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Executive Style



Five steps to a happier workplace

Michelle McQuaid Get your employees smiling on the International Day of Happiness.


What time do high achievers get up?


Leah McLennan Top Aussie CEOs have their say on whether the early bird really does get the worm.


Why 'uptalk' could cost you a promotion


Lydia Dallett Ending sentences with an upward inflection makes you sound less confident.


Rinehart richer, but falls down Forbes' list

Gina Rinehart.

Greg Roberts Gina Rinehart has tumbled 10 places on a list of the world's wealthiest.

Perenna Kei named youngest billionaire on Forbes rich list


She's the youngest billionaire on the planet, according to the latest Forbes list of who's who in the world of wealth.


Meet the world's youngest billionaire

Perenna Kei is the youngest billionaire on the planet, according to Forbes.


How about a massage with your meeting?


Rachael Oakes-Ash You shouldn't mix business and pleasure, unless it's in a "massage meeting".


Anatomy of a catastrophe


STEVE COLQUHOUN Ten lessons learned amid one of the world's worst natural disasters.


What can business learn from the movies?

Dr King Schultz.

Alexandra Tselios Three dubious characters who would be unlikely business success stories.


Ten signs you should quit your job

Is it time you moved on?

Richard Feloni How do you know when it's time to call it quits? Here are the key signs it's time to move on.


What is Geelong's mayor doing?

Darryn Lyons

STEVE COLQUHOUN COMMENT: Charged with saving an ailing city, why is Darryn Lyons playing the buffoon?

Comments 129


Are you sure you want to be the CEO?


Sylvia Pennington A deputy role can be more fulfilling and less stressful than running the show.


Are you the office dragon?


Alexandra Tselios Five signs you're feared and not respected, and how to overcome it.


Ten tips to negotiate a pay rise


Max Nisen Get the upper hand in one of the most nerve-wracking conversations of all.


Five ways to manage a bad boss

Boss generic

Sylvia Pennington Is an incompetent manager making your life a misery? Do something about it.

Comments 62


Lessons from the world's toughest workplace


Rachael Robertson The leader of an Antarctic expedition shares her top tips for managing a team under duress.


Ten things you do that top leaders hate

Chewing gum.

Alison Griswold What would really, truly annoy Barack Obama or Oprah Winfrey if you had the chance to meet them?


When can I stop feeling like a fake?


Sylvia Pennington Do you go to work every day secretly waiting for someone to rumble you for the fraud that you feel like?

Comments 36


How to survive change and thrive


Sylvia Pennington Restructuring and job cuts are a fact of life, but you can survive change and even thrive.


50 rules for doing business in Australia


Paul Colgan Look people in the eye, never wear shorts in the office and always have an opinion.

Comments 26

In Pictures


Editor's Pick


Dressing to kill in custom clothes

It's no surprise that men are turning to bespoke tailors in hopes of cultivating that James Bond look.

Body basics

A man's guide to grooming

Is it time to ditch your soap, and those other bad grooming habits that clock-up extra miles?

Tailor made

In the hands of a few good men

Dressing up is in fashion again and Sydney's tailors are stepping into the limelight.