diet supplement questions. Okay, if you are dieting and find yourself binging or purging .. try the Prothinspo
hoodia pop sample and see if it works for you. If
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until mid afernoon and then go crazy.. try
Prothinspo super slim shots.
The #1 weight loss product in the world is Prothinspo Hydroxy it is the strongest weight loss supplement. If you are someone who eats right and works out but doesn't seem
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BS or BSP.
If you have cellulite and belly fat that will just not go away from diet and exercise than the Prothinspo Chadebugre is best for you. The great thing about the products is that
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click here.
If you have questions please contact me for further help... Click here.
Just finished reading "Wasted" again. Her story is so real to so many of us who have an eating
disorder. After I put the book down I came into the living room and THS investigations on the
starving for perfection from 2006... Wow, they were showing this episode. It seemed so old and out
of date but the content of course is the same always.. The focus on eating disorders. But then as I
changed through the channels there was Dr. Phil and then Tyra...
so I figured I would start this page with one of my favorite quotes from Mayra..
"Bear in mind, people with eating dissorders tend to be both competitive and intelligent. We are
incredibly perfectionistic. We often excel in school,athletics,artistic pursuits. We also tend to quit
without warning. Refuse to go to school,drop out,quit jobs,leave lovers,move,lose all our money. We
get sick of being impressive. Rather,we tire of having to seem impressive. As a rule,most of us
never really believed we were any good in the first place."

Behavioural Signs of Anorexia
Anorexia is an eating disorder that manifests itself through an intense fear of gaining weight and
body fat, and results in behaviours such as extreme dieting, outright fasting and excessive
exercising to burn calories. Most anorexics do not recognise their behaviours as dangerous and
may be so rigid in their regimes that they are unwilling to consider acting in a different way. Many
anorexics engage in behaviours such as:
•        Obsessively counting calories.
•        Skipping meals.
•        “Playing” with or pushing food around a plate rather than eating it.
•        Hiding food (in a napkin, under a plate, etc.) to avoid eating it.
•        Lying about having eaten in an attempt to avoid a meal or snack.
•        Avoiding social events which require eating or involve food.
•        Eating only a limited number or type of food.
•        Exercising excessively, particularly after or “to make up for” eating.
•        Dramatically losing weight.
•        Showing excessive interest in weight, body image and fasting.
•        Hiding behind loose or baggy clothing.
•        Displaying low energy levels.
•        Frequently falling ill.
•        Sleeping excessively, including during the day.
•        Showing low or no sex drive.
Behavioural Signs of Bulimia
Bulimia is an eating disorder that manifests itself through binge eating followed by purging
behaviours such as vomiting or taking laxatives. Many bulimics engage in behaviours such as:
•        Binging, or eating a great amount of food in one sitting.
•        Purging, or attempting to get rid of eaten food by inducing vomiting or taking laxatives or
•        Hiding the reserved for binges including bread, pasta, sweets, desserts, crisps and ice cream.
•        Lying about what has been eaten.
•        Purging in secret.
•        Hiding items such as laxatives or diuretics.
•        Displaying concern for body weight, body shape and overall image.
•        Frequently complaining of sore throats (brought on by repeated vomiting).
•        Frequently complaining of dental problems (also brought on by repeated vomiting).
•        Hiding behind loose or baggy clothing.
•        Showing low or no sex drive.
Behavioural Signs of Binge Eating Disorder
Those suffering from binge eating disorder will consume large amounts of food at one sitting but will
not purge or rid themselves of this food afterwards. Many binge eaters engage in behaviours such
•        Ingesting an excessive amount of food, even if they are not hungry.
•        Eating until they feel uncomfortable or sick.
•        Hiding their eating habits due to shame or embarrassment.
•        Hiding secret stashes of food for binges.
•        “Grazing” for as long as food is available.
•        Emotional eating, or eating when they feel stressed out or overwhelmed.
•        Feeling out of control, ashamed and/or guilty both during and after a binge.
•        Expressing disgust at their eating, weight, body or appearance.
Eating Attitudes Test
By D.M. Garner, M.P. Olmsted, Y. Bohr, and P.E. Garfinkel
Use this quiz to help you determine
if you might need to see a mental health professional for diagnosis
and treatment of anorexia, bulimia, or another eating disorder.

Instructions: This is a screening measure to help you determine whether you might have an eating
disorder that needs professional attention. This screening measure is not designed to make a
diagnosis of an eating disorder or take the place of a professional diagnosis or consultation. Please
take the time to fill out the below form as accurately, honestly and completely as possible. All of your
responses are confidential.
On Television pretty much on every channel is something about eating disorders.
Starving for Perfection
Tyra banks extreme dieting
Men and body images
Skinny 911
Desperate diets.