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goodreads -an angry update.

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Dec. 16th, 2014 | 10:22 pm

For those who don't know what this issue is about, please refer to my previous post, right HERE

There has been a lot of discussion on my last post. Interstingly enough, someone on Lj who's a "librarian" for the goodreads website offered to remove my entry and profile there -which has been done. You can go through last post's comments if you want to see it, and how a lot of people are invovlved in this fuckery.

I've been talking with reggie11 of the possibility of starting a petition. Then, I just found out that someone anonymous has posted a new comment, and I have no doubts that this person actually works for goodreads or at least promote the use of fanfiction on this website.

Here's the comment.

Good news. no one is reposting the fanfic - they're just adding the title and author to their database along with comments (usually this is done to allow readers to keep track of what they've read or what they want to read). it is not against the GR policies to add a fan story that is completed, "published" (like on a blog or ao3 without friendslock) and is novel length . And once the author asks the link to their story be removed (along with the entry). Note this will remove any comments or reviews by readers (think of you deleting your blog on LJ and removing all the comments posted in the blog). the difference is that these comments and reviews are part of someone else's "blog" (if that makes sense). But the process is fairly quick.

You might want to claim your Goodreads author page so that if anyone mentions one of your stories on GR again, it will be faster to remove.

Now, let me put this in a way this anonymous person will get what I mean: THIS. IS. BULLSHIT. I do not know if this person is the same "metapodik" lj user who's been trying to convince people to use the goodreads website, and I don't really care. This is my answer.

Dear anonymous,

Don't you go flatten yourself by stating that "no one is reposting fanfic" and treating me like I'm an hysterical five years old. We all know by now how goodreads works and none of what you're saying makes sense. It is not the against the GR policy to add a "published" fanfiction? Have you even read the rules completely, or just keep those who were accomodating to you. We are intelligent people, and you should know fanfiction is a very special and specific sort of fiction that people like to share in an environment where they feel comfortable. Someone posted a link to my story, my AO3 account, and used my art without asking me first. This is shady, and a practice that should be forbidden. I don't care about gooodreads, and I don't want to know how fantastic it is. My issue is with the way my profile was added, like it was me who had posted it, and infos -very few, luckily, in my case- about me were added. I don't care about the review part, it's the last of my concerns. That you refuse to see how wrong this is is shocking. Your advice about "claiming my profile" to have a better control over my work posted there is probably the most poorly disguised miserable attempt to get me to "join", and I know for a fact that other fanfic writers had been made the same offer, when they simply didn't want their fanfiction work to have ANYTHING to do with goodreads. As for the simplicity of asking to have your profile and story removed, let me laugh, please: I didn't get any answers to my emails, "claiming a profile" requires for you to give EVEN MORE personnal informations, and even so, I know of at least one case where an author did this, took her stories and profile down, only to have someone else create another profile and post other stories.

I should not have to work constantly to be sure my stories don't end up on a website where they do not belong, so no, going back on a regular basis to be sure it hasn't been done is not an option. I have contacted the mods of AO3, because that is where my icon user was taken, and although I know there is nothing they can do, the word will be spread. I am going to go ahead and create the petition and keep asking goodreads to change their rules. So, don't even bother to answer me back, I don't want to hear anymore bullshit coming from you.

Now, friends, I wasn't sure I was the right person to start this petition with reggie11 because I don't have a lot of influence, neither am I a popular person around here (and that's fine, it's not a complain) and this needs to be spread MASSIVELY. So, please, please, if you see a petition, or something else, pass by, concerning goodreads, at least take a moment to read it and consider signing it. I don't even know what we can do, I'm no lawyer, I have very little knowledge of copyrights laws and intellectual property, but the person, or group of person, who's having fun posting profiles, personnal infos and stories on a website without our knowledge shouldn't be allowed to do it any longer.

Thank you for reading.

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Comments {5}

I can tell by your smile, you're coming undone.

(no subject)

from: yohkobennington
date: Dec. 17th, 2014 03:33 am (UTC)

What a condescending douchebag that anon. They are messing with the wrong people. They're going down.

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River Rose

(no subject)

from: emmatheslayer
date: Dec. 17th, 2014 04:04 am (UTC)

wow people are just sad I swear I am so sorry to hear this I really hope this issue gets resolved its a shame I have never been on this good reads and I do not plan too hope this gets fixs

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(no subject)

from: 69justpeachy
date: Dec. 17th, 2014 04:16 am (UTC)

To begin, I am a fan of yours! That's the reason I now follow you on LJ. You are one of the better fanfic writers. I read your post last night. And, to say it is fuckery is being kind! I am trying to delete my account. I'm out of goodreads. This is deplorable and you and the other fanfic writers have my complete and utter support. If I happen across the petition, I will certainly be sure to sign it-IN ALL CAPS!!! If there is a link, please post! Sorry for you and the other's creative robbery.

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sweatpants and coffee

(no subject)

from: sarah_sundae
date: Dec. 17th, 2014 03:37 pm (UTC)

Holy crap.

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(no subject)

from: yonkyu
date: Dec. 17th, 2014 05:24 pm (UTC)

Thanks for the information. I just looked and my Big Bang story is there. Just wow. I know what I will be doing later.


people suck

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