28 August 2014

Gaza truce sets stage for deepening of crisis in Israel

By Barry Grey, 28 August 2014

The indecisive manner in which the latest Gaza war has apparently concluded—leaving a horrific toll of death and destruction among the Palestinians and an unusually high number of dead Israeli soldiers—has left large sections of the Israeli population questioning what the war was all about and why it was waged.

Holocaust survivors indict Israel’s massacre in Gaza

More on the war in Gaza »

Australian government ready to join US air war in Middle East

By Peter Symonds, 28 August 2014

While Abbott and his ministers claim “no decision has been made,” preparations for Australian military involvement are well advanced.

More on the crisis in Iraq and Syria »

NATO steps up military preparations against Russia

By Kumaran Ira, 28 August 2014

NATO is preparing to deploy troops to new bases in Eastern Europe and sending war ships into the Black Sea.

More on the crisis in Ukraine »

Thousands face loss of service as water shutoffs resume in Detroit

By Thomas Gaist and Shannon Jones, 28 August 2014

The WSWS spoke to many of the hundreds of workers and retirees who are seeking to keep their water from being cut off.

Detroit water shutoffs violate human rights

More on the Detroit bankrupcy »

Audio recording sheds light on the murder of Michael Brown

By Niles Williamson, 28 August 2014

CNN published an audio recording Monday indicating that the officer who killed Michael Brown paused between barrages of gunfire, shooting at least 10 rounds.

Video: Interviews with workers at the funeral of Michael Brown in St. Louis

Boston workers denounce militarization of police

By Mike Ingram, 28 August 2014

New Orleans mayor announces semi-private police force

By Tom Hall, 28 August 2014

The official cover-up of social and political issues in the police murder of Michael Brown

More on the police killing in St. Louis »

Florida Democrats nominate former Republican governor

By Patrick Martin, 28 August 2014

Once reveling in the title “chain-gang Charlie” for his savage law-and-order policies, Crist has been nominated by the Democratic Party for the upcoming gubernatorial election.

Ohio charter schools seek to strip public education of constitutional protection

By Nancy Hanover, 28 August 2014

For-profit charter school businessmen are spearheading an attempted modification of the Ohio Constitution to eliminate its guarantee of public education.

Residents of Bell, California mobilize in support of immigrants

By Norisa Diaz, 28 August 2014

The response of workers in Bell is a rejection of the right-wing xenophobia earlier on view in the city of Murrieta.

A crime against humanity on America’s border

More on the assault on immigrants »

India: Four workers killed in Tamil Nadu plastic depot blaze

By our correspondents, 28 August 2014

Rajakani Traders has been operating for about eight years despite repeated local complaints about the depot’s location.

Income inequality rises sharply in Britain

By Robert Stevens, 28 August 2014

The country is sharply polarised between a tiny minority who control much of the country’s wealth and monopolise political life, and the vast majority who have little control over either.

Australian government pushes ahead with university restructuring

By Chris Johnson and Mike Head, 28 August 2014

The Abbott government is deepening the pro-market assault on higher education begun by the previous Labor government.

Ground water is depleting in the Colorado River Basin

By Stuart Winter, 28 August 2014

A recent NASA satellite survey contains “shock” findings on water loss.

New in French

Les Etats-Unis soutiennent une nouvelle offensive française au Mali

Par Jill Lux, 28 août 2014

Après la campagne militaire menée l'an dernier au Nord Mali, Paris lance une vaste opération militaire en Afrique occidentale.

Du Salvador aux États-Unis: l’histoire d’un adolescent immigrant

Par Kevin Martinez et Marc Wells, 28 août 2014

Le WSWS s'est entretenu avec quelqu'un qui, à l’adolescence, a fui la pauvreté et la violence au Salvador.

Un moment clé de la préhistoire des Lumières

Par Tom Carter, 28 août 2014

Le livre de Greenblatt fait la chronique d'un événement peu reconnu mais néanmoins significatif de l'histoire des idées humaines: la redécouverte du poème de Lucrèce De rerum natura.

New in German

Obama kündigt lange Militäraktion im Irak und Syrien an

Von Bill Van Auken, 28. August 2014

Obama hielt am Dienstag auf einem Kongress der Amerikanischen Legion eine militaristische Rede, zeitgleich berichtet die Presse, dass schon Ende der Woche amerikanische Luftangriffe auf Syrien beginnen könnten.

Unbegrenzter Waffenstillstand in Gaza in Kraft

Von Peter Symonds, 28. August 2014

Hamas-Führer erklärten sich gestern zum Sieger, aber die meisten ihrer Forderungen wurden nicht erfüllt.

Ägypten und Vereinigte Emirate:
Gemeinsame Luftangriffe auf Libyen

Von Patrick Martin, 28. August 2014

Bewaffnete Konflikte erstrecken sich über Nordafrika und den Nahen Osten von Tripolis bis nach Bagdad.

Die Schottische Sozialistische Partei versucht die Arbeiterklasse zu spalten

Von Steve James, 28. August 2014

Die schottischen Nationalisten und die ex-linken Tendenzen haben alle ihre Kräfte auf Versammlungen, Hausbesuche, Showeinlagen und Flugblattaktionen konzentriert, um die Kampagne zu unterstützen, deren zentrale Aufgabe die Spaltung der Arbeiterklasse in Großbritannien ist.

Other Languages


The German intervention in Iraq

28 August 2014

After years of relative restraint, Germany is intervening to assert its global economic and geostrategic interests by military means.

Earlier Perspectives »


More pro-war propaganda from NY Times columnist Roger Cohen
US “errors” and the debacle in the Middle East

By Bill Van Auken, 28 August 2014

The New York Times’ Roger Cohen lays the blame for the bloody events in the region on a series of US “errors,” most importantly a failure to go to war in Syria.

Egypt, UAE conducted joint air strikes in Libya

By Patrick Martin, 27 August 2014

Former head CIA lawyer defends torture in Der Spiegel interview

By Eric London, 27 August 2014

Fears of “a new cold war” and conflict in Asia

The Bank of America settlement and the “justice” of capitalism

Arts Review

HBO’s True Detective: Gruesome doings and deep-going pessimism

By Christine Schofelt, 28 August 2014

Presented in an almost painterly fashion, the first season of True Detective offers up a sad picture indeed.

The Newburgh Sting: A case of entrapment

By Isaac Finn, 27 August 2014

Woody Allen’s Magic in the Moonlight: Keeping life at a distance

Scottish referendum campaign

Second televised debate on Scottish independence: A dialogue of bankrupts

By Jordan Shilton, 27 August 2013

How Scotland’s Radical Independence Campaign sells nationalism to the working class

Scottish Socialist Party seeks to divide the working class

More coverage on the Scottish referendum campaign »

Socialist Equality Party

SEP/IYSSE public meetings
Military-police violence in Ferguson, Missouri: The war comes home

The Socialist Equality Party and International Youth and Students for Social Equality are hosting a series of meetings throughout the country on the lessons of police violence in Ferguson.

The Fight Against War and the Political Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party
Resolution of the SEP (US) Third National Congress

25 August 2014

This is the main resolution of the Third National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US), adopted unanimously on August 5, 2014.

The Detroit Bankruptcy

“Folks just can’t afford water, rent, lights, gas and food”
Detroit “water affordability fair” attendees denounce shutoffs

By Zac Corrigan and Tim Rivers, 26 August 2014

Thousands attend “affordability fair” as Detroit prepares to resume water shutoffs

“They treat us like savages!”
Detroit workers, retirees denounce water shutoffs

More on the Detroit Bankruptcy »

Video reports on police violence in Ferguson, Missouri

“We have the right to protest. We have the right to assemble”
Anger mounts in Ferguson, Missouri over police repression

By Andre Damon and Eric London, 20 August 2014

More on the police killing in St. Louis »

25 years ago: Voyager 2 flies by Neptune and Triton

On August 25, 1989, the spacecraft Voyager 2 made its closest approach to the planet Neptune, still the only successful visit by a manmade craft to the most distant planet in the solar system.

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50 years ago: Uprising in Philadelphia

On August 28 an uprising against police brutality took place in Philadelphia. In three days of rioting that followed, 774 people were arrested, 341 people were injured, and 225 businesses were damaged.

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75 years ago: Anglo-Polish defense pact signed

In the wake of the signing of the Hitler-Stalin pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, on August 25, 1939, an Anglo-Polish Common Defence Pact was reached between the British government and the Polish administration in Warsaw.

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100 years ago: German army conducts assault on Louvain, Belgium

On August 25, 1914, the German army entered the Belgian city of Louvain, unleashing mass destruction over the following five days.

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