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Facing Monday Deadline, Hong Kong Protesters Start PullbackNYT Now

In a deal announced with a handshake, pro-democracy demonstrators began pulling back after the government set a Monday morning deadline for the police to ensure access to the government complex.

Democrats Lean on PACs in Push to Counter G.O.P.NYT Now

With the battle for the Senate tilting toward Republicans, Democrats are more reliant than they have ever been on the very kind of big-money groups they have spent years trying to outlaw.

A statue of the author, with a raven, near the Boston Common. Credit Jim Badershall

Poe’s Feud With Boston? NevermoreNYT Now

The love-hate relationship that Edgar Allan Poe had with the city where he was born will be set aside on Sunday when a statue to the master of macabre will be unveiled.

Afghanistan Reverses Expulsion of Times ReporterNYT Now

Matthew Rosenberg, who was expelled from the country in August, will be allowed to return effective immediately, according to the Afghan attorney general’s office.


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    Sunday Review

    Reining In Egypt’s Military Aid

    It’s time for the United States to disabuse Egyptian leaders of the notion that they are entitled to aid in perpetuity.

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      The Upshot
      Rethinking the Bailouts

      America remains deeply conflicted about what our government did on our behalf.


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      On the Market in New York City

      This week’s properties include a NoLIta condo, a Midtown East co-op and a Carroll Gardens house.